The militarily checked complex

Prosecutor General briefed the military and the Ministry of Industry on the devastating outcome of the audit in the defense industry.
Yesterday the management of the Prosecutor General, Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Industry and Trade held the first joint meeting of the board on which the legitimacy of the state discussed in the military-industrial complex (MIC). The findings are disappointing: aircraft and ship builders are investing budget funds in commercial banks to recover their own benefits, managers of industrial enterprises themselves are often organized theft, and the Ministry of Industry on the implementation of targeted programs of control simply "withdrew".

According to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, speaking yesterday at the board, as a result of the defense industry checks "revealed numerous instances of over-pricing of contracts." In the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) and the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) was initiated 48 criminal cases of theft and deliberate bankruptcy of enterprises. "Once the material 43 are under investigation verification", - he added.

The background papers prepared for the meeting of agencies (available to the "b"), said partsfollowing the results of inspections in 2012-2013 prosecutors it was found about 7 thousand. violations in the field of defense procurement. Federal Service for Defense Contracts in 2013 it was revealed violations at 35 billion rubles., Of which 14 billion rub.- misuse of funds. In the interest of the Ministry of Defence in the past year has not been executed 87 government contracts, advance payments for which was carried out on 80%. In addition, according to the inspectors, corporations are not met the statutory objectives for the integration of organizations into a single complex and strategic miscalculations led to "serious negative consequences".

"Relax, we do not have to"

The Ministry of Defense has reported on the implementation of the state defense order for 2013: for the standard scope of supply it is executed by 93.4%. In 2014, the amount of funds for the purchase, repair and modernization of weapons will increase by 30%
Prosecutors found that the financial situation of organizations USC deteriorated state allocated money for their recovery have not been used, and the corporation is actively placing them on deposit accounts of commercial banks. According to prosecutors, overWhen the year was taken over 34 billion rubles., and received them as a percent of 200 million rubles. spent on current activities and the payment of premiums. It was also noted that a weak cadre work contributed to participate in the direct theft of business leaders. For example, in October 2013 the police opened a criminal case against the authorities of the Baltic plant, which, according to them, illegally transferred the property to commercial structures by 23 million rubles. In the Khabarovsk region opened a criminal investigation into the theft of more than 300 million rubles. using a promissory note system - through the creation of artificial debt Amur shipyard to companies registered in Cyprus.

As part of the Navy, as of December 2013 at the orders implementing the debt amount is more than 21 billion rubles .: violations found, in particular, in the Far Eastern shipbuilding and repair center, Baltic Shipyard "Yantar" and the center of the ship repair "Zvezdochka". The latter company is also involved in the case of theft of Supplementary Accessoriesin: instead of the proper equipment for the repair of one of the ships used counterfeit. "We will review the claim, and for those positions, which we do not agree, ready to lead counter," - said yesterday, "b" in the USC, commenting on the results of checks devastating.

According to prosecutors, not better things in the KLA enterprises. The document notes that despite "unprecedented measures of state support" in the amount of 70.5 billion rubles, intended for restructuring of existing debt, their financial condition is poor -. Corporation's total debt to November 2013 amounted to more than 260 billion rubles. The authorized capital of the KLA as a result of impairment of the assets of subsidiaries decreased by 30.7 billion rubles. Directed in the period from 2007 to 2012 from the budget of 50 billion rubles. the realization of projects for the construction of civil aircraft of domestic production brought to a corporation affiliated companies "on extremely unfavorable conditions": instead of the gratuitous inclusion in the Company's authorized capital money provided to enterprises in the formloans with interest (sometimes up to 14.5% per annum). In addition to income from interest accrued Corporation received from their own factories and even interest-free loans. In addition, the document states that since 2007 the corporation has received from their companies about 4 billion rubles. dividends. While societies themselves were compelled to take commercial loans, the KLA for income on deposits was taken in 2011-2013 more than 685 million rubles.

"Most of the comments concerns the initial period of the corporation in 2007-2010 - said the" b "executive vice president of KLA Alexander Tulyakov.- In 2011, many of the issues of interaction within the group have been revised, the corporation refused on a number used to 2011 financial and management tools. " According to him, from the end of 2011, in accordance with the decisions of management and the Board of Directors of the corporation, the practice of giving interest loans to companies stopped "in 2014-2015 it is planned to complete the additional shares payment procedure by offsetting monetary claims with regard to payment of principal and assessedinterest on the previously concluded loan agreements. "

Separately, prosecutors and stopped on the results of the inspection of Industry and Trade. According to the report of the Accounting Chamber, which refers to the supervisory authority, only half of all enterprises of the industry is ready to carry out mobilization tasks on output. It is noted that the Ministry is no control over the use of subsidies for the implementation of measures to prevent the bankruptcy of enterprises:. Only 60% of organizations that have received in 2009-2013 more than 14 billion rubles, reached financial recovery. "The ministry actually kept itself aloof from the duties of the customer on the federal targeted programs, transferring these functions subordinated enterprises and commercial organizations", - believe in the supervisory agency.

Prosecutors say that the problem faced by the Ministry of Industry are not met. Thus, the performance of the program "Development of the Russian civil aviation for 2002-2010 and for the period till 2015" in terms of sales are made only by 48% in 2011-2012. In the first nine months of 2013 the volume of final sales fromTawil, only 24 billion rubles. instead of the planned 144 billion rubles. No, according to the auditors, and monitor the implementation of research and development work. "With the connivance of officials of ministry officials scientific developments of the past years are given by the manufacturers of the new - say in Genprokurature.- And after they themselves accountable in the performance of contracts concluded." The Ministry of Industry informally say "ready to develop constructive solutions that will effectively solve the outstanding issues."