Investigators sealed off Governor Khoroshavin's mansions

The Russian Investigative Committee does not exclude that the expensive houses and plots of land on the ruble, as well as apartments in luxury complexes in Moscow, were bought by Khoroshavin's family due to bribes and kickbacks.
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At the request of the investigation, the Basmanny District Court of Moscow arrested bank accounts Governor Alexander Khoroshavin accused of corruption. In addition, the sealed property in Moscow and Moscow region, worth several billion rubles, issued on his wife and son, a senior official. This three plots with detached houses in the village of MKZ-1 on the famous ruble, as well as four apartments in the elite residential complexes in the south-west and in the center of Moscow. According to experts, only the cost of apartments in the capital Khoroshavina family is estimated at 400 million to 600 million rubles. It is possible that the entire property will be arrested in a criminal case.

Investigators and detectives continue to search for Sakhalin governor Alexander Khoroshavin assets, arrested in the framework of the case of receiving kickbacks. March 18 the Basmanny District Court of Moscow satisfied the request of the investigation of the arrest Khoroshavina accounts in Sberbank, Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow and VTB. How many there frozen money, is still unknown.

It also emerged from the official family were a few apartments and houses in the metropolitan area. SoOn its famous residents and the prices Rublevo-Uspensky highway, in one of the closed and well protected elite settlements MKZ-1 in Horoshavin has three sections, numbered 175, 176 and 177, with detached houses and various buildings. They are all written on his son Khoroshavina - Ilya.

There are two two-storey house and a three-storey villa with a loft. The area of ​​one of the cottages is about 1 sq. M. m. All the buildings are made of a light construction material, and their crowns of red roof tiles. The windows are decorated with monograms sculpted, from the premises of the outputs are in the form of arches, balconies and arches supported by columns in the Greek style. Only repairs to one of the houses cost about 130 million rubles.

As it turned out, Khoroshavina family for several years trying to sell one of the sites, but can not find a buyer.

Earlier, journalists LifeNews TV channel found the Moscow real estate, registered in the Khoroshavina governor, his wife and son. In the list - four apartments located in the elite residential complexes in the south-west and in the center of Moscow - in Dmitrovskom lane. In the latter case we are talking about an apartment in a modern residential complex, formalized policy on his son - 27-year-old Ilya Khoroshavina, but lived here arrested the governor. In this house a total of 30 apartments. the smallest cost from 200 million to 300 million rubles.

Another apartment in Moscow Horoshavin bought several years ago for his son when he was about to enter the Capital Institute of oil and gas. This apartment is located in a Stalin-era building on Leninsky Prospekt, on the same street, where the main building of the university. However, according to neighbors, about 3 years ago Horoshavin Jr. sold it. The cost of this apartment is about 14 million rubles.

For the son of the governor is listed as the SUV Porsche-Cayenne-Turbo worth about 8 million rubles.

Two other apartments Horoshavin bought in elite residential complexes in the south-west of Moscow. One is located on University Avenue in the residential complex "Patriot". The house is equipped with tight security and parking Horoshavin family acquired just four parking spaces. In this house, according to LifeNews, sometimes live daughter and son arrested lipordinator.

As a real estate expert said, in this house built in 2007 and in an area with developed infrastructure, apartment prices start with a mark of 85 million rubles.

The fourth apartment, found by journalists in Moscow, is on Michurinsk the prospectus in LCD "Shuvalov". Luxury Real Estate is listed on Khoroshavina wife Irina.

Earlier, journalists LifeNews TV channel was removed from the bird's-eye view residence 'Uyun, "where Horoshavin lived in recent years. At the heavily guarded area located residential house, economic building, winter garden. According to the deputies of the Sakhalin Oblast Duma, the maintenance of this residence from the budget annually allocated 200 million rubles. It is in this house during the search found about 1 billion rubles in cash in different currencies, 800 pieces of jewelry, as well as watch collection worth $ 2 million.

Experts believe that the whole property can be arrested in a criminal case.

- Sealing of property may indicate that the investigation is going to protect it from unauthorized access,- He told "Izvestia" lawyer Alexei Mikhalchik. - The investigation will carefully check the origin of the funds, due to which these apartments and plots were bought. If it turns out that the property was derived from criminal proceeds, it will be arrested. Subsequently, the property may be turned in favor of the state or go to the payment of fines or civil suits.

However, as explained by the lawyer, if the property and assets are recorded on the relatives, the investigation may be difficult to prove that the accused are relevant to them.

Searches in a criminal case for bribery in a large scale, which is charged with the governor of the Sakhalin region Alexander Khoroshavin, held in Moscow, Moscow region and Sakhalin. Investigators conducted a total of 15 searches in the apartments, country houses, in the residences of high-ranking officials, as well as the official representation of the Sakhalin regional government in Moscow.

As the official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Vladimir Markin, "about the extent of bribery of highopostavlennogo officer can judge by the amount of cash seized from him during the search. " He also noted that in addition to money from 800 Khoroshavina expensive jewelry and a pen worth 36 million rubles were seized.

According to investigators, even in 2011, through an assistant governor Horoshavin Andrew Ikramov began to extort from the famous Sakhalin millionaire and owner of the company "Sakhalin company" Energostroy "Nicholas Crane kickbacks for obtaining lucrative government contracts in the construction of large industrial facilities in the region - unit number 4 South Sakhalin TPP-1. According to the investigation, the governor asked the businessman to 6% of the amounts that will be getting his company on the basis of the monthly acts of work performed under the contract. Thus, counting the TFR, Horoshavin got through Ikramov $ 5.6 million. It seems that it will not last the criminal case against Khoroshavina.