Hooligans of the Pechora Sea

Greenpeace activists have been charged in a new edition.

Yesterday the officers of the Investigative Committee charged the Greenpeace activists in a new edition; the activists were arrested on September 18 due to their actions in the Pechora Sea near the Prirazlomnaja platform. Investigators no longer considered an attempt of ecologists to hang a banner piracy and qualify the incident as hooliganism. The lawyers interviewed by "Kommersant" consider it more suitable, but still far-fetched: to qualify the actions of environmentalists as "disturbing to the public order" one needs to find any "society" on the high seas, which is disputable. 

The first that charges 30 detainees per share in the Pechora Sea crew members icebreaker Arctic Sunrise were charged late on Wednesday, said spokesman Vladimir Markin UK. He explained that the original charges of piracy were brought against environmentalists, including by their own fault: "The refusal of the accused to give evidence gives reason to carefully check all the possible versions of what happened, including the seizure of the platform of self-interest, and terrorist motives, and conduct illegal academicsnosti and espionage ". The investigators concluded that the actions of environmentalists, September 18 attempted to hang a banner on the" Prirazlomnaya "in protest against oil production in the Arctic covered by h. 2, Art. 213 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism committed with application objects, used as a weapon, an organized group associated with resistance to representative of authority).

As told "Kommersant" one of the lawyers involved in the case Arctic Sunrise, who asked not to be identified, investigators in Murmansk, where environmentalists are in custody, apparently, they had learned about the requalification of the news. "In the morning I got a call and was told that to press charges in the new edition will be next Monday then said that on the day before Half an hour later was told to come tonight..", - He told "Kommersant" source. Yesterday, the first by 16:00 Russian Greenpeace activist Andrei Alahverdov was taken to the building of Murmansk IC control. His in the presence of a lawyer notified the termination of criminal proceedings against him, excited by art. 227 of the Criminal Code (piracy), and presented a new indictment. "DuMay that the charges against all the 30 arrested will take several days, "- said" Kommersant "the lawyer of the British activist Anthony Perret Sergey Golubok According to him, retraining charges." gives little chance of release of the arrested "Earlier in the UK have already spoken. that does not rule out a re-qualification of charges and changes environmentalists preventive measure. This happened immediately after President Vladimir Putin said he does not consider the defendants in a criminal case by pirates (see. "Kommersant" on 26 September). At headquarters, Greenpeace yesterday said they did not agree with any form of prosecution of their colleagues: "This is still a disproportionately harsh accusation that involves imprisonment up to seven years."

At the same respondents 'b' lawyers believe that the new article does not fully reflect the essence of what happened in the Pechora Sea. "Perhaps this is arbitrariness -. The unauthorized acquisition of another property with a view to temporary use As for bullying, then here it is necessary to prove the violation of public order ", - said "Kommersant" chief scientific consultant of "The Legal Service of the capital" Dmitry Hawks. According to a senior lawyer practices of Shipbuilding and Shipping Company "Inmarin" Zhdanova Victoria, in the open sea is not possible to disturb public order, "because there is no society." "What's in this case it can be considered by society - or of an oil rig?" Gazprom ", which belongs to the platform?" - She says. With regard to the proceedings before the International Tribunal of the United Nations Law of the Sea (see. "Kommersant" dated October 5), which is demanding the release of the ship and the crew of the Netherlands addressed earlier (ship went under the flag of the State), the reclassification of charges is unlikely to affect the judicial process . "Away from the tribunal Russia will only be able to if the judges deem that the proceedings are not the actions of environmentalists detained, and in strictly legal plane, but such a development is unlikely" - sure Ms. Zhdanova.