Ex-deputy head of the Federal Tax Service is accused of waste of money in the Crimea

Defendants in the case of carving up the budget funds in the tax department will start getting acquainted with the materials.
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Investigative Committee (IC) of Russia ordered the indictment of the former Deputy Director of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) of the Russian Federation Denis Naumcheva. According to investigators, even when he was an officer, he participated in the embezzlement of budget funds allocated for the tax authorities in the Crimea. However, indict Naumchevu personally failed, he is now in hospital.

As reported by "Rosbalt" a law enforcement source, the NC indicted in the final version of the former deputy head of the administrative and management control FTS Denis Gusev and businessman Ivan Dryablovu last week. At the beginning of the investigation he was charged with article 159 of the Criminal Code (theft by fraud), but eventually reclassified acts on Article 160 of the Criminal Code (embezzlement). Similar charges have been present and Naumchevu, who had previously had the status of a suspect in the case. However, ex-deputy head of the Federal Tax Service's lawyers presented documents that their principal is in the hospital because of heart problems. Because of this procedure the charges was postponed until discharge from Naumcheva meduchrezhdeIa.

After he read the SC ruling, the investigation will be completed and all the accused will be able to begin to study the case materials.

According to the SC, in June 2014 the deputy head of the administrative and control FTS Denis Gusev management learned that the fall will be a competition for the state contract for installation of technological complexes to maintain temperature and humidity parameters of the environment in the tax inspection of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as the processing center FTS data in the communicating passage in Moscow. As investigators believe, Gusev, along with the familiar businessman Ivan Dryablovym and deputy head of the Federal Tax Service of Denis Naumchevym decided to participate in a "sawing" the budget.

For this purpose, at the end of July 2014 was created Ltd. "FSK KapitalInvest" is under control Dryablova. Businessman immediately started looking for some real acting company, the ability to perform work in the Crimea, Sevastopol and Moscow. The main condition for cooperation was the fact that the firm should inflate the cost of the documents is almost ten times and get great hours funds received "cash." In such conditions agreed to by representatives of LLC "Golden Electronics".

It is believed in the UK, then Gusev has prepared terms of reference for the competition, in which the price for the supply and installation of equipment for tax inspections had been overstated by almost ten times. It was listed starting price of the contest of 175 million rubles, while in reality, machinery and work cost a little more than 20 million rubles. This technical specification was drawn up in such a way that could only win the contest of "FGC KapitalInvest" created only in late July and had a staff of a few employees. However, it is this company was declared the winner in September 2014.

In November, the Federal Tax Service, represented by Deputy Minister Naumcheva concluded with JSC "FGC KapitalInvest" state contract to 173 million rubles. After that the winning company has signed two contracts with subcontractors of "Golden Electronics" for the supply and installation of air conditioning systems at 128 million rubles. Moreover, as the UK has established, in fact, the cost of equipment and labor accounted for only 21.9 million rubles. Ostnuyu amount of 94.5 million rubles LLC "Golden Electronics" was to be given in the form of "rollback" Dryablovu. He was going to give the money to employees FTS.

When, in February 2015, came into the office Dryablov "Golden Electronics" for the first tranche in the amount of 16 million rubles, he was arrested by the FSB. Following the handcuffs put on Gusev. He has long denied guilt, but in July 2015 made a confession as to themselves and to Naumcheva.

During the investigation, the FSB found that Naumcheva family builds a luxurious mansion in the prestigious district of Moscow region. Its area exceeded 3.5 thousand sq. M. meters. Police officers visited this building with columns and even looked inside. There they found a room that off with an elite Italian marble, and the value of each tile is more than $ 60 thousand.

In August 2015 Naumchev left his post, and in the near future will be accused in the sensational case.