Workers of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP asked the president to conduct a new investigation into the accident

They do not believe in the conclusions of the examination; a corresponding letter to the Head of State was signed by 2000 people.
Seven employees of the power plant were found guilty of violations of safety rules (Art. 3 of Art. 216 of the Criminal Code), which in August 2009 led to the tragic accident at the hydroelectric power plant, should be the message of Sayanogorsk city court. Former Chief Engineer Andrei Mitrofanov HPP, ex-director of the power plant Nikolai Nevolko and former deputy chief engineer of the hydroelectric power station - Gennady Nikitenko Eugene Shervarli and received sentences ranging from 5.5 to 6 years in prison, former employees of the equipment monitoring service Alexander Klyukach and Alexander Matvienko - 4 5 years probation, their colleague Vladimir Beloborodov - 4.5 years imprisonment, but was pardoned.

The accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP occurred August 17, 2009 studs that held the cover of hydraulic unit number 2, did not stand the pressure, the lid blew off and he flew into the spurting jets of water that flooded the engine room and utility room. Killed 75 people, all 10 hydroelectric units were damaged.

The investigation and the court determined that Nevolko not complied with the modern and high-quality equipment installation and adopted a plan of action in the case of the Czech Republicezvychaynyh situations where there were no recommendations for the HPS flood event, it said in a statement TFR. Chief Engineer Mitrofanov knew hydraulic unit number 2 runs with high vibration, but continued its operation. Shervarli Nikitenko and did not provide continuous monitoring of the condition of hydraulic turbine cover. Beloborodov and Klyukach deliberately inflated evaluation of vibration state hydro unit number 2, and their chief Matvienko ignored the growth of not less than 3 times the level of vibration of said hydraulic unit.

The trial was deeply flawed, and the decision was made based on the opinion of the Russian Environmental Fund "Teheko", which experts were not of Hydraulic Engineering, says lawyer Alexander Nevolko Kochubin. According to him, the defense has repeatedly applied for attracting competent experts, but the court has always refused. In the conclusions of the examination and the staff do not believe HPP. They wrote a letter to President Vladimir Putin, in which they asked for a new investigation of the accident causes (a letter signed by more than 2,000 people, a copy is in "Vedomosti"). Leading offetsialisty on vibromonitoring told the court that there was no long-term vibration hydraulic unit before the accident was not, do not feel it, and worked in the building before the accident, officials said the letter. Vibration recorded only one out of 10 experimental sensor measuring system, which has not been put into operation, the sensor showed a higher vibration and hydraulic unit at a standstill, says the head of the Sayano-Shushenskoye training center Vadim idea. The peculiarity of operating HPP specialists is that they only work on the instructions of the manufacturer, or the general designer, he says. According to the regulations of the plant pin, because the cliff where the accident occurred, were required to work 30 years without replacement, said the idea.

Among the hydropower experts and scholars there is no consensus on the causes of the accident, the scientific debate continues, recognizes the Representative of "RusHydro" Elena Vishnjakova. At the same time measures implemented after the accident preclude the recurrence of such an accident, she points out. The company paid 11.7 billion rubles. (Excluding VAT)and new hydroelectric "Power Machines" (in which enters and Leningrad Metal Works - Supplier emergency unit number 2), with improved characteristics. The representative of the "Power Machines" questions are not answered.