The owner of Tashir: how Samvel Karapetyan ended up in the top 10 state contractors

As RBC found out, the company associated with Tashir Group of Samvel Karapetyan, received government contracts worth more than 52 billion rubles in 2015 . How do they manage to win contracts of the Presidential Administrative Department, the FSO and Gazprom?
Origin source
The Moscow office of "Tashir" is owned by Karapetyan in the business center "Nepman Club" in Podkolokolny lane. On the ground floor "Nepmana" - a restaurant and karaoke Forbest: the first six letters similar to Forbes magazine logo with the letter t meets tiny squiggle. By this sign, his success Karapetyan foresaw: the institution was opened in 2008 - two years before it turned on the Forbes list of the richest businessman in the Russians.

From correspondents RBC billionaire is found in "Nepman Club" huge office: on the bright walls - Yerevan scenery from the window - view of the center of Moscow. "Tashir" is considered one of the largest players in the market of commercial real estate, but as RBC discovered, a significant portion of income Karapetyan past two years, bringing the work of the state, including the capital authorities.

According to RBC estimates, from 2014 related to "Tashir" received orders from the structure of state companies and agencies around 116.2 billion rubles., Of which about 52.9 billion rubles. - In 2015 (see the FAQ.).

With this portfolio Karapetyan could well be on the ninthanother line of Forbes rating - "Kings of the state order - 2016". Now this place is a manufacturer of pipes for the "Gazprom" - the owner of the company "Pipe innovative technologies" Ivan Shabalov, the sum of its gospodryadov estimated at 38.1 billion rubles. Karapetyan and overtake Shabalova founder of Crocus Group Aras Agalarov from 69.3 billion rubles.

"And the power, and construction, and all-all-all"

How does the "Tashir"

According to the data of "Tashir", the group includes more than 200 companies from different business sectors - real estate development, finance, industry, construction, energy, retail, catering and entertainment industries: their list is not published. Unified management holding company structure in Karapetyan's not - the company "Tashir Management", "Tashir Capital" and "Tashir Fund" only partially fulfill this function.

For the most part, "Tashir" companies run by the same people working, judging by registering addresses in adjacent offices and buildings. Construction company group unites membership in self-regulatory organization (SRO) "Union buildsYelnia companies "Tashir", confirms the representative Karapetyan.

Using data SPARK and procurement portal RBC analyzed 181 company ranking in the holding company established by SROs. It turned out that at least 18 of them are affiliated with the "Tashir" and thus is the largest recipient of government contracts.

To get the total amount of state contracts "Tashir", the results of all the competitions were stacked, where these companies have the status of "winner" and "The contract". Actual amounts may differ slightly as to the status of "Winner" on the public procurement portal contains only the initial contract price, excluding the reduction, which could offer the company.

It turned out to be related to "Tashir" structure could obtain government contracts worth about 42.5 billion rubles. in 2014, 52.9 billion rubles. in 2015 and 20.8 billion rubles. in the first quarter of 2016: the aggregate approximately 116.2 billion rubles.

40% of revenues

On the "Tashir" the site says that the income of "the main areas of activity of the group" in 2015 amounted to 140 billion rubles. According to Forbes estimates, in the same year "Tashir "has collected $ 610 million from the tenants (41,7 bln.). It turns out that on government orders may account for about 40% of the total group revenue, and this source of income, perhaps even exceeds income from tenants.

At the end of 2015 under the "Tashir" control was 51 objects commercial real estate area of ​​more than 2.5 million square meters. m. The volume of construction amounted to about 1.5 million square feet. M. The main brand - "Rio", underneath Karapetyan develops shopping centers network (currently - 21 complex in 17 cities). Status businessman Forbes estimates at $ 3.1 billion (28 th place in the list of richest Russians).

"The main turnover Samvel, I think, gives development", - said chairman of the Union of Armenians of Russia and longtime partner Karapetyan Ara Abrahamyan. Familiar Karapetyan from Kaluga, where he started the business, characterized by "Tashir" organization as a "closed-loop": "Tashir" itself produces materials, building real estate, supplies to electricity, and then delivers the same square footage to its theaters and cafes. "If you come to them with an idea, bring a bunch of estimates and calculations, tomorrow they will do it themselves. there mobut to get there, only becoming a part of the corporation ", - complains the owner of one of the Kaluga construction companies.

"What is good? - Says Abrahamyan. - Samvel is self-sufficient, and his energy, and construction, and all-all-all. It uses a multi-faceted approach, and neither of whom is independent, all he can do. "

Born in the Armenian village of Tashir (former Kalinin), former director Samvel Karapetyan enamelware factory moved to Kaluga in 1992, and in 1999 created the group "Tashir". Who helped him in this?

Friends from Kaluga

In an interview with RBC the businessman said: "My first point in Russia to Lipetsk. I chose this city because the area and the people were very familiar to me. From Lipetsk I moved to Moscow, and later settled in Kaluga, where there were a lot of friends. In addition, my cousins ​​and second cousins ​​lived there. "

Three RBC interlocutor among the Kaluga businessmen said that Karapetyan support initially provided by local standards a major builder of Ruben Galstyan - Head of installation and commissioning management "Kaluga". Galstyan, govoryat they Karapetyan advised to buy two objects - concrete products plant and the company "Kalugaglavsnab". A second company, acquired in 1997, Karapetyan lucky - especially with the help of this company at the head of "Tashir" began a friendship with "Gazprom". "This company is always engaged logistics for public companies - says the head of the local branch of" Business Russia "Denis Shaulina. - Purchase "Kalugaglavsnab", it is likely enabled Samvel Karapetyan access to supplies. "

Galstyan refused to talk and meet with reporters RBC (request for a meeting has been passed down through his friend) he Karapetyan does not discuss the details of the transaction for "Kalugaglavsnab".

Money for the purchase of assets in the first Kaluga Karapetyan earned in the early 1990s - including by means of commercial shops, says Kaluga familiar Karapetyan. "I did it the first store. The end of the nineties, grocery store on the outskirts of Kaluga. I never thought that these pebyata grow into such a big company, "- recalls the Kaluga furniture manufacturer, heralded the first stores under the guise of" Tashir ". Then Assistant Karapetyan furniture-called "Chicago boys": "Appearance is appropriate, and very good managers - Karapetyan himself active, and the guys in his motor."

Yes, Karapetyan easy-going and is not afraid of new projects, confirms the governor of the Kaluga Region Anatoly Artamonov: "Some businessmen is ruining the quality of greed. What I see in Samvel Sarkisovich - when I tell him about the project, which is necessary for the region, he always responds. And if he says "yes", then you can not double-check. "

Karapetyan, explains the head of the field, for the cooperation with the administration receives a hundredfold, "When he, like other investors, we need some decisions on our part, that authority may take, or may tighten, we are going to meet him. We do not do anything illegal, but just quickly do the job, which is to be. "

"Tashir" built in Kaluga hotelss, malls and even the building of the Arbitration Court - it is located opposite the grandiose shopping and entertainment center «XXI Century" also erected Karapetyan.

Three Kaluga businessman named Karapetyan's "purse" Artamonov, the governor calls it gossip. According to Artamonov, Karapetyan never gave him financial support in person, "but always responded to requests to participate in charitable activities."

In 2003, Karapetyan succeeded priorities: building a few dozen objects in the Kaluga region, a businessman interested in the Moscow real estate market - it acquired the plot of land on the street at Big Cheremushkinskaya compatriot and co-owner of the now inactive Mikoms Bank Arthur Arakelyan. Two years later at this place first in the capital of "Rio" shopping center was built.

Friends of "Gazprom"

Most of the state contracts - about 38.8 billion from 52.9 billion rubles. 2015 - affiliated with "Tashir" Company received from "Gazprom".

For comparison, the largest former monopoly contractor "Stroygazkonsalting "in 2015 won the" Gazprom "in all tenders of 20.2 billion rubles., and" Stroytransgaz "Gennady Timchenko slightly overtaken Karapetyan, received contracts for 56 billion rubles. (Excluding the construction of 200 km of gas pipeline "Power of Siberia", the value of which was not called, it remains the leader "Stroygazmontazh" Arkady Rotenberg).

Three sources RBC - two familiar with Karapetyan businessman and former state-owned companies - argue that the monopoly to make friends with the head of "Tashir" to help a member of the Board of "Gazprom" Nikolai Guslisty. In mid-1990, says RBC Artamonov, "Tashir" to subcontract part of building a cottage village of Maloyaroslavets, in the Kaluga region - in neat houses settled oil workers and their families, she was in charge of the project itself Guslisty.

"Gazprom" representative of RBC said that he could not confirm or deny the events that occurred in the early 1990s.

"Karapetyan actively puts his people in the monopoly structure in which it has an interest," - says a source in "Gazprom". For example, in the appaatnoy fight for the post of head of "Gazprom gas distribution Kaluga" won Vyacheslav Dmitriev, former head of one of the branches belonging Karapetyan Fora Bank. Dmitriev RBC confirmed that he worked in the Fora bank for three years, after which he worked at the municipal and state posts in the Kaluga region. "The" Gazprom "I have been working for only two years, the business that I am now in the field, does not interfere with the business of Samvel Sarkisovich. Our volumes are too small for him "- says Dmitriev. His former head Dmitriev calls "the genius, who can find a common language with any person."

However, a source in "Gazprom" stated that "Tashir" participated in the Kaluga region "Mezhregiongas Gazprom" for the construction of inter-settlement gas pipelines and inter-city gasification program. Interlocutor RBC in "Tashir" adding that the company was engaged in gasification "Gazstroy".

The construction of "Gazprom" in the framework of the regional gas supply companies "Tashir" is not involved, the press service of the monopolies.

anotherDin old friend Karapetyan, Chairman of the State Duma Committee for Energy, Paul Zavalny, headed "Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk" from 1996 to 2012. According to Artamonov, Karapetyan Zavalny helped restore farm in Duminichsky District of the Kaluga region, which 29 years led the deputy's father. "I Pavel Nikolayevich shamed when Muscovites bought his house:" You are like this can afford? Ransom! "He bought and restored the house, the lake, a good recreation center built, then the rest of the farm bought. Samvel Sarkisovich helped him, but they have personal friendships, "- says the governor.

According to SPARC, the company "Khotkovo" control robotic farm in Duminichi belongs Tatyana Petrenko, but Kaluga media call the main investor of its sibling - Paul logjam.

In 2009, Petrenko became a business partner Karapetyan: her company "Breeze Invest" received 10 and 20%, respectively, in "Tashir" companies - "Alaksar" and "Yar.Ark". In 2011, Petrenko received 20% "Stroytekstile" (40% - at "Tashir Fund", 10% & mdash; at the vice-president of the group "Tashir" Tigran Ghazaryan). In 2012, the deputy's sister, along with top managers of "Tashir" has become a co-owner of the company "Gamma Service" (the "Breeze Invest" - 25%), and in 2013 received a 15% "Business style", in which 30% belongs to " Tashir Invest ". According to SPARC, all companies involved in the delivery of real estate, except for construction "Stroytekstil" and wholesale "Gamma Service".

In conversation with the correspondent of RBC Petrenko acknowledged the joint business with Samvel Karapetyan and reported that her brother really is Paul Zavalny. Comment projects she refused. So did he Zavalny.

Karapetyan said that business with the logjam and his family are not conducted, and about the company "Breeze Invest" is not heard. "We are good friends, met, back when he lived in Kaluga," - he tells about the logjam Karapetyan, adding that at some point, "Gazprom Transgaz Yugorsk" ordered the "Tashir".

What makes Karapetyan to "Gazprom"

The largest contracts of "Gazprom" foundCamping in related to "Tashir" "Gazstroy" companies (23.2 billion rubles. in 2015), "Neftegazstroy" (8.5 billion rubles). "Spetsgazstroy" (4,3 bln.) and "City Story Group "(2,7 bln.). All four companies have a "daughter" of "Gazprom" a variety of services: from the overhaul of buildings, heating systems, water treatment plants to the construction of large-diameter pipelines.

Since the beginning of 2016 "Neftegazstroy" received orders for another 11.4 billion rubles .: Company will build the 60.7 km "Power of Siberia" from the compressor "Amga" station to the COP "Nimnyrskaya". The interest in the project last year, RBC said Karapetyan himself, but the details did not tell.

Communication "Neftegazstroya" with "Tashir" representative group denied, explaining that the owners of the company mentioned in the register, - Norik Petrosyan (50%), Armen Grigoryan (25%) and Vaginak Ghazaryan (25%) - just "friends" Karapetyan. General Director of "Neftegazstroya" Sergei Mkhoyan also said that it is an independent company, but could not explain why her addresses and phone numbers coincide with the details of the structures "Tashir".

"Samvel Karapetyan won the tender - this is normal for a constantly evolving and expanding construction company whose activities are only benefits the country", - Abrahamyan supports partner.

The representative of "Gazprom" declined to discuss the contractors.

Also in the "Tashir" is the company PMK-98, dealing with laying the pipes in the construction of gas and oil pipelines. A company representative told RBC that "Tashir" bought it in 2012. According to him, the PMK-98 projects with "Gazprom" is not, but the company is working at the Vankor field, participates in the project ROSPAN "Rosneft" and "Yamal LNG", controlled by NOVATEK.

Friends from Moscow

Karapetyan talks about working on the state reluctantly admits: "Tashir" began to increase the share of public procurement with the onset of the crisis. What exactly does a group of states, the businessman says, confirming the one - part of a group holding "Cascade" is engaged in the modernization of the Moscow streets.

The site "Cascade" is specified: a diversified group engaged in constructiovom urban infrastructure, roads and bridges, electricity and heating operation, overhaul, lining of engineering networks and even the energy audit. Information about the company's projects and financial performance in the public domain is not present, the site stated only that directs the "Cascade" Igor Bulatov, the first vice-president of "Tashir" and son Samvel Karapetyan.

Bulatov did not respond to calls correspondent RBC, the press service of "Tashir" could not provide a comment for this article.

Among USRLE with the same name and the head is not registered, but there is a "cascade-energo", "Cascade-grid", "Cascade-integration", "Cascade Engineering" and others. Between themselves, they connected matching addresses and phone numbers, owners of overlapping, and on the first two sites have a logo "Tashir".

In 2015 it was "Cascade-Energo" Moscow won 60 tenders departments and agencies by 2.6 billion rubles, according to SPARK and procurement portal:. The company has revolutionized the Moscow subways for "Gormost" paved the heating system forkeanariuma at ENEA commissioned by the Department of fuel and energy sector of the city, repaired ponds in the "Druzhba" park to help the Department of housing and communal services and improvement, install, and then cleaned the illumination in the capital for the Joint Energy Company.

Illumination on Nikitskaya, Butcher Lublin and the streets of Moscow worth 800 million rubles. the company made "Soyuzspetskontrakt" (SSC, the former "Energy Audit-Expert"), computed in SRO Karapetyan. Another participant in these three tenders was "Cascade-energy." Head of the FCS Igor Suvorov to RBC questions are not answered, and his assistant, only confirmed that the company is included in "Tashir" group.

Three contracts for the repair of the Moscow clinics in the amount of more than 1 billion rubles. the company has received "Evrostroypodryad" Registered address torgtsentra "Rio" at the Grand Cheremushkinskaya street. Specified in the Unified Yuri Bantysh owner of the company previously headed other companies "Tashir", and now holds the post of Chairman of the SRO.

Four more clinics almost 1.5 billion rublesb. repair company "Developer Building" incorporated "Tashir» Gazoil Plaza business center. Her owner Arman Barseghyan before Karapetyan headed the company, registered in Kaluga. In all seven hospitals to repair competitions of participants was the same: "The developer Building" competed with "Evrostroypodryadom" and companies "Gazstroy" and "Neftegazstroy" that tenders for repair clinics in Moscow in the end did not get.

To phone to RBC "Evrostroypodryada" and "Developer Building" has failed, all of these in SPARK phones do not work and have no company website.

Tenders city for another 4.9 billion rubles. the company won the "Spetsstroymontazh", most of them - the improvement of the program "My Street" and repair of roads in Moscow by GBU "Highways". Communication with "Spetsstroymontazh" Karapetyan denied, despite the fact that the company belongs to its staff - deputy "Cascade" Holding board member Maxim Gromov and Viktor Kotelnikov, previously led a number of private security guards beforeriyaty registered at the headquarters of "Tashir". Karapetyan explains, it is standard practice, "Tashir" companies' interests and may soon buy.

"Spetsstroymontazh" too often faced with the companies on the Moscow tenders Karapetyan: in 2015 he competed with "Cascade-energo" for the accomplishment of the Ryazan prospectus (the contract price - 1.8 billion rubles.), Laying of roads in Moscow (RUB 909.5 million .) for the GBU "Highways", and at the end of the year also participated in seven contests for the illumination in Moscow (the total amount - more than 200 million rubles)..

The company "Stroystandart", owned by a few years ago and the number of employees "Tashir" Maxim Gromov, in addition to 13 contracts "Gormost" won the tender structure of the FSO - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "ATEKS" for the repair of facades and roofs of buildings on the Mozhaisk highway (from Aminevskoe highway to the border with Moscow region) worth 182.8 million rubles. At this competition affiliated with "Tashir" "Stroystandart" competed with "Spetsstroymontazh". To phone in "Spetsstroymontazh" and "Strawstandard "failed.

Two companion RBC among friends Karapetyan's claim that the support provided by businessman, former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who owns an apiary in the Kaluga region, near the town of Maloyaroslavets. Artamonov refutes this version, admitting that he himself with the capital of ex-mayor of friends: "Yes, I was with Yuri Mikhailovich bind a good relationship, but I never did not have to do official favors Karapetyan in Moscow, using these relationships."

Luzhkov himself told RBC that is not familiar with Karapetyan and the "Tashir" objects knows very little. The former head of the Moscow construction complex Vladimir Resin Karapetyan recalls with great warmth: he was in charge of the work on the construction of skyscrapers, "Moscow City", Karapetyan and built one of the objects - "well met." According to Resin, in Unlike other developers Karapetyan handed over its facilities in time - and it has received from the Building Complex of credibility. He adds: Karapetyan often brought in as a sanatorium, if there were problems with other developers.

Useful links

With the son of Mr.enprokurora Yuri Chaika Artem "Tashir" is building a shopping center in Mytishchi. Seagull owns 25% of the company "Georesurs", 25% in "Tashir Capital", the rest is recorded on offshore companies close "Tashir". According to Karapetyan, Seagull involved in the underground project.

"By Artyom Chaika I respect, I consider it worthy of a businessman, met him personally after the transaction", - told RBC billionaire.

Friends of Armenia

Abrahamyan said that Karapetyan advised the business back in 1990, when he was just starting to work in Russia. "We met with Samvel 20 years ago in Moscow", - says Abrahamyan. According to him, with Karapetyan "easy to operate", "He never complains about his difficulties and does not create problems of the partners."

Abrahamyan himself not only heads the Union of Armenians and runs one of the commissions of the Council on International Relations under the Russian President, he owns a diversified company "Consent". According to SPARC, 57.6% "agree" is still listed for the Moscow region agro-industrial union & laquo; Nazarevo "subordinated property administration of President (UDP), another 2.4% - for cattle-breeding complex" Resurrection "of the UDP. In the SPARC it stated that "Nazarevo" abolished in 2010; in 1990, he wrote "Kommersant", fresh organic vegetables from the garden beds "Nazarevo" got straight on the table to then-President Boris Yeltsin.

In 1998, the "Consent" gained control over the Lomonosov diamond deposit with reserves of $ 12 billion by buying 53% stake in the company "Severalmaz" together with the South African De Beers. In 2002, a package of "Consent" in "Severalmaz" ALROSA bought and Abrahamyan not only did not stop working with the Manager of the president, but also attracted to cooperate with the agency Karapetyan. "We have worked with both Vladimir Kozhin (UDP led to May 2014), and with other leaders. I positively regard this cooperation ", - said Abrahamyan.

The first project Abrahamyan and Karapetyan, which stated publicly, was the sale of "consent" "Tashir" in the crisis of 2009 half of the project office and gostinichth complex in the "Moscow City".

In 2011 "Tashir" group entrusted with the reconstruction of buildings, which then occupied the newspaper "Izvestia". According to Karapetyan, the contract with the UDP (owns 100% of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "" Izvestiya "Publishing) provides that management will receive 40% of the area in the project," Tashir "- 60%. The project involves the reconstruction of 120 thousand sq. M. m, 90 sq. m. m of which will be residential, office, hotel and commercial area, Karapetyan told RBC. The cost of the project could reach about $ 500 million. RBC Abrahamyan confirmed that Karapetyan is a partner in this project, but the details are not specified. The press service of UDP failed to respond promptly to the request for RBC.

"Three, four, five projects we are - investment, construction of the hotel. As a business partner, Samvel - punctual and truthful. Every week we are going to discuss the question, he can go directly to tackle these issues - it is a man of action ", - praises partner Abrahamyan. One of the subsidiaries of "Concord" - "Spetsstroyinzhiniring" - served in the SRO "Tashir". Abrahamyan pleased, "Samvela lot of trouble with my shoots - its inherent holistic approach and saves money and time so you can afford to do other projects. "

In Karapetyan has a business with many other fellow countrymen. Together with the owner of development company "Stink Group" Gennady Stepanyan it in the 2000s built the shopping center "Yerevan Plaza" in Moscow. "Vedomosti" wrote that construction supported Yerevan Municipality: the complex was supposed to be "family area" for the Armenian diaspora in Moscow. Now the partners are co-owners of "Yerevan Plaza". Son Stepanian, president of the "Stink groups" David has several development projects with Alexander Kolokoltsev, the son of Russian Minister of Internal Affairs.

A month ago, "Tashir" Head of the Business School "Skolkovo" Gor Nahapetyan and the band re-opened in Moscow restaurant "Aragvi". Investments in the project amounted to over 260 million rubles., Says on the website "Tashir". According to "Kommersant", the partners were thinking, do not rename the point whether the legendary caterers, for example,in "Ararat".

Assets in Armenia

In September last year the structure Karapetyan bought from "Inter RAO" two assets in Armenia - "Electric Networks of Armenia" (ENA) and Hrazdan thermal power plant. According to reports, "Inter RAO" for 2015, 50% of ENA Karapetyan cost 1.1 billion rubles., Another 50% should go "Tashir" in the first half of 2016.

Debts ESA on the time of purchase were $ 220 million; RBC himself Karapetyan told about the deal he asked the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan - his administration several years headed brother Samvel Karapetyan, Karen, who is also involved in the affairs of his brother at home. At the very Samvel Karapetyan, according to the Armenian electronic register of legal entities, there are no registered companies in the country.

Samvel Karapetyan building in Yerevan torgtsentr "Rio", the customer is the construction of the same name JSC, in the past - Arabkir furniture factory, 36.9% of which belonged to the former mayor of Yerevan, now the Minister of Transport and Communication Gagik Beglaryan. It is also a shareholder of Arabkir furniture factory was Baroyan Gore, whose localMedia called the assistant president of the group "Tashir".

Baroyanu owns a 25% stake in the export of "Armholding" closely linked with Samvel Karapetyan. Many structures "Armholdinga" registered at the Yerevan office of "Tashir": Teryan Street 59. Here it is Wrestling Federation of Armenia, headed by Samvel Karapetyan.

"Armholding", in turn, is the only member of the universal credit organization "Export FINANCE", which is licensed by the Central Bank of Armenia and provides credit services to organizations who are not residents of Armenia.