Donbass money: the currency stolen in Ukraine came to Moscow

The local gangsters trying to trade the dollars, euro and hryvnia, stolen from ATMs in Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, in the Russian banks.
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In Moscow, there were significant amounts of bills stolen from ATMs and bank vaults Donbass and Lugansk region, told Forbes a few bankers and law enforcement source. The mediators are trying to informally exchange them at a discount, using their familiarity with the top managers of large Moscow banks.

One banker said of Forbes, that he was approached people asked to change several million euros, marked with blue paint. About trying to know such exchanges and law enforcement agencies, said an employee of one of the departments. The money was stolen from the offices of banks located in the breakaway Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic, where there is still a mess, he says.

The appearance of such bills in Russia is not uncommon, say the interlocutors Forbes. Another said that he had been approached people who asked to change a discount of 50 million hryvnia in the damaged banknotes. "Denominations of Ukraine took their place on the black market, banking on a par with the stolen money from collectors or exposed ATMs Russian banks. Sometimes these bills are trying toare painted in the burn areas and to give out for the victims of the fire, "- says an employee of one of the law enforcement agencies.

However, officially the big banks claim that they do not see such attempts. Over the last year the bank did not receive any treatment on the exchange of banknotes stained spetskraskoy euro hryvnia and in large volumes, said Sberbank's press service. VTB Group does not operate on the territory of the DNR and LNR and has no business with individuals that offer to exchange the euro and hryvnia in the paint, said a bank representative. "In the VTB Group operates a strict system of work with cash, which allows you to quickly identify any attempts to illegal operations", - he stressed.

By itself, the exchange of damaged money - absolutely legal operation. If the bill is in dilapidated or spoiled condition, as a rule, it can be exchanged at the Savings Bank upon presentation of passports and documents to explain where it came from, explains co-founder Forensic Solutions Alexey Frolov. "In the exchange of a large amount in the bank charged a small commission not exceeding 1% of aUmmah ", - he says.

Another thing banknotes marked with special paint. Its very presence suggests that the money was obtained illegally. Some ATMs have special protection against burglary: in magazines with denominations is a sensor that is triggered in the event of an impact or a crack, and the bills are stained with indelible ink.

The Russian banknotes staining is widely used to minimize the "sidewalk" risk - that is, since the carrying values ​​of their place of storage to transportation, said deputy chairman of Forbes' INKAHRAN ", director of collection Credit Bank of Moscow Mikhail Belousov. "Tests confirm warranty manufacturers instantaneous painting 100% of the contents of the case in any attempt to break or tamper" - he says. According to him, to let colored banknotes to the Central Bank can only credit institutions have a unique sample of the paint used in the case. Its composition is developed individually for each credit institution and the procedure is regulated by BanRussia st.

Apply the paint on the bill and may specifically. That is what occurred in Ukraine after the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in October 2014 issued a decree an economic blockade of the occupied regions of Donbass. The head of Ukraine ordered to banks operating in the country have closed branches in areas that have actually ceased to obey Kiev, and removed from their offices all the cash.

At the National Bank of Ukraine there are instructions for the work of the banking system in emergency situations, which Ukrainian banks are guided in this case. They were instructed to destroy or damage the cash special paint or a chemical solution in situations where they can not be taken out of the occupied territories. However, in turn, they still fell: as reported by Ukrainian media, often damaged banknotes issued allowances and salaries to unsuspecting citizens who remained to live in the unrecognized republics.