They insist that the investigation should continue, and wait for the customers' names will be announced on crime.
Former State Duma deputy Mikhail Glushchenko, known in criminal circles as Mike Crest, sentenced to 17 years' imprisonment in a penal colony and a fine of 300 thousand. Rubles. The judge of the Oktyabrsky district court of St. Petersburg Irina Sopilova concluded that he personally organized and supervised the killing of party co-chairman of the "Democratic Russia" Galina Starovoitova - known public and political figure, was shot in her apartment building on the embankment of Griboyedov Canal in November 1998.
Glushchenko has been in prison since 2009. Earlier, the Kuibyshev district court sentenced him to 8 years in prison for extortion.
The case of ex-deputy of the organization of the murder of Starovoitova was considered under special circumstances. In March Glushchenko made a deal with the investigation. He called the name of the customer crimes - "reputable businessman", a leader in force in St. Petersburg in the 90s, "Tambov" criminal MessageCTBA Vladimir Barsukov (coumarin derivatives). "Night governor" of St. Petersburg, was arrested in 2007 and is now in the detention facility №1 spetsbloke Moscow City "Sailor's Silence".
The meeting dragged on for a week - twice it stopped without announcing the verdict, because Glushchenko became ill. Protection focuses on the four points. First, the crime was committed 17 years ago, and, therefore, the case should be terminated by lapse of time (according to the law, he is 15 years). Secondly, Glushchenko fully admitted his guilt and actively cooperated with the investigation. Thirdly, the role of ex-deputy of the murder organization was "insignificant". He only just received an order from Kumarin remove Starovoitova. Ostensibly to refuse to execute the crime was like death. Order it aired Yury Kolchin, who organized the murder. Fourth, it was noted also that Glushchenko is no longer young, he experienced health problems.
The lawyer of ex-deputy Alexander Afanasyev also said that the lenient sentence could be an incentive for erdefendant. It is possible that Glushchenko talk further about the many other crimes "swashbuckling" 90s.
"My client feared for his life, but the way back he had no choice he made The process of transformation of the one once called Misha Crest, in the citizen of Mikhail Glushchenko...", - Said Afanasiev.
The defendant said he feared retaliation by coumarin. He is sure that the authority will not prevent the fact that he is in a Moscow prison. In the area of risks to get Glushchenko "associates Kumarin" "sideways grind." Danger threatens the son of the defendant.
Glushchenko before, in the zero years, afraid of people coumarin. Despite the fact that he had a house in Spain, he was forced monthly move from one European country to another. In the Russian prison he feel secure themselves can not.
The last word Glushchenko was not very long. The full version of the treatment, written by hand, he gave the judge Irina Sopilovoy. "I apologize to the entire Russian people that did this bad thing, but without it I would not be disclosed & hellip; When I gave the order to Kumarin Kolchin, the meeting was organized. 20-30 people participated. Adjudicate -sovershat crime or not. I'm in this vote was not involved, "- he said.
Nevertheless, all these acquittals arguments were not accepted by the judge. As required prosecutor Glushchenko received 17 years in prison. At the time of the verdict Glushchenko was in a half-conscious and did not hear the number of years that he will spend behind bars. The figure he asked the lawyer. When he learned about 17 years, then, with a sigh, said only one sentence: "What is it?"
Afanasyev's lawyer admitted that he was rather upset sentence than disappointed. According to him, Glushchenko not deserved such punishment, taking into account its role in the crime. The defender believes that the judge actually completely reproduced conclusion accusatory hand, has not made any findings of its own.
"I think that this sentence can be met Vladimir Barsukov (Coumarin) Another thing that Glushchenko then the sentence can be silent." - Said the lawyer. The decision will be appealedHe added. The victims in the case were the sister of Galina Starovoitova Olga and assistant Ruslan Linkov politician, who himself was seriously wounded in November 1998. However, at the court of their meetings was not.
As later admitted Starovoitova's sister, she had expected that the ex-deputy will receive a penalty of restriction of liberty, but did not expect that it is 17 years.
"I think that time will be less. But it does not matter whether Glushchenko sit 10 or 12 years. I am not bloodthirsty, not vindictive, not evil. Although, if he was given three years, I would be unhappy. We are interested in the name . customer We, the victims, like anyone else, are interested in discovering the truth and that Glushchenko and his whole gang were among the co-organizers, I knew ten years ago ", -. said Olga Starovoitova.
Sister policy considers that further investigation should take Vladimir Barsukov (coumarin derivatives). "Maybe Kumarin call someone else. I'm counting on it. I do it for the past 17 years. And then I will continue. As the saying goes, do not remove his hands from his forehead. The point Pyalis close many times. But now the investigation is working very well. I look forward to further progress ", - shared her opinion Olga Starovoitova.
She admitted that although did not attend the hearings, but all 34 volumes of the case studied. "After talking with lawyers, I was convinced that my presence would not have played any role. Procedurally it did not matter. Admire the Mikhail Ivanovich Glushchenko I wish it was not. The court was largely formal, it was held in a special mode. There was a deal with . consequence I stood in front of this two ships, one was nine months, and the second 11. Stop If there was a sense that I would have come, "- said the sister of Galina Starovoitova..
Ruslan Linkov said that he could not prisutvovat at the meetings, as absent in St. Petersburg. According to him, today's decision the court ruled on the basis of the confession, which gave Glushchenko pressure incriminating his facts. The materials of the criminal case contained sufficient evidence of guilt. Glushchenko could not escape punishment.
"It does not appear that his repentance, would be recognizedLo sincere. But I hope that everyone will sooner or later able to repent of their deeds. I think that because of the stay in prison, the bearing of the punishment ever and Mr. Glushchenko come to the realization that he has committed. I suppose that Glushchenko in their confessions not telling much about the true customers of the crime. I look forward to further investigation steps. It is important that customers name was called, "- Linkov said.
Assistant Starovoitova does not believe that the role of organizing the murder Glushchenko was negligible - the defendant was aware of what he was doing.
"Glushchenko -. One of the organizers of this terrorist act and the punishment he deserves it as a person who played a key role in organizing the crime he gathered a gang He gave instructions that were executed It is not radio, which broadcasts news Passing the order to kill.... he realized that to do it, criminal liability is now important to establish who gave him guidance "-.. Linkov said.
Sentence Glushchenko as reported forita will be appealed in a higher court. However, given how quickly received 17 years in prison who had gone to a deal with the investigation of ex-MP, is unlikely to City Court finds grounds for annulment.