Sochi put at stake

The city goes through a struggle for bulding spaces for casinos. 
The State Duma made the Crimea and Sochi in the list of territories where gambling is allowed. And if in the Crimea, only have a lot of construction, the Olympic palaces have already been constructed in Sochi. However, there is a contradiction: the president of Sberbank German Gref wants to build a gambling zone in Krasnaya Polyana, and Deputy Prime Minister Kozak - in Imereti lowland to the sea. By the way, officially approved in five Russian gambling zones work only one, and even that has not paid off. With regard to Sochi, the locals have passed through the "Olympic" out, already consider themselves losers. Why Russia Sochi gaming zone and in what has become the city after the Olympics, figured our correspondent Evgeny Titov.

We wanted the best

German Gref spoke about the gambling zone in Sochi winter. After all, it is necessary to pay for the "Olympic" Sberbank costs (about 80 billion rubles). But Putin did not support the idea. "It almost would have deprived all families a chance to average more than middle-income countries to come here was on a family vacation with children", - said the President in February 2014. And he added: "The lack of a gambling zone will cdported in Sochi rising prices for tourists. "

It would seem that the issue is closed. But in May, public city council under the leadership of the former Director General of ITAR-TASS Vitaly Ignatenko asked Putin: gaming zone to be created in order to attract tourists. At the meeting attended by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak. He is in close contact with the governor of Krasnodar region Tkachev, whose son-Roman Batalov built on the Olympic Park private amusement park. And if Gref wants to open a gambling zone in Krasnaya Polyana to recoup sberbankovsky complex "Mountain Carousel", the other interested parties are looking at the Olympic palaces Imereti lowland.

It was originally planned that the decision to establish the Sochi Las Vegas will take Sochi City Council. But, according to my information, opposed by 6 urban MPs, including members of the "United Russia".

In fact, in the gambling zone investors counted from the start of the Olympic construction, because terribly upset when Putin submitted to the State Duma a bill on the opening in the Crimea area. And the second deutatskomu reading Duma adopted amendments to Article 9 of the Federal Law "On state regulation on the organization and conduct of gambling." Crimea and Sochi, there appear as areas where gambling is allowed.

Casino for the little ones

Since 2010, on the border of the Krasnodar Territory and Rostov Region operates gaming zone "Azov-City." Located it is clearly not in the center of civilization: I was told acquaintances in the winter have not been able to get there - get lost. Now "Azov-City" three casinos. Even though they work for the fifth year, construction costs, to my knowledge, has not yet been paid off. Especially since soon after the discovery of a significant part of the gaming infrastructure of the village moved to the Annunciation, closer to the children's resort of Anapa.

Under the new presidential amendments from Anapa gambling and will be removed in Sochi. However, there is a problem. Just in the "puck" Olympic ice arena building opened Russian Children's fitness center. Moreover, the entertainment complex "Sochi-Park", built in-law kuini- tially the governor, called the "Russian Disneyland". Objects for the children next door to the gambling zone?

Hot. Expensive. Closed

I'm going to train "Swallow", which ran for the Olympics. In the old Sochi trains is often turned off air conditioners, referring to breakage. The new "Swallow" is also a problem with the air-conditioning. Save electricity? You can certainly get in the future gambling zone on the car, but the Sochi roads is more dangerous and more.

Outside the window - kilometers of gray fences, old tires, wire and concrete. I'm afraid it's forever. When you come out in the Olympic Park, navigate challenging old streets there, and did not immediately realize what side of the sea. The park itself - a huge size, so I take a bicycle. Under the wheels of hot asphalt smacked his lips. It's not the flower beds, not lawns and sports fields - is Sochi and emptiness, emptiness hectares of stone. Under the Olympics the government gave investors 256 ha "gold" by the sea. Not much there for gambling?

Go round the main stadium "Fischt"; impossible: the path is blocked by building a fence. And so that no one went inside the stadium at each entrance put guards. "Building the entire country, and now even to see do not give. Even drinks at exorbitant prices, "- Vera frustrated and Luca, who came from Volgograd. To the ice arena "puck" and the palace of the "Big" does not even come near. On the wire fence, which they fenced, plate:. "The construction of the track Formula 1" Freely can be approached only to the Olympic torch extinct. In the gaming area, probably it will be lit on the occasion of big wins major customers.

Eternal building

The hotel complex "Russian House" is an eerie feeling: neat streets, playgrounds, five-story building - and not a soul around. In one this complex - 18 residential buildings, and in Imeretinke as a whole - more than 40 thousand rooms. I'm afraid that players at all hotels is not enough.

Olympic embankment, would seem to sparkle. But it still boils building: migrant workers are building in the pedestrian zone of the cement fence. As if it will save from the storm. Taking a walk on embankment-bank, studded in building fences and unfinished housing. Olympics waited for communism, but it passed, leaving the problem.

Local asphalt plant that serviced the Olympic construction, all previous years tormented locals rumble, he is now buzzing. The man who introduced the director, explains that the plant produces asphalt for the track "Formula 1", "passed the Olympics, and managers, customers, implementing the same."