Golos Movement discovered a hidden scheme to fund United Russia

A third of the companies which donated United Russia more than 1 million rubles in 2015, received state contracts for ten times bigger sums, according to the study on the financing of political parties, conducted by Golos Movement. 
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The movement of "The Voice" has analyzed the financial activities of the parties having the right to nominate candidates without collecting signatures at the State Duma elections. Experts point out that compared to the 2012-2014 years disappeared practice of party financing from funds affiliated with these associations. However, the "Voice" claims in the report that there is a hidden scheme of public financing of parties through the provision of state contracts to companies that donated money to parties.

Total 89 donor companies it was found that listed parties in 2015 to 1 million rubles. or more and receive state contracts in 2015-2016. Of these, 80 companies are donors of one party - "United Russia".

Of the 241 companies that have donated in 2015. United Russia 1 million rubles. and more than 80 have received state contracts, their volume is more than ten times the amount of their donations, said RBC analyst "Voices" Stanislaw Andreychuk.

Thus, the company "Concern Monarch", donated the party in power of 20 million rubles. in 2015, he won state contracts in 2015-2016 from the builder DepartmentMoscow-OPERATION worth more than 5 billion rubles., According to the report. The company belongs to Sergey Hambardzumyan, who in 2003-2007 was the deputy head of the urban planning department of the capital policy.

Often, after the company becomes a donor of the "United Russia", she begins to receive regular state contracts, experts note. For example, JSC "Investkom" from Tomsk donated in 2015, the party in power to 2 million rubles, and in the same year the company received state contracts by almost 60 million rubles, and the first half of 2016 -.. Another 43.7 million rubles. At the same time, the report says, only last year the company, which existed at that time more than a decade, the first time was able to obtain a state order.

In addition, there are cases where contracts are affiliated with the company gets the donor parties, said "The Voice". Thus, the company "Forwarding company Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine" United Russia sacrificed 30 million rubles., Government contracts has not received, but its immediate owner since late last year received 91 state contracts totaling about 5.16 billion rubles., MESSAGEIt discharges a report.

The largest customers of the companies donating money to the funds of the "United Russia", the Ministry of Defense and were close to him MIC enterprises. For example, writing "Voice", the company "Volgostalkonstruktsiya", donated in 2015 to fund the "United Russia" 500 thousand. Rub., In the same period it received state contracts totaling more than 1.7 billion rubles. Almost all of them were related to the provision of services to a single legal entity - JSC "General Directorate arrangement troops".

Security forces have identified several government contracts and companies - donors other parties working on the "patriotic" wing - "Communist Russia" and "Patriots of Russia", experts say. According to them, the state contracts in the amount of 1.8 billion rubles. from the military-industrial complex was awarded to "Variant-999" donated "Patriots of Russia" 3 million rubles.

This correlation is absolute dominance in the political field and the availability of financial support from businesses receiving state contracts, suggests the presence of the political component in the determination of artists goskontrktov and close ties between the two companies - donors "United Russia", and government customers, concludes "The Voice."

There is no relationship between the companies obtain government contracts and donations of "United Russia" no objection to the head of the executive committee of the party Maxim Rudnev.

Many executives who are members of state contracts, guided by the "United Russia" as a party of their own interests, as the ruling party, he explains the deputy director of the ISEP Research Alexander Pozhalov. Similarly, many government employees vote in elections for the current government, he adds.

Earlier, RBC on the results of his study, wrote that the victory in the primaries, "United Russia" won eight executives and private donors, members of the twenty largest party sponsors. This follows from a comparison of the list of legal and natural persons to transfer money games in 2015 (it was published on the website of the CEC), and the preliminary voting lists of winners.