Patriots from Rodina reported on apartments abroad

The richest candidate of the party in the State Duma earned 130 million rubles.
Three candidates from the federal list of party "Rodina" indicated in their declarations that they have a property abroad. This follows from the information on the candidates, published on the CEC website. Veteran MIA Alexei Novgorodov included in the federal list of the top ten "homeland", has, together with his wife apartments in Italy and Portugal. Property worth 226 000 and 565 000 euros purchased in 2008 and 2009. When the candidate worked in the central office of the Interior Ministry. As a source of funds, which was acquired by foreign real estate, the candidate have the income for the principal place of work spouse, the income from deposits in banks, savings from previous years, income from the sale of property. The amount of the total income of the spouses for the three years preceding the purchase of apartments amounted to 35 million rubles., According to Novgorod declaration (last year it earned 831 734 rubles.). Colonel MIA salary, depending on length of service can be up to 800 thousand rubles. per year, said an employee of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Interior. Sergey Zakipnev - the third in the regional group for the Krasnodar Territory - owns jointly with his wife home in France (priobreten in 2008, for 540 000 euros, a source of income - a gift), his wife is also a flat in Turkey (bought in 2013 for 123 000 euros, for the three previous years Zakipnevyh family earned 13.9 million rubles).. Income Zakipneva in 2015 as an advisor to the director of "Mehservis" amounted to only 1.03 million rubles. General Director of JSC "Dmitrovagropromsnab" and the former chief federal inspector on the Sakhalin Region Valery Kalachev (headed by one of the Moscow regional groups) owns an apartment, parking space and storage in Belgium, the total value of real estate - 170 000 euros.

The leader in revenue in the "homeland" list was number three in the Moscow regional group of the party, Alexander Nechayev. Income in the form of payments from Raiffeisenbank amounted to more than 114.4 million rubles, Sberbank of -.. 11.3 million rubles, and the total amount of income is close to 130 million rubles. In second place - the leader of the regional branch of the "homeland" in the Khanty businessman Alexander Peterman. Last year, its total revenue amounted to RUB 123.3 million. Leader of the State Duma deputy Alexey Zhuravlev was 4.98 million rubles last year. The richest in dozens of federale party - chief editor of "National Defense" Igor Korotchenko, he earned 26 million rubles. Among the sources of income mentioned Korochenko "Rosoboronexport", the agency "strategic consulting", "Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade."

"Homeland" was sufficiently attractive for entrepreneurs, political analyst Mikhail Vinogradov says. Most often the choice in favor of the party due to the presence of the candidate on the list for a single-mandate constituency (the party has no benefit for the registration of signatures). Notable personalities on the list, according to the political scientist, the director can be considered "Yakutskenergo" Oleg Tarasov (annual income - 4.7 million rubles.) And a deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma businessman Eugene Trepov (99.88 million rubles.). There are also such interesting characters as the director of the Khasavyurt market Dada Umarov (income 450 000 rubles. And the car Bentley Continental GT).