How to stop tortures in the Saratov police?

A press conference about the violations of the law by the police of Saratov Oblast was held in Moscow.

The agency Rosbalt held a press conference "ABUSE OF LAW IN THE ACTIVITIES OF POLICE Saratov region." The event was attended by director of the Institute of problems of corruption Sergey Sapronov, lawyer of the Bar Chamber of Saratov Region Elena Sergun and expert development of civil society and of the Council on Human Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Pavel Zaitsev.

Speech by Sergey Sapronov was devoted to the report of the Research Institute of the problems of corruption, "Torture in Saratov. White Book 2009- 2013 years. ". The report contains numerous facts and evidence of torture of citizens, who were detained by the police in Saratov. S.Sapronov noted that "five-year plan of torture" in the Saratov region began with the arrival of the post of Chief State Ministry of Interior General Sergei Arenina. According to Sergey Sapronov, "it is with the arrival of Arenina in Saratov GU MVD crept up the curve" solved ", and the curve of violations and crimes committed by its employees, primarily operatives and interrogators and investigators readily benefit obtained by criminal means" evidence. " Ownennoe recognition, slander the innocent, obtained under torture, again turned in the Saratov region in the "queen of evidence".

As it was said at a press conference, General Arenin appointed to the post of deputy chief of police operational and investigative activities of the former Head of the Leninsky district police department Sergei Poltanova known what had previously been dismissed from service for what his staff after being tortured burned alive Armenian citizen trying to get a confession of a crime, to which the victim was not involved.

Speakers recalled the abuse of Sergei Arenina in the same place of his service as head of the Interior Ministry of North Ossetia. A special parliamentary commission reported on these facts leadership of the country in 2008. Shortly thereafter Arenin was fired, but then was appointed head of the Interior Ministry of Saratov. Negative practice that has been used Arenin in the Caucasus, was transferred to the Volga region. The press conference was reminded that in May 2012 a group of12 State Duma deputies appealed to the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, demanding action to stop the lawlessness in the Saratov police. By this treatment have been made witness statements and documents incriminating subordinates General Sergei Arenina illegal methods of conducting operational-investigative work. The appeal also mentioned a scandalous episode with the CEO of a small enterprise Saratov Marina Shuljak, "which almost died during interrogation that she gave the deputy Arenina Colonel Poltanov.

The lawyer of the Bar Chamber of Saratov Region Elena Sergun said that the criminal case Shuljak Marina has become a symbol of lawlessness Saratov police. For example, the right of the accused to defense was violated during the 5 months of the preliminary investigation on the basis of illegally obtained from the subscription M.Shulyak investigator on non-disclosure of preliminary investigation data. Defense has repeatedly denied the petition and complaints on the subject in the user manual GSU Research Affairs of Russia for the Saratov Region and the prosecutor's office.on the complaint filed by counsel in the order 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, during the trial the representative of the district prosecutor's office insisted on the legality of such a measure. However, the court investigator's actions were deemed illegal.

Protection has repeatedly appealed to the complaints addressed to the leadership of CSO, the Prosecutor's Office, the Investigative Department of the Russian Interior Ministry and the courts in connection with the delay in the timing of the preliminary investigation. According to the lawyer E.Sergun most telling point in this situation is the position of the prosecutor's office, the procedural oversight of the investigation of the criminal case. In all trials the prosecutor systematically gave the court an opinion on the legality of actions of the investigator, despite following this judicial decision on the recognition of the illegal actions of the investigator.

Elena Sergun also noted that officials of the Investigation Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs on motivated complaints lawyer systematically sent formal replies. Documents submitted by the lawyer, can be considered unique. So, in the next resolution on duringexcitation petition before the Investigation Department of the Russian Interior Ministry to extend the preliminary investigation of the criminal case investigator period indicated that they "agreed with the prosecutor's office Saratov Oblast final draft of the decision to prosecute Shuljak MA as a defendant. " This decision was approved by the Deputy Chief of the Investigative Department of the Russian Interior Ministry Manahovym SA .. According E.Sergun: "This suggests either that prohibited by law and departmental orders of non-procedural contacts are conventional in the Interior Ministry, or that the Investigation Department of the MIA of Russia no proper control over the legality and validity of the extensions of the preliminary investigation and the documents are signed without reading them. " E.Sergun also reported that during the trial the investigator in the presence of journalists, not only confirmed the fact of non-procedural contacts, but also threatened that if the lawyer complaint will be satisfied, he will call the names of prosecutors and the district area, which coordinate their actionsand I. Nevertheless, the court found the illegal actions of the investigator.

Participants agreed that a press conference, the violations revealed in the activity of structures within the system of Research Affairs of Russia for the Saratov region, requires immediate intervention and long-term staffing solutions. The investigation of the facts of gross violations of the law by the operational structures and police investigation MOI of Russia for the Saratov region, including the investigation procedure and the criminal proceedings Marina Shuljak must be taken under control of the federal public and human rights bodies to complete the restoration of justice and the rule of law in the region.

At the end of the press conference a resolution was adopted in the form of appeals to the Russian President, the leadership of the Interior Ministry, the FSB of Russia, the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General with the requirement to hold an urgent, comprehensive and objective audit of the MOI of Russia for the Saratov region over the past five years in compliance with the law and protecting the rights and interests of citizens, the selection and placement of personnel in the regional police. in circulationalso refers to the need to take the course of federal control checks carried out at present regional structures, according to the facts set out in the report of the Research Institute of the problems of corruption, "Torture in Saratov. White Book 2009- 2013 years. "And to verify the facts of gross violation of the law in the excitation and investigation of the criminal case MA Shuljak. It is proposed to take action to restore the rule of law and the establishment of safeguards implementation and enforcement of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the region.