"Emergency landing" of Alexander Tulyakov?

Will First Vice-President of United Aircraft Corporation go to jail for fraud?
For Tulyakova come the security forces?

Russia continues large-scale anti-corruption company. Investigators arrested all - ranging from bribe-governors and ending embezzled top managers of state companies. At the same time the security forces "take" even those who previously considered "untouchable." Take, for example, the recent arrest of the former head of "RusHydro" Yevgeny Dod, having a "powerful lobby" in government circles.

Recently, a "cleansing" hit and PJSC "United Aircraft Corporation" (PJSC "KLA"). Recall that this structure was created in 2006 to consolidate the assets of the largest airlines of Russia, and now the state owns more than 85% of the shares of this holding. At his home and searches were carried out in the office, and in the apartment of Representatives investigation Tulyakov not allowed. They had to break open the door. Such daring behavior of the deputy head of the KLA angered investigators and experts talk about the imminent arrest of the vice-president of the KLA. Of course, now he has the status of a witness, but Pohoie, in the very near future, Alexander Tulyakov become a suspect (then the accused and the defendant - Ed.)

Now Mr. Tulyakov tries to make visible that he - all right. He visits the enterprise and willingly communicates with local journalists. For example, at the end of July 2016 a delegation of Tulyakov KLA visited Ulyanovsk aviation enterprise JSC "Aviastar-SP". However, soon Tulyakova have to withdraw from such trips, since they are already interested investigators. Of course, the Vice President of KLA and further can do "a good face on a bad game," but from a quick arrest, it is unlikely to save him. Apparently, long Tulyakova left to walk free.

Arrests began

Vice-President of the KLA had already been questioned by investigators. Interrogation Tulyakova was connected with the case of fraudulent real estate in JSC "Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG" (RAC MiG). Appropriate criminal case was opened under Part. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud on a large scale). According to media reports, this whole story began in 2001 when the MiG decided huttsya on its alleged non-core asset of 22 thousand sq. m. m in Moscow in the Polikarpov street. Soon the property at Khodynka was transferred to the business management of a subsidiary DGC - FSUE «MiG-growth." They are something, and ran at that time Alexei Ozerov. By the way, according to media reports, the idea of ​​creating a subsidiary of the RSK (ie, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "MiG-growth" - Ed.) Personally lobbied Alexander Tulyakov.

Note that, when there was a plan of the centralized sale of areas liberated in the derivation of production capacity RSK from Moscow, land assets aircraft manufacturers in the Khodynka field has proved to be burdened with the lease agreement of "MiG-Height" May 31, 2004 for a period of 11 months. This is the successor of the privatized federal state unitary enterprise.

Moreover, on the same day (ie 31 May 2004) was signed an additional agreement to renew the contract for another 49 years. At the same time the main activity of "MiG-growth", it was stated "the production of plastic products for the packaging of goods." Of course, this type of activity had nothing to doaviation. But the director of "MiG-growth" was still the same Alexey Ozerov.

Family relationship

Soon Mr. Ozerov and his accomplices frauds noticed representatives of the authorities. For example, the then head of the capital management of the Federal Property Agency, Anatoly Shesteryuk tried to make Alexei Ozerov dismissal due suspiciously low revenue from rent received by JSC "MiG-growth." In this case, there is a version of that part of the payment for the rent Ozerov could ever receive an "envelope", or he simply stole the rent.

Next "Tulyakova team" machinations continued. So in 2004 the complex of buildings on the street was sold Polikarpov created in the same year of "business assets". A year later, this company with assets in the hundreds of millions of rubles in just 10 thousand. Rub. I bought a businessman Egor Noskov. It is curious that Mr. Noskov then became Deputy General Director of PSC "Tupolev" on the property complex. Currently Egor Noskov is under arrest.

Interestingly, Egor Noskov - a brother Akim Noskov, kototh "by a strange coincidence," from December 2001 to January 2004 served as Deputy Director of Property Management FSUE "RAC" MiG ". In other words, Akim Noskov was deputy Alexander Tulyakova. In this case Egor Noskov takes the post of Deputy General Director for the company's property complex "Tupolev". As a result, Tulyakova and Noskov brothers obtained a kind of "group in a row."

Also pay attention to the fact that the "business assets" has ceased to exist in 2010, and "MiG-growth" - two years later. In this case, the thought creeps in that the firm "business assets" was created by fraudsters specially for the withdrawal of funds.

The role of Alexander Tulyakova criminal machinations

The role of Mr. Tulyakova of fraud with state assets turns out, if you parse the subsequent fraudulent machinations of the group. So, in May-June 2005, the general director of "business assets" Egor Noskov sold all previously belonged to "MiG" property to another company - "Libertà-investment "for 48.9 million rubles. Moreover, this company was registered shortly before this transaction. Then, "Business Asset" cease all economic activity, and the Egor Noskov in 2006 moved to the LLC "Liberty Investment" and there took the post of Deputy Director General.

Against this background, since 2005, acquired by fraudsters premises rented all the same of "MiG-growth", but at commercial prices. In it lies the criminal intent: first, the fraudsters need to take property from structures "MiG", and then start to lease it. It brought attackers rather large "profits."

The auditors found that only 2011-2015, Ltd. "Liberty Investment" received from their tenants, and this, in addition to "MiG" also of "Aviatehpriemka", JSC "Aerocomposite", JSC "Helicopter Service Company", all those the "Sukhoi Civil aircraft" and many others, more than 785 million rubles. In fact, all the money went to the criminals. Obviously, this entire circuit organizer could beMr. Tulyakov, and the lake and just Noskov brothers performed their "roles" and acted "on cue" the current vice-president of the KLA.

The road to Cyprus

The database "SBIS" data, also said that Alexei Borisovich Andreev is the general director of LLC "Liberty Investment". In an extract from the register states that 97.5% of OOO "Liberty Investment" belongs to an international commercial company "Ferretti Investments Limited", registered in Cyprus (address registration Egypt Street 12, PC 1097 Nicosia, Cyprus), and Mr. Andreev in this Ltd. belongs to only 2.5%. However, as Andreev is a beneficiary of the Cypriot companies, it is formally the owner of "Liberty Investment".

But the interesting thing is that Andreev once led a joint business in the company "Region-Investment" with Alexander Tulyakova - the first vice-president of the KLA, Akim Noskov - former Deputy Director General of RAC "MiG", with Alexei Ozerov - ex General Director of "MiG-Height" and Sergei Raspberry - a former member withBoard of Directors of "MiG-growth." As they say, "the whole team in the collection."

It is worth noting that according to the above scheme "disposal of assets" in the hands of Cypriot offshore companies and other facilities were the aircraft industry. For example, the building of the former dispensary area of ​​almost 3.5 thousand square meters in the second Botkin Travel in Moscow. So Mr. Tulyakova yet to answer a lot of questions of investigators.

"Fraudulent epic" Alexander Tulyakova

It is worth noting that in the media there are alternative data, according to which the Cyprus offshore "Ferretti Investments Limited" actually belongs Tulyakova, Ozerov and Noskov, not Andreev. It is possible, however, that it is only a formal beneficiary, and in fact control all the activities of offshore same Tulyakov, lakes and socks.

By the way, Alexander Tulyakov can be involved and in another criminal case, which Tambov MIA last year instituted against the leadership of "MORSHANSKHIMMASH" squandered 58 of 60 million rubles allocated for the projectKLA. This case did not have set in motion, as Tulyakov considered a protégé of the head of the KLA Yuri Slusar. But now it might be reopened.

Rumor has it that Tulyakov, as a member of the board of directors "Ilyushin Finance" disinterested pushing the purchase at the end of last year the company 10 Bombardier aircraft, while this leasing company was obliged to purchase domestic aircraft. Thus, Alexander Tulyakov may be accused on a number of criminal cases.

From the witness - in a suspect?

As you know, now with the machinations of "Tulyakova team" understands Department of Internal Affairs of Russia on Khoroshyovsky District of Moscow. As noted earlier, the result of actions of the security forces was the arrest of the former general director of MiG subsidiary - JSC "MiG-Height" and Alexei Ozerov, deputy director of PSC "Tupolev" Egor Noskov. Now there is good reason to believe that the lake and the Sox could work on Tulyakova and all fraud had been committed on his orders. Thus, in the very near future, Vice-President of the KLA from the witness can convos in the suspect.

Top-manager without education?

Now consider the main career milestones in the life of the vice-president of the KLA. Recall that from 1993 to 2008, Alexander Tulyakov held various positions in the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG. But we are interested in 2001 when there was a sharp Tulyakova career took off. He becomes the head of the design office not, not profile aviabuilding direction, and on the MiG Property Management Department.

It should be noted that the PSC "United Aircraft Corporation" has an impressive size of the property. And part of the non-core assets is recognized and subject to privatization. At the same time responsible for the privatization of the first vice-president of KLA Alexander Tulyakov, which is engaged in non-core assets. He joined the KLA of JSC "RAC" MiG ", where he headed the Department of Property Management.

About how Tulyakova accomplices "prihvatizirovat" assets described above. In other matters, there is one "nuance" in the process. Experts doubt the presence of Alexander Tulyakova higher oneducation. This means that his qualifications (or rather lack of it), to put it mildly, "not fully correspond to his post."

So, in the official biography Tulyakova education column - Economics and Finance Institute "Synergy". " At this point in the column "Education" removed the date of graduation and the name of their specialty. About that, what it took to clean up the specifics of the column "Education", we can only guess. Perhaps Mr. Tulyakov just do not want to be "exposed"?

Now let us carefully analyze the available data on the education of Alexander Tulyakova. So, Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship does indeed exist in Moscow, where he was born and the first vice-president of the KLA. And also it has branches in St. Petersburg and Samara. But on the official website of the university to find a mention of the possibility of obtaining the first higher education in the specialty "Jurisprudence" could not be found (there are only legal training courses and short-term seminars). Moreover, Ms.rnalistam failed to reach the university on all phone numbers listed on the official website.

Now let's deal with the alleged "study" Tulyakova at the Institute of Economics and Finance "Synergy". As it turned out, an employee of the selection committee at which the journalist joined the call of the Institute Secretariat after a long search the data of graduates said that Name Tula Alexander she could not be found. So, it turns out that there is every reason to believe that Alexander Tulyakov or not studied in the universities mentioned above or received their diploma some "dubious way." Ultimately, the presence of higher education Tulyakova raises many doubts. And if so, how the top manager can do to work on such an important post, when he does not have even a simple education in the aviation industry? It seems that all these scandals Alexander Tulyakova must dismiss from the KLA.

Where did the 70 billion rubles?

The experts in recent years has accumulated a lot of questions for the "United Aircraft Corporation", in which Alexander Tulyakovsince 2011 he has served as executive vice president. The fact is that the domestic aircraft industry is in deep crisis. Chief Commercial KLA Project - aircraft "Sukhoi Superjet-100" - can be regarded as actual failure. In January 2014 the Prosecutor General on the audit of defense enterprises, introduced the report, which stated: shipbuilding and aircraft manufacturers are investing budget funds in commercial banks to recover their own benefits, managers of industrial enterprises themselves are often organized theft.

Then, by the way, Prosecutor General's Office announced the initiation of 48 criminal cases related to theft and deliberate bankruptcy of enterprises. At the moment, Alexander Tulyakov has the status of a witness, but soon it could become suspect. However, it can save the proximity to the change of the former head of United Aircraft Corporation Mikhail Pogosyan, the new president of "United Aircraft Corporation" Yuri Slyusarev, the purpose of which, in turn, lobbied for "Rostec" and the Ministry of Industry.

Slusar Tulyakova not save?
Rumor has it that the new head of the KLA Yuri Slusar understood in the aircraft industry is even less than Tulyakov. However, this is understandable. The thing is that before Slusar general was in no way connected with the aircraft, and he began his work with the "RFA" manual autonomous non-profit organization (Russia phonographic Alliance).

Later he was involved in the wholesale trade of technical information carriers and headed the National Federation of the board of directors of the Phonographic Industry (NFPF). Media wrote that, being the chairman of the board of RFA, Yuri Slusar managed to resolve the issue of accreditation on the Rights of the phonogram through Dmitry Medvedev's wife. Perhaps because of familiarity with the wife of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Yuri Slusar and made a good career in government circles.

So in 2009 Slusar became assistant to the Minister of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko. In 2010-2012 he headed the aviation industry official Department of Industry and Trade, and on May 5, 2012 Slusar became Deputy Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov, which is consideredhis (Slusar - Ed.) "patron". The second "patron" of the current head of the KLA can be called the head "Rostec" Chemezov.

However, even with the support of the Chemezov and Manturova, Slyusarev, according to experts, will not be "harness oneself" for Tulyakova, when a vice-president of the UAC once again come to the investigators. Most likely, the head of the KLA "surrender" siloviki his deputy, depicting thereby "inner struggle" against corruption in state corporations. It seems that Alexander Tulyakova still had long served as vice president of KLA and all walks free. Apparently, in the near future it will become a witness of a suspect, and then - to the defendant and the defendant. So, in the end, Alexander Tulyakova awaits planting.