Company associated with Igor Chaika started a new business

Sitistroyservis company, which, according to RBC, is related to the youngest son of the Prosecutor General Chaika, Igor, was one of the first to win several tenders for capital repairs of the capital housing. The amount of contracts exceeded 88 million rubles.
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Debris removal, landscaping, replacement of sidewalks and construction of skate parks - not all, on what makes the younger son of the public prosecutor. The company "Sitistroyservis" which, as he wrote RBC associated with Igor Chaika, has become one of the players of the new and promising market capital repairs of residential buildings.

As follows from the results of three competitions Fund capital repairs of apartment houses in Moscow (the customer of the works), the winner of which became "Sitistroyservis" by the middle of next year, the company should repair the seven houses in the south-east of Moscow, and three houses in the north of the city. The total amount of contracts - 88.3 million rubles.

For this money, "Sitistroyservis" is obliged to repair the water and heating system, repair the sewage system, to fix roofs, facades and basements of houses. Under the contract money repairers receive after signing the admission papers.

Globally, the amount of the capital market overhaul, which will receive a "Sitistroyservis" small, but the economic crisis is a stable source of income, underscoreivaet Fund lawyer fighting corruption Love Sable. The amount is quite modest, agrees to co-chair of the organization, "Housing Justice" Vyacheslav Gumenyuk, but the fight is literally any means. "Money is good, but the quality can be neglected, especially since the customer is easy to negotiate," - he stressed.

A promising market

The law ordered the overhaul of homeowners in apartment buildings to pay for their overhaul. The law came into force at the end of 2012, and a new line in the payment documents the Russians began to appear only in January 2014. Regional authorities were to take local laws governing the payment of fees, a list of homes in need of major repairs, and schedule. In Moscow apartment owners began to pay for major repairs from July this year, 15 rubles. for 1 sq. m. Since August, the city authorities began to distribute orders through tenders for maintenance overhaul homes. According to the program of capital repair of common property in apartment buildings in Moscow in the years 2015-2044, but in 2015-2016 the capital goodskids renovated 1945 house. The total cost amounts to almost 27.5 billion rubles.

Without much struggle

The first tenders to overhaul the capital's homes were announced on August 7 this year. Terms of the two competitions in which participated "Sitistroyservis" became known on August 10 their results summed up in early September. "Sitistroyservis" was the only company to participate in tenders. This did not prevent him from becoming a winner: the amount of contracts (the first tender has been awarded a contract worth almost 35 million rubles, and the second - 15.7 million rubles..) To several million rubles less than the amounts originally declared by the customer.

Third tender conditions became known on September 2, and the results are published next month. In this competition the "Sitistroyservisa" was a competitor - Moscow "Build Resource". "Sitistroyservis" won, asking for their work nearly 2 million rubles. less than a second party (the original amount claimed -. 39.8 million rubles, "Build Resource" praised its services in 39.2 million rubles.). As a result, the contract was signed in the amount of RUR 37.6 million. CommissionHe considered that "Sitistroyservis" offered the best financial conditions. Also in favor of the company was the fact that she had already had experience of repairs.

As follows from the "SPARK-Interfax", the company "Story-Resource", recorded in 2013 with an office on Yakimanka, belongs to Vyacheslav Biryukov. In 2015, the company won a tender to renovate the basement of the building of the prefecture of the Central Administrative District of Moscow, as well as the preparation of the buildings for the heating season. RBC failed Contact Biryukov.

From sidewalks to housing

"Sitistroyservis" really not a novice in the repair business. Former small construction company from the Kaliningrad region seriously expanded its business since in 2012 it became the owner of the Muscovite Denis Galagan, RBC wrote earlier. Within a year after the transaction "Sitistroyservis" won several contracts for planting gardens and building skate parks, totaling nearly 3 billion rubles. by SUE "Moszelenhoz" (subordinated to the complex urban economy of Moscow, who oversees Pyotr Biryukov).And in 2015 the company has started road repairs, which was not done before. As a result, even before the end of summer in the portfolio "Sitistroyservisa" had several contracts for the capital repair of asphalt and sidewalks of 1.42 billion rubles.

Market participants for a long time, the company was unknown. However, in August he found RBC, it is linked to other structures close to the younger son of the prosecutor Yuri Chaika, Igor (for details read "Investigation of RBC: who won the 15-year contract for garbage collection in Moscow"). This company among the younger gulls assets refers to its investigation and the Fund for the fight against corruption Alexei Navalny.

To phone to RBC "Sitistroyservisa" failed: according to SPARK specified phones in a few hours no one answered. With 16 hours does not pick up the phone and the staff of the Fund capital repairs of apartment houses in Moscow, chose "Sitistroyservis" one of the executors of repairs.