Prosecutor General's son Igor Chaika will export Russian alcohol to China

The most popular drinks in the Asian country are beer and vodka.
Company First Russian Cross-Border International Trading ltd (FRC) has received a license to trade in alcohol in China, according to the site management on sales of alcoholic beverages in Shanghai. The company is registered in Shanghai in March 2016 she had four shareholders: Igor Chaika, Anna Baryshev Artem Semenov Oleg Dmitrienko, stated in the register of Municipal Administration of Industry and Commerce of Shanghai. He also owns a stake in the Russian company "Russian exports": 41% for Gulls, 24.5% in Barysheva and Semenova, 10% in Dmitrienko (is the CEO of the company).

FRC and "Russian exports" - related companies: the first is responsible for the operations in China, the second - in Russia, told "Vedomosti" representative of the "Russian exports", confirming the existence of plans to export alcohol. The license is granted for three years - until July 19, 2019, it follows from the management information on sales of alcoholic beverages in Shanghai.
The company studied the Chinese market and came to the conclusion that the Russian alcohol is popular in China, especially beer and vodka, said Dmitrienko. How big can supply, he did not predict.

"Russians exports "is already supplying in China food, told Seagull at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June 2016 on the company's website says that it provides food suppliers - is engaged in transportation, customs clearance, certification, sales and so on. As of June, the company managed to send to China, eight from the Russian production of containers, said Gull. While "Russian exports" to China sends feelers products - mainly confectionery and groceries, said "Vedomosti" Dmitrienko. The company works with more than 30 companies, including "Hlebprom", "Ozerskiy Souvenir", a manufacturer of water "growl-Su" et al., Says on its website. The range is constantly expanding, now it is more than 100 commodity positions, by the end of the year must be at least 500, and by 2018 - at least 2000.

The "Russian exports" have offices in Moscow and Shanghai, as well as warehouses - in Moscow, Shanghai and Hangzhou. June 19, operates an electronic trading platform, elaborate on Dmitrienko. According to him, the company has agreed nconstitute the Russian products in three large trading network China: Lotus Supermarket (82 hypermarkets), RT-MART (335), Weifang Group (622), and several online retailers.

Seagull - the youngest son of the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, Russia. In May 2013, he created the company "Aqua Solid", a year later, it created the company "T-industry" Russian Railways won the tender for the purchase of 3 billion rubles. 50% minus 2 shares of Russia's largest manufacturer of railway sleepers - "BetElTrans". In 2012-2013. This company won tenders for the supply of Russian Railways monopoly until 2017 production at 269 billion rubles. In 2014-2015 gg. Seagull worked pro bono advisor to the governor of the Moscow region. He also has the company "Agro-region", which by 2017 plans to build a complex for growing mushrooms for 2.5 billion rubles.

Together with the politician Mitvol Seagull going to build in Iran desalination station, recently wrote "Kommersant".

Sales Director "growl-su" Arthur Azumanov confirmed that the water was certified manufacturer in China; the company sent a "Russian exports" a trial lot and is ready to start a crpnye delivery. The demand for Russian products in China increased due to devaluation of the ruble, he explains.

CEO vodka company "Synergy" Alexander Mechetin still in 2014 told "Vedomosti" that exports to China - a promising business. In 2015, "Synergy" has signed contracts with new partners on a number of promising areas, including China, the company said in the statement. The "Baltic" exports rose in the first half of 2016 by 9% year on year, including at the expense of sales in the Asia-Pacific region and the growth of sales in China, the company said on Wednesday.

Russia is not a major exporter of alcohol in China and hardly ever they will be, says the general director of the Research Center for Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets Vadim Drobiz. In 2015, according to him, Russia sent for export 100 million liters of beer and 45 million liters of vodka -. In the CIS countries, the USA, European countries, etc. In China accounted for less than 2%. The Chinese consume no less than 5 billion liters of strong alcohol a year, continues Drobiz, but 99% - local products; the same thing with beer. Therefore alcohol exports to China requires neopravdali large investments in promotion.

China - a very difficult market for exports and it is difficult to gain a foothold, agreed a top manager of a major Russian alcohol producer. Local distributors require a lot of marketing, working with unprofitable to them, you need to have some kind of "product supereksklyuzivny" to stay in this market.