Yuri Chaika

Yury Yakovlevich Chaika (born 21 May 1951) is the current Prosecutor General of Russia, who took his office on 23 June 2006. 

On 1 December 2015 Alexei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) published a large investigation on Yuri Chaika, and his family. The Report comes with a 40-minute film Chaika. An English version of the film was published on two months later. On 3 February 2016, the group Pussy Riot released a satirical music video titled Chaika, alluding to Navalny's findings.
Among claims in the film are that Mr Chaika’s two sons, Artem and Igor, have used their father’s connections to amass an enormous business empire, including luxury properties in Greece and Switzerland, that may have been acquired illegally. It also claims that business associates of Artem have links to one of Russia’s most infamous gangs, the Tsapoks, who terrorised Russia’s southern town of Kushchevskaya with protection from local police and prosecutors before their arrest in 2013.

Christian State Holy Russia: what is this new deadly organization?


The scandal surrounding the film about the love affair of the heir to the throne of Nicholas II and the Mariinsky Theater ballerina  Matilda Kshesinskaya flared up long before the release of the movie. The main opponents of the film are various Christian organizations in Russia and State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya. They believe that this movie defames the honor of the Romanovs' house and is filmed by the detractors of the church. "Matilda" is slated for release on October 26, 2017, however, some cinemas have already refused to show the film after several incidents of arson of cinemas in other regions. Mikhail Shubin looks into the religious organization "Christian State Holy Russia," which is trying to prevent the distribution of the movie.

Russian Prosecutor General's Office will deal with illegal assets of Russians abroad


The office will receive new powers in the near future.

The son of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Igor Chaika climbed into the privy


How the partners of Igor Chaika get state money for the fact that Muscovites go to toilets.

Igor Chaika's company will receive 75% of the largest producer of railway sleepers in Russia


The son of the Attorney General carved up the budgets of Russian Railways.

Yuri Chaika told about the work and business of his sons


They are "clever boys", they achieve everything themselves, I never interfered with their business, the public prosecutor said.

Yuri Chaika's department bred traitors


"Raised" and suspected of corruption, former Attorney of Leningrad Oblast, Stanislav Ivanov, decided to return to the service by court decision. It seems that Yuri Chaika is losing control of their wards, which could lead to his own resignation. 

Investigators and prosecutors cannot find places for themselves


Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee need 27 billion rubles to provide housing for their officers.

Housing Fund lost 1.78 billion rubles in Vneshprombank


Now Foundation asks Prosecutor General's Office to check the employees of the Central Bank.

Prosecutor General's son Igor Chaika will export Russian alcohol to China


The most popular drinks in the Asian country are beer and vodka.

Rosreestr hid the names of the public prosecutor's sons in property statements


Alexey Navalny is planning to sue the agency. 

Company linked to the son of Yuri Chaika will open an online store in China


On July 1, Russian Exports company will launch the dakaitaowa.com website, through which Russian companies, as stated, will be able to sell products in China. The project is linked to Igor Chaika, the youngest son of the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika.

The courts rejected the claim of Navalny and Anti-Corruption Foundation against the Prosecutor General Chaika and media outlets


The blogger was trying to involve the media outlets as defendants after they published a response of the General Prosecutor to his investigation film. 

Company associated with Igor Chaika started a new business


Sitistroyservis company, which, according to RBC, is related to the youngest son of the Prosecutor General Chaika, Igor, was one of the first to win several tenders for capital repairs of the capital housing. The amount of contracts exceeded 88 million rubles.

Navalny told about the Prosecutor General Yury Chaika's family business


The protagonist of the new investigation of Anti-Corruption Foundation is the son of the General Prosecutor, Artyom Chaika. 

RBC investigation: who earns on the reconstruction of Moscow


Moscow authorities have spent on the repair of streets more than 20 billion rubles in 2015, and will invest more than 105 billion rubles in the next three years. RBC found out, who and how had carved up that budget.

How the son of the public prosecutor built his business on contracts with Russian Railways and Moscow


The order book of Igor Chaika's companies exceeds 300 billion rubles.  

The militarily checked complex


Prosecutor General briefed the military and the Ministry of Industry on the devastating outcome of the audit in the defense industry.