The husband of singer Alsu, businessman Yan Abramov starts mega-project in the Urals

The cost is 17.3 billion rubles.
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Sverdlovsk authorities, following the all-Russian trend, plan to invest in agricultural projects, which were particularly relevant in the light of food embargo.Kak learned, singer Alsou husband businessman Yan Abramov agreed with Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashevym of a major project for the construction of greenhouses, where you can It will be the year to grow tomatoes and cucumbers. Its cost is estimated at 17.3 billion rubles. It is expected that under the new greenhouses will allocate 100 hectares of land under the Verkhnyaya Salda, and one of the scenarios, it can become part of a special economic zone "Titanium Valley". Details - in material.

That businessman Yan Abramov expects to realize under the Verkhnyaya Salda large-scale project for the construction of greenhouses, said Minister of Agriculture of the region Mikhail hoof. "Now, thanks to the UMMC greenhouses in Upper Pyshma, we provide ourselves with vegetables greenhouse (tomato, cucumber) by about 11-12%, it is very small. The project, Salda will allow us to reach a full self these vegetables, "- saidl Minister. According to him, under Abramov greenhouses, where all year will grow tomatoes, cucumbers and greens, is planned to allocate an area of ​​100 hectares.

The project cost - 17.3 billion rubles. According Kopytova, the region plans to help with infrastructure, as well as to invest about 3.5 billion rubles of budget funds in construction and spending on interest rate subsidies on bank loans, which will also be held for the construction. In addition, the regional authorities are hoping to receive financial support at the federal level - all the information on the project is aimed at the federal government. "It is planned that the greenhouse will be built in three years, will take their parts", - said the Minister, adding that, most likely, the first phase of a 20 ha.

Lobbyist agricultural project is personally Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev. According to, his Ian Abramov introduced Industry Minister Denis Manturov, with whom the governor approached in connection with the Yekaterinburg "Innoprom". As a result, Kuyvashev with Abramov shaken several timestilis and found a common language.

Take note of the Yana Abramova during the preparation of the material failed. His business ventures, little is known, it appears in the media mainly as a husband, singer Alsou. According to data from public sources, in 2001, he participated in the creation of the Russian-American Business Council, and later with a businessman and politician Konstantin Borovoy published the magazine "America". It was also reported that Yan Abramov and his father was a banker Raphael Abramov owned shares in the bank "local credit", which the Central Bank revoked the license in the spring of 2014. "During 2013 the volume of suspicious transactions of clients to withdraw cash abroad under foreign trade contracts exceeded 5.5 billion rubles. internal control rules in the field of counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and terrorist financing does not comply with the requirements of the Bank of Russia ", - informed the then regulator. Now, according to the database "Spark", Yan Abramov is among the founders of "New weapon technologies"ie, in particular, deals with the issue of traumatic gun "Wasp". However, the company could not help contact Abramov, saying that it does not appear in the company. According to unofficial information, the company that can do the Sverdlovsk greenhouse farming on behalf Abramov may be of "Glavselhoz".

According to one of the scenarios, greenhouses Abramova can become part of the project a special economic zone "Titanium Valley". "The territory under greenhouses is not planned to give to the private sector. Most likely, it will be framed on the "Titanium Valley", and only then start agricultural projects, in particular, will begin geological exploration of land, "- said a senior source in Sverdlovsk government. If this happens, Abramova project will receive preferential treatment, as well as all residents of the special economic zone, for example, tax exemptions on profits, property, for the transport and land tax. According to the official website of the "Titanium Valley", toI am resident in the first ten years of reset the tax rate on the property for 11 years - the rate of vehicle tax and the income tax rate is 2% for the first 10 years of the profit.

According to official figures, it is now in the "Titanium Valley" mastered plot Verkhnyaya Salda area of ​​295 hectares by the end of 2015 it is planned to include in the borders of a special economic zone of the northern section of a promising area of ​​426 hectares. Initially it was conceived primarily as an industrial project. Who is one of the sites of special economic zone being built the first plant - the company "VSMPO - New Technologies" (mechanical processing of titanium plates and forgings aviation assignment). It is expected that up to 2017 in the "Titanium Valley" will be allocated 4.8 billion rubles. From the regional budget from 2011 to 2014 it has been spent 1.79 billion rubles. In 2015 it is planned to allocate 946.6 million rubles and an additional 1.25 billion - in 2016.

Experts believe that the project hothouse looks promising, although he may face a trudnostyami in terms of energy. "Overall, the project looks quite interesting. The Russian market of fresh vegetables is estimated at about 350-400 billion rubles, while the industry's growth potential is preserved, which can be implemented, including through the expansion of domestic production and import substitution. In recent years, in greenhouse vegetable growing quite actively developing new projects, there is the inflow of investment, suggesting that the positive results in the medium term ", - said analyst UK" Finam Management "Maxim Klyagin. According to him, the main barrier greenhouse vegetable production is high energy, forming a rather high investment costs of such projects and the relatively long payback periods. "Against this background, the market demand for high-tech and the most energy-efficient solutions with high productivity, such projects may well be quite competitive and profitable", - the expert believes. According to the forecast Klyagina, in the medium term as they grow with suchbelt production capacity production share of local players in the domestic market will continue to grow.