Vaino turned out to be close to Chemezov and Manturov

Rostec head allegedly lobbied the career of Anton Vaino.  
About Anton Vaino, who suddenly was replaced as head of the Presidential Administration Sergey Ivanov, little is known: the grandson of the Estonian party leader, in the assessment of personality which Estonians themselves have not come to a consensus, the son of the vice-president of "AvtoVAZ", he was not very visible in the the political field of the country. It should be noted that it is possible, it is this dullness and lack of ambition and just played in his favor when selecting candidates for the post of head of the presidential office. However, as it turned out, in the privacy of the official much less shy than in politics. M. Vaino knows a lot about good rest, in boats, horses and money neighbors.

Official biography of Anton Vaino diversity does not shine: born in 1972 in Tallinn, studied at MGIMO, a little worked in the Foreign Ministry and began to work hard in the Kremlin since 2003. First, 31-year-old young man helped gotovitm protocol events for Putin when he was president. Then I do the same at the White House with Prime Minister Putin. Then, together with Putin returned to the Kremlin again, this time in the rank of deputy head of the presidential administration. Finally, hethis administration was headed. At first glance dull bureaucratic career.

But then I wonder where all this started a career. And it began a hundred years ago, when the great-grandfather of the official Bolshevik Henry Vine, moved from Estonia to Siberia, where he got offspring. After the war, an official grandfather Karl Vaino became in Tallinn already respected man, first secretary of the Communist Party of the republic. I do not hit the face in the dirt and the official father - Eduard Vaino worked in the leadership "AvtoVAZ" and close to the president's friend Sergei Chemezov. No wonder Vaino Jr. enters today the Supervisory Board of "Rostec". In short, there was someone to intercede for a young man.

But close to the environment Vaino Chemezov and geographically. In its official declarations he has a house of 454.2 square meters. m, which was originally not just a house, and the whole small hotel. In any case, as stated in the statement of the Russian State Register. In November 2012, the hotel bought out the previous owner Eduard Vaino, and in the spring of 2014, he gave it to his son. Cost of such a gift on market standards may be about 200 million rubles.

A hundred metersI settled by Vaino another man Chemezov, the official counterpart for the supervisory board "Rostec," Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov. Are their residence in a luxury yacht golf club "Pirogovo" near Moscow. As stated on the site, "Pirogov" - a "club for wealthy lovers of an active lifestyle. People come here for outdoor recreation, with the adrenaline of sailing races for horse riding and interesting dialogue - without ties and without fences. There is a yacht club, golf course, tennis courts and soccer field, hockey court, two restaurants. If a person begins to feel the need to travel in "Pirogov", then sooner or later it is to live here. "

Here Anton Vaino, and remained, the more that the presence of "Pirogov" own residence means that their owners automatically become members of this elite club. This is confirmed in "Pirogovo". However, it added that to buy property here is possible only after preliminary negotiations. That is, certain acts face control, which is bureaucraticto pass.

Now Anton Vaino can enjoy the modern infrastructure of the local yacht club, go to a sailing school and take part in sailing regattas. He can play an unlimited time on the beautiful golf course in the summer and winter golf simulator. Can take part in the "Wine summits" and other club events.

In general, in contrast to the rather dull everyday life Sergey Ivanov the new head of the Kremlin administration knows how to catch a tailwind, where to find the correct hole and what to do at all sorts of summits.


ways Petrick

To register, including unseen in Russia in 2011 was invented nooskop - a device for producing and detecting changes in the biosphere and in human activity. - Three years ago, I informed the readers of "Journal of Economics and Law," the current head of the Russian presidential administration Anton Vaino. - Nooskop - a device which records the changes in the noosphere. Academician VI Vernadsky defined "living matter" as the totality of the bodies of living organisms in the biosphere - the mostoschnuyu geological force, growing over time ... NOOSKOP - a device consisting of a network of spatial scanners for production and registration of changes in the biosphere and human activities with the help of co-transaction -kinokadrov Genesis - the image of the intersection of space-time-life. NOOSKOPA sensor network, ranging from credit cards and ending with a new generation of "smart dust" that uniquely identifies the event in space and time. NOOSKOP by reading the transaction market code captures the dynamics of the market development and the slightest changes, allowing them to take into account, to put on the balance sheet and the future capitalized.

The main question here is one. How much budget money has had a drink this crap? Is greater than the previous favorite swindlers at the vertical of power, such as felon Petrik?

Source: "APN Northwest", 14/08/2016


Then came Vaino

Vladimir Putin continues to get rid of his old friends and colleagues, who all these years have supported him and looking for whole sectors of the Russian economy. In Augustroshlogo year to retire the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, and July 28, 2016, after a show in search of his family house, retired head of the Federal Customs Service Andrei Belyaninov. Now it came to Sergei Ivanov - he leaves the Old Square and is appointed Special Representative of the President on issues of environmental activities, the environment and transport. He was replaced by Latino families nomenclature of the CPSU Anton Vaino, who began his career in the Foreign Ministry. NT studied the biography of the new head of the presidential administration and found a lot of interesting details.

Verified pictures

The reasons for such unexpected resignation of Sergei Ivanov, now you can guess how much you want. So far one thing is clear: "ecologist" Ivanov be excluded from the conventional Putin receivers, and how subtly remarked Andrey Kolesnikov of the Carnegie Endowment: "From nature to the summit of power did not come back," At the same time, as it turned out, on the bench to choose, in general, and no one either came from the FSB, FSO, or grown children Party nomenklatura.

"Vladimir Vladimirovich, apparently, very ehStith, that the great-grandson of the famous Bolshevik-Leninist and the grandson of the first Central Committee of the Estonian Communist Party secretary hands him a paper to sign, "- said a source in the presidential administration.

As stated in the official biography of Anton Vaino, in 1918, his great-grandfather Henry Vaino, after a failed attempt of the Bolshevik insurrection in Estonia, fled to Russia. In Tomsk, he had a son, Karl, who later made a successful career of the party Central Committee instructor, secretary of the regional committee of Tallinn, department head, secretary of the Estonian Communist Party. In 1978-1988 years - the first secretary of the Communist Party of Estonia, as a result of many Estonian public protests against Russification, was relieved of his post and moved to work in Moscow.

Father Anton Vaino - Edward Karlovich - from 1981 to 1985 he worked in the Soviet trade mission in Japan. From 1990 to 1997 - the chief representative of OJSC "AvtoVAZ" in the United States, where he participated in a joint project with General Motors and the purchase of technological equipment. From 2009 to present - Vice-President for External Relations and Cooperation with ASCOner "AvtoVAZ".

According to some media, Mr. Vaino enters the inner circle of Putin's friend - the head Sergei Chemezov Rostec who allegedly lobbied the appointment of Anton Vaino at such a high position. As has found out the NT, in addition to Russian citizenship, Eduard Vaino has a passport honorary citizen tiny Kingdom of Bhutan, which is located between China and India.

The new head of the presidential administration Anton Vaino, in 1996 he graduated from the MGIMO, 5 years has worked in the Russian Embassy in Japan, and 2 years in the Foreign Ministry. He came in 2003 to work in the Kremlin, and since then, like a shadow, always follow Putin. Initially responsible for the schedule of the president, then he tracked the performance of his decrees, led by its protocol, when Putin was the head of government. In May of 2012, when Putin returned to the Kremlin, Vaino was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration.

On the sidelines of the Old Town Square about the new head of the administration said that he was personally committed to Putin apparatchik of the highest class, always collected and organized. The former head of the internal policy of adminisistratsii President Oleg Morozov posted on his Facebook page a eulogy: "He is one of those who does not make mistakes. Terrific operational. Perfectly knows all the country's political and administrative elite. "

Wife Vaino - born Elena Lyubertsy Shulenkova son Alexander graduated from MGIMO.

family Languages

According to official returns for the 2015 Anton Vaino earned 2 million 157 thousand. Rubles, and is the owner of the apartment 111.7 m2, land 2840 m2, two parking spaces (13.9, 12.7), as well as in his use of another apartment 155.5 m2 and 6058 m2 plot.

Everything else, the official has a 2-storey building (454.2 m 2) on the Klyazma reservoir in the Mytishchi district of Moscow region. Earlier residential facility owned tourist boarding house, and then became the owner of "House Klyazma-6", among the founders of which indicated Ltd. "The third berth." In turn, the "dock" owned holding company "Huta" and Cypriot offshore Tekilina Investment ltd.

Vaino's wife - Elena Shulenkova for the same period earned 10 million 111 thousand rubles..4 penny. Apartment (155.5) is in her property, a house (35.3), parking place (13.4) and plot (3200).

Meanwhile, there is another curious detail: according to data from the Russian State Register, previously was the owner Mrs Shulenkova sverhelitnoy in Barvikha (cottage complex "River") of land with total area of ​​3245 m2, three-story house 770.1 m2 and 283.7 m2 home protection. Estimated cost of only one area - $ 3 million, let alone how much it valued house and guard house, we can only speculate. For example, a much smaller house and a plot of land in the "River" sold for 200 million rubles.


About closed cottage "River" need to tell apart. Here live many years son and son-in-Chief of Putin's guard and now the head of the Federal Service of the National Guard Gen. Viktor Zolotov. His son, Roman, in the ownership of a plot of land 1184 m2 and 676 m2 two-storey house, and married the daughter of a film producer Yury Zolotov Jeanne Chechihin owns 43 hundred square meters (adjacent to the site in Barvikha owned by Chechihinbut there is another plot of land in the village Kalchuga total area of ​​2886 m2. - NT).

In addition to relatives Zolotov, among the inhabitants in the "River" showed Putin in-law relative of the former security guard, now acting Tula Region Governor Alexei Dyumina - Vladimir Miheychik living in Switzerland Dmitry Jakubowski, better known as "General Dima", the wife of the vice president of "Rosneft" Eduard Khudainatov Marina and a group of businessmen closely linked to the well-known throughout the 1990s, Gabriel Yushvaevym and the largest landowners of Odintsovo Timur Klinovsky.

April 14, 2012, one month prior to the appointment of Anton Vaino deputy head of the presidential administration, the owner of the golden acres and house his wife in the cottage "River" was a native of Tallinn, a 64-year-old Tatiana Ezhevsky.

The spouse of the pensioner Ezhevsky, Victor, until 1992 worked in the V / O "Traktoroeksport" and his older brother Alexander from 1980 to 1988 served as Minister of Agricultural Engineering of the USSR and with Karl Vaino sat in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 11 cosyva.

New time