Rostec is ready to implement the Yarovaya law using the pension savings of Russians

The telecommunications operators will have to return the money, around 3-4 billion rubles every year.
Implementation of the law on the storage of telephone conversations and correspondence Russians, initiated by the deputy Irina Spring and Senator Viktor Ozerov, is to entrust the National Informatics Center (NIC) - one of the structures of the state corporation "Rostec". The proposal Ministry of Industry to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in response to his request, the spokesman of the Ministry of "Vedomosti". UDI able to create a distributed data center system, I'm sure the Ministry of Industry. Assigning him the sole operator of the system can be saved due to the unification of technical solutions, according to his representative, and telecommunications companies, rather than to invest in their own storage system, will just pay the operator for the service uniform system.

In sum, these contributions amount to over five years of 95-105 billion rubles. - 3-4 billion a year for a major telecom operator, said in a letter to the Acting General Director of "Rostec" Vladimir Artyakov Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, with whom learned "Vedomosti". This pisme know two sides "Vedomosti" close to "Rostec".

According to the law Spring with July 1, 2018, Russian telecom operators and Internet service providers will be required to up to six months (the exact date will name the government) to store all traffic customers - calls, letters, files, conversations. And information about themselves facts of information transmission - for three years. The costs of telecommunication companies to build traffic storage amount to 2.2 trillion rubles, wrote the chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko heads cellular "big four." - MTS, "Megaphone" "Vympelcom" and for Tele2.

Comment calculations "Rostec" their representatives were not on Thursday. A representative of "Rostelecom" explained calculation of costs is not possible as long as there are no specific regulations.

To finance the creation of a single storage operator, "Rostec" offers to attract investments "using market-based instruments." As consumers of services of the operator will be "big solvency", these tools could become a "reliablem and profitable investment of the Russian Federation "(FIU) of the Pension Fund, the letter said.

Probably, "Rostec" means the funds are not of the RPF, and pension savings, suggests a representative Marita Nagoga FIU. They are distributed almost equally between private pension funds (NPF) and Vnesheconombank (VEB). Near the FIU only two cost items - the payment of pensions and benefits and performance costs of its own functions, Nagoga explains. The possibility of investing pension savings in third-party projects is determined by the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, it clarifies.

On some specific money is no speech, says a person close to the "Rostec", but it may well be a means of NPF. Current legislation allows Russia to invest pension money, even in relatively risky assets, and investments in financial instruments of a single storage operator will be very reliable, does not doubt the source "Vedomosti", because endows him are telecom operators.

How much it will cost "Rostec" to create a systemStorage traffic, its representative has not undertaken to assess, but it is certain: the cost of the project "many times smaller than previously featured in the media evaluation". The idea to use the pension funds she left without comment. So did the representative of the Industry and Trade Ministry.

At the end of June 2016 under the management VEB was a little less than half of the pension savings of Russians - 1.8 trillion rubles. (More than 2 trillion manage NPF). . Most of these funds - 40.8%, or 748.9 billion rubles, - invested in Treasury bonds; another 37%, or 680.2 billion rubles., - in the bonds of Russian companies (see incision.).

With the 2014 completion of the funded part of pensions of Russians suspended. Prior to this, the FIU passed the collected savings contributions or pension funds and private management companies (MC; optionally insured), or - the so-called silent types - on the Web. Under the control of private management companies is now about 33 billion rubles. pension savings, they invest them in accordance with the formal requirements of the RPF, on the basis of which each of the Criminal Code is developing its investment declaration, said the general director of the Criminal Code "Capital" BaDim nipples. For all 13 years of investing pension savings any direct instructions from the government to buy those or other securities to private CC, according to him, have been reported.

The VEB request for support for a project related to the execution of the law Spring, did not, according to a bank representative. Get answers from Central Bank, Ministry of Finance and President Dmitri Peskov, press secretary failed.