Stanislav Chemezov joined the Manturov's family business

Denis Manturov became a millionaire thanks to a successful marriage.
One of the main owners of the company "Financial system" became Stanislav Chemezov, the son of the head Sergei Chemezov Rostec. He got exactly half the share of the company, whose main asset is the Gelendzhik Pension "Primorye". It is known that the "Primorye" is an entity controlled by Natalia Manturovo, slyvuschego chief plastic surgeon of the country and part is the wife of the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

Kin to kin

It is known that less than a month ago, a significant proportion of "financial system" acquired company "Financial investments", which is controlled directly Rostec head Sergei Chemezov hands of his son. The son of the head of state corporation also owns nearly a quarter stake in OOO "Gelendzhik resort - Meridian". And this is not the last asset Chemezov Bush. In his possession it is also half the proportion of Gelendzhik investment company "MIC" Rusinvest ".

Returning to the "financial system". Publicized was the fact that the Cypriot offshore companies to manage. Among them, called such offices as Monticello Holdings Limited, Guylen Investments Limited and Questoil Limited. Also, some media reported that the assets of one of the above-mentioned companies formally owned by someone Valentin Manturov. If we remember the patronymic of the head of Industry and Trade (V.), that include wild imagination can think of so far that is, at least, a close relative of Denis Valentinovich.

What will happen to the "Primorye"

According to open sources, the reconstruction of the boarding house "Primorye", more precisely, its expansion is planned to spend 2 billion rubles. What is the "extension", you can guess, knowing that next to the boarding house is a sanatorium "Friendship". It is a specialized medical institution for deaf people. So, at this point, the owners want to build a hotel complex and a medical center. It is said that this will be the Kuban branch of the Moscow Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology. And this organization has just Manturova Natalia. So transformation plans in Gelendzhik look quite logical. Only here where disappear deaf, is unclear. But it is apparently not so important. As they say, business is business.

Ministerial "mantra"

About Manturova minister and his family can be told for a long time. And not so much about its back-breaking labor ministerial career, much of his success, though not undisputed business projects. It is known that the aforementioned Natalya Manturova wineries owns land in the Kuban. In particular, it is the owner of the company, "Mantra". In its order, according to various sources, it is between 100 and 300 hectares of agricultural land on which the grapes are grown. As Natalia Manturova suddenly became the owner of a "golden" piece of land in Russia's breadbasket, can only guess. But evil tongues have already managed to invent that such a good buy to help the administrative resource.

After all, if a man minister, how can we not take advantage of the situation!

But it is interesting here more. The official founders "Mantra" (incidentally, the name hurt in tune with a well-known name) are - the attention - and the company Quesoil Ltd Guylen Investments Ltd. If someone read this material carefully, immediately make the right conclusions. These are the same offices that are associated with the "financial system" the same Manturovo! And more interesting information - both Cypriot company was changed to "post" the owners of "Mantra" another - Monticello Holdings Limited.

Under the supervision of offshore is the last block of shares "Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant." At the end of 1997 already a distant father Natalia Manturovo - Yevgeny Kiselyov - got into the possession of the shares of this particular aircraft factory. And, moreover, the deputy head of the company at the same time he was appointed - not yet the Minister of Industry of the Russian Federation - but in-law Denis Manturov Kisel. The main thing - do not learn, and well married! Denis V. combined legal knot very well (good always adhere to good).

Unknown young sociologist, after his marriage to the daughter of a major Russian industrialist began to make a giant step on the career ladder. Denis Manturov became the director (yet commercial) "Moscow Mil helicopter plant name". Then Manturov becoming one of the youngest Russian ministers. In the interim, he had the position of Deputy Minister of Transport, and already in a year the country received a new head of Industry and Trade.

But it would not be Russia if Manturov, changing the position of plant manager at the bureaucratic suit honestly would leave all their assets. Why, if there are relatives and, in particular, the beloved wife! On her-and all income earned Manturovym were previously listed. And the most "fat" pieces of personal wealth, of course, were transferred outside the beloved homeland. On matters Manturova, his wife, his father-in you can tell a lot. Because of this, it is no wonder one thing: the family financially is not something that is flourishing, it just smells. As evidence, we bring an authoritative data (especially in terms of counting foreign purses), "Forbes" magazine.

So, the income of spouses Manturova over the past year, according to the declaration of the Minister, has made almost 150 million rubles. Of course, Natalia Manturova - the queen of plastic surgery. But to earn that kind of money ?! Even with the known prices of surgical "plastic" is unlikely. Even if we add to the revenue official ministerial salary, the figure turns out very impressive. Although ... with real estate and land for this real estate, even such a powerful political and economic aspect of the wife - why not?