Life of an investment banker as a detective story

The mystery of the inheritance of Leonid Rozhetskin is no less interesting than the mysterious circumstances of his death.
Origin source

Only at the end of October this year it was announced that the remains of the infamous investment banker Leonid Rozhetskina brought from Latvia to St. Petersburg. Four years after the mysterious disappearance Rozhetskina in Jurmala, the urn with his ashes (cremation took place in Riga) was buried in his father's tomb. The funeral ceremony was surprisingly modest. I could not find the money from the property managers of the legendary American specialist on the privatization of Russian state property 90 and in the separate columbarium. Although Rozhetskina state at the time of his untimely death, or murder (it is still unclear) employs more than one hundred million dollars. Where are all the same, that was acquired by overwork former co-owner of the cellular operator "MegaFon" and once the favorite of all the new Russian beau monde of the French Riviera? The mystery of the inheritance of Leonid Rozhetskina no less interesting than the mysterious circumstances of his death.

13-year-old boy Leonid Rozhetskin and his mother emigrated from Leningrad to severe wealthy New York in 1979. His father was in the USSR, and, taking up the post at the smallzhilkontory district superiors, for some financial fraud hit the cross where he died from the disease of prison in the mid 80s.

According to the official biography Rozhetskina Jr., in the United States, he received an excellent education - he graduated with honors in 1987, Faculty of Mathematics, Columbia University, and in 1990 also with honors - Harvard Law School. During all this hard to believe, since training in such prestigious institutions Ivy League is fabulous money. How could they take a poor immigrant family at that time? While perhaps in this sense, and hid in prison Rozhetskina Sr., whose son almost did not know.

Whatever it was, but the young American lawyer with a good knowledge of Russian in 1992 turned out to be the right time in the right place - in the Moscow office of White & Case law firm, which is involved in the work of the Russian Center for the privatization of the Russian government. That is, first Rozhetskin developed rules for the transfer of the giant Soviet state property into private hands, and then teach newly minted Russian oligarchs to violate their own. A cardinal rule of Russian business in those years, which Rozhetskin firmly learned for myself, it was very simple: "Hasten to throw your neighbor until you have thrown."

In August 1995, Rozhetskin was first mentioned as a managing director of investment company "Renaissance Capital", created by Boris Jordan and Vladimir Potanin. Resounding success of the first "Renaissance" - a conclusion stake in Russian mobile "VimpelCom" operator ( "Beeline") on the New York Stock Exchange, what happened to the Russian private company for the first time after the 1917 October Revolution.

Then, according to some, personally Rozhetskin persuaded George Soros to take part in the privatization of "Svyazinvest". For a blocking stake in the pay a fantastic sum for those times to $ 1.85 billion., And later called the investment project of the worst in his life. While Soros otpaivali "Borjomi" friendly staff "Renaissance Capital" enjoyed "Widow Clicquot", earning on this delightful in their insolence "wiring" $ 120 million.

During the 1998 default "Penessans "has already lost $ 10 million. per day. Without thinking, Rozhetskin sold his shares of the company's partners for $ 20 million. Further went on his way.

Large kidok

Start of "Svyazinvest" the third operator on the Russian cellular market and failed. Although it is a promise of such perspectives George Soros has invested in shares of the company nearly $ 2 billion.

But that did not happen in 1997, Rozhetskin managed to do later with the "North-West GSM», which held a monopoly position in St. Petersburg and in almost all of the North-West Federal District of Russia since 1993.

At the beginning of the "zero" when the "St. Petersburg's communicators" headed by Leonid Reiman took key leadership positions in the Russian government, made possible the further development of "North-West GSM» branded "MegaFon". In this period, mobile operators MTS, and then the "Beeline" were finally able to enter the market of St. Petersburg and the Northwestern Federal District. A "Megaphone" in turn received frequency to work in Moscow and the regions east of the Ural Mountains.

So clchilos that through firm LV Finance and "Sonic Duo" Rozhetskin owned 25.1% of "Megafon", capitalization start to increase rapidly. By tacit information Rozhetskin was only a formal holder of "MegaFon" shares, and the real owners hiding behind the guise of IPOC Fund from the Virgin Islands and Bermuda.

When the "Megaphone" was still only in draft, Rozhetskin allegedly signed with IPOC fund option agreement on the assignment of shares. For the "protection" of these shares Rozhetskin like even received from the "Petersburg signalers" some money.

But 5 August 2003 an investment banker all of a sudden the whole business sold LV Finance (including the main asset of 25.1% of shares of "Megaphone") company, part of the "Alfa Group", "Alfa-Eco" Michael Friedman for $ 300 million. by carrying out the deal of his life, Rozhetskin flew through "Sheremetyevo-2" from Russia forever. But his life after that was not as long as he wanted.

Life is good

Meanwhile, throwing himself all Rozhetskin not hiding and pointedly kept bright nouveau riche social life, toTorah would envy and Bosnyuk guerrillas. He started to overspend in Hollywood, shooting financing of several blockbusters. I bought a house in Jurmala for $ 1.5 million., Apartment in London at the prestigious Mayfair for 3 million. Pounds, founded and began to publish in the London newspaper City AM, bought a house in Los Angeles Bel-Air and Thai Phuket ...

Even on the wanted list by Interpol US citizen Rozhetskin easily moved around the world in a private plane Chalenger (worth $ 18 million.), Present themselves with a number of passports: Latvian passport in the name of Leonards Rozetsa, in the US it was known as Leonard Roseta.

Since 2005, Rozhetskin with fanfare decided to celebrate his birthday at the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild, situated in the exclusive location - the resort of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat on the French Riviera. On the so-called "Ball of Flowers" here in August gathered the richest Russian businessmen from the Forbes list, with their wives or mistresses. Champagne «Moet Chandon» flowed freely, ladies in dresses of fresh flowers, caviar spoons, in the luxurious garden - historical monument - a show with singing fountains ... All due Rozhetskin foundation (Rozhetskina Fund). In these days of traffic jams on the narrow roads of the peninsula of Cap-Ferrat from the new Russian Lamborghini and Ferrari were considered common, they are not saved even helicopters.

The hero of the celebration usually appeared under the curtain on the event rarity white Rolls-Royce Phantom in a turquoise jacket, white trousers and loafers without socks. Milo talked with the ladies and fellow billionaires, modestly drank a glass of champagne and disappears somewhere.

And on ordinary days Rozhetskin lived in the Villa Isola Selesta, which rented in Cannes. Without any beach liberties he spent here largely quiet business meetings. The house was hung with paintings of old masters. Rozhetskina Cook previously worked for Boris Berezovsky and created some absolutely wonderful Russian dishes morel. Few knew that Rozhetskin already acquired at Antibes large plot of land and was going to build his mansion with a huge park.

In 2008, the "Flower Ball" was held for the first time without Rozhetskina. Hundreds of guests had fun and carefree, though many knew that the triumph of the master was gone, and perhaps he is no longer alive.

tre Interventionrd force

Meanwhile, the passions around the blocking stake "MegaFon" escalated. The fund IPOC filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York claim the head "Alfa-Group" Mikhail Fridman called "leader, founder and mastermind" group under the code name «Fridman MC Enterprise». Of IPOC, among other things, he accused the group that the purpose of the assignment of property fund «Fridman MC Enterprise» resorted to bribery, theft and obstruction of justice ", spending $ 11 million. To bribe witnesses.

Parallel Gossvyaznadzor Russian suddenly discovered disorder in obtaining subscriptions Moscow users "Beeline" (trade name of "VimpelCom", where the largest share belongs to the "Alpha"). A prosecutor's office opened because of this criminal case against the cellular company.

"Alpha" said no less rigidly in 2006 in the arbitration court in Zurich its lawyers for the first time exposed the likely beneficiary of IPOC, the very "alleged witness number 7," for a description similar to the RF Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman. Thus, the "Alpha" has threatened youtavit Reiman corrupt, for which the way into the "civilized world" will be closed forever.

Sources say that attempts to influence the Friedman had no success through high government officials: all the exhortations he replied that he was not the initiator of the scandal that action "Alpha" bought from the legal owner and is always ready to sell them for a reasonable price.

In the course of litigation the parties relentlessly poured mud at each other in Russian and Western media for several years. Naturally, battered and runaway Rozhetskin against which the Moscow prosecutor's office opened a criminal case (fraud on a large scale h. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code) and declared an international arrest warrant.

When the situation finally came to a standstill, allow it took a prominent specialist in this kind of operations, Alisher Usmanov. In summer 2008, Usmanov bought 31,1% of shares of "Megaphone" in "Telecominvest", one of the founders of which was Leonid Reiman, and liquidated by the time the IPOC fund. A little earlier Usmanov and "Megaphone" bought the "Alpha" 25, 1% of the cellular company, payfor in them is already $ 5.2 billion -. almost 18 times more than spent in 2003. "Alpha".

Satisfied parties withdrew all claims against each other. Not only Rozhetskin calmed down, having started in New York a long lawsuit against Leonid Reiman personally, accusing him "of causing financial and reputational harm." Rozhetskin demanded $ 500 million. Compensation. Perhaps the hype about this in the media forced to leave the post of Minister Reiman communications and take an amorphous position of the Presidential Adviser.

In October 2007, the New York court decided to dismiss Rozhetskina, but he again sued. In March 2008, Rozhetskin suddenly disappears in Jurmala. And in May 2008, the New York court finally rejects his lawyers in a lawsuit against the Minister of Information Technologies and Communications Leonid Reiman.

Mysterious disappearance

Quest Rozhetskina for a long time engaged in not only the Latvian police, but also the FBI, Scotland Yard, Interpol, private investigators from the British detective agency GPW.

According to investigators Rozhetskin flew to Riga from London 15 March 2008on a private jet Challenger 604. From Riga it is planned to depart on March 17 on Monday, but disappeared without a trace. On the morning of March 16 the American partner Rozhetskina called from Jurmala butler Rozhetskina with discouraging news: "Leonid disappeared. His car "Porsche." - Too " Friends Rozhetskina asked the detective agency GPW, specializing in corporate investigations. In Riga, hastily left the team of detectives. It soon became clear: it is unlikely to kidnapping, murder soon.

Managing Rozhetskina house in Jurmala, Kapu street, told detectives that the owner came home at about two o'clock in the morning with a nice guy. Found a consequence of a taxi driver then confirmed that the house has taken away from Jurmala Rozhetskina two men in the 2.30 am and dropped them in Riga, near the «XXL» known in the city gay club. When the guests left, the light was still burning in the windows of the house.

In the morning the butler found in the house Rozhetskina broken furniture and brown spots presumably blood - behind the sofa in the library. With the help of infrared scan later revealed traces of blood on the stairs leading to the exit, and pufive in the garage. But for some reason they carefully zamyli.

Butler said that he had seen at seven-thirty in the morning on the day of his disappearance Rozhetskina Cayenne left the gate behind the wheel was like a host. But then he changed testimony. According to media reports, two days in the neighborhood Kauguri (town between Jurmala and Tukums) found the car "Porsche" with the license plate inscribed "the Azure", belonging to Rozhetskin, and in it someone's blood-stained clothes.

DNA examination of biomaterial with a toothbrush and a comb owner of the house on the street in Jurmala, Kapu confirmed that the blood stains in the library also belonged to the same person. But the Latvian police did not hasten to say that this was the Rozhetskin. To see this finally, it was necessary to conduct further analysis of DNA from someone of his relatives. Mother Elvira Rozhetskina flatly refused to fly it from New York to Riga, being in the firm belief that her son murdered "agents of the Kremlin." I had to seek help from the FBI, and it took quite a long time.

Riga investigators spent a lot of time searching SMOsMu is not the body of the missing banker, and cans with residues of sulfuric acid, with which supposedly got rid of the killer body. In April 2008 in a wooded area between Riga and Jurmala summer visitor with a dog found the body, the external signs like Rozhetskina. But the police did not comment on this terrible discovery.

Then, Butler decided to arrest for aiding and concealment of evidence millionaire Rozhetskina disappearance. It appeared to be a certain Anatoly Demchenko.

As it turned out, during the Soviet era, Anatoly Demchenkov served in the military School. Alksnis, and in the first section, which was subordinate to the KGB. This fact has generated little in the media version that the Russian special services involved may be intended to eliminate Rozhetskina. This conspiracy version was so wide resonance that the then head of the press bureau of the Foreign Intelligence Service General Boris Labusov was forced to make the following statement: when Bogdan Stashinsky abolished in Germany Stepan Bandera, or SVR, "Since 1959, none of the KGB of the USSR in such actions involvement not take. "

Surfaced another interesting fact: both Demchenkov was the manager and owner of the house Jurmala notorious in Latvia and the US VEF banka Yuri Durandina, which belonged to Jurmala, the casino and other hot spots. Bank Durandina repeatedly illuminates money laundering of all kinds of American and Canadian pyramid like MMM, for which the US authorities have made it into the "black list". Rozhetskin and Durandin were clearly familiar, last asked him to settle the problem with the bank in the United States. Did Rozhetskin solve problems - is unknown, it is known that the VEF bank in 2007, was successfully sold to Ukrainian investors. But the police have not given all the information that the criminal special significance, and two weeks later let go butler Demchenkova.

Previously on "business Rozhetskina" I was detained one suspect - a security guard at home entrepreneur. However, he was released after 48 hours of detention on bail. As for overnight guests Rozhetskina, who had taken a taxi from his home at 2:30 am, then find them not - traces were lost somewhere in Lithuania.

Speaking of unconventional information oritation Rozhetskina came as a surprise even to his closest friends. Businessman has always surrounded himself with beautiful and sexy girls. Parting with another girlfriend, Rozhetskin sent a consolation prize - a diamond bracelet Cartier.

A few years before the disappearance of an investment banker, even married a Russian model Natalia Belova, which soon bore him a son, Maximilian. Rozhetskina wife lived in his London apartment on Mayfair under the supervision of the team of five bodigardov. Rozhetskin in the apartment for some reason appeared rarely, preferring to live in London's luxurious hotels, particularly in the "Dorchester".

However, it turned out that on the Internet forums Riga LGBT Rozhetskina known by the nickname "Malvina" after his disappearance there was a lot of warm words of regret about it.

Finally British journalists staged a hunt for the whole private jet Rozhetskina. Challenger 604 flew to London on the day of the disappearance of his master, but an hour before the scheduled landing in the capital of Great Britain has changed its route and eventually landed in Vienna. On board, there were only da pilot - and any passengers. Having stood at the airport of Vienna day, the aircraft flew for 45 minutes to Geneva. "Pilots landing fees paid in cash and flew to Switzerland" - Daily Mail reported the press service of the Vienna Airport. Five days later, the plane flew from Geneva on the Canadian island of Newfoundland, and three days later, on March 26 returned. On Thursday evening, the Challenger 604 took off again, and three hours later landed in Norway, in Stavanger. "He flew in from Geneva, with one passenger and two crew members. The more I you can not say anything, "- said the representative of the airport daily.

Latvian police confirmed that both pilots have questioned, but has not released any information on the matter. Pilot Names: crew commander Mark Kvellett, who served in the Canadian Air Force, and the co-pilot - also Canadian Stephen Proctor. According to media reports, the passenger was a man Dupanin, Rozhetskina friend, who lives in California. For what purpose he was on the plane Rozhetskina - is unknown.

His quest completed British newspapermen in the Scottish village of Moscow, whereRozhetskina showed in the house he bought, apparently, just for fun. In this structure for a long time no one had lived, on this trail ended abruptly.

At the end of a formal investigation Latvian police for some reason, it made a strange conclusion: Rozhetskin or faked his own death, or was among the participants in the protection of witnesses the FBI program. In this search for him had been temporarily discontinued.

Rob the robbers

Clarity in the "fact Rozhetskina" appeared four years after his disappearance.

In the woods near the town of Tukums (located a few dozen kilometers from Jurmala) in August 2012 the remains of an unknown man found. The body was not covered with earth, and almost threw branches. Because the body was in the last stage of decomposition, to determine the cause of death, the police did not succeed.

If no credit card on Rozhetskina name, which was next to the corpse, is unlikely to be able to establish communication with and missing a few years ago a banker - the remains were so unrecognizable. As if someone had left a hint? Although the police said that the body without movingand I lay in the same place since the disappearance Rozhetskina.

In US law enforcement agencies have been requested DNA samples Rozhetskina mother, and their comparison with DNA found under Tukums remains confirmed that the dead is Rozhetskin. In this regard, in December 2013 the "case Rozhetskina" was actually closed. But to whom to transfer the remains of a banker - it was unclear.

His family - Natalia Belova with a 4-year-old son - moved out of London apartments in an unknown direction in a few months after the disappearance of Rozhetskina. Rozhetskina mother continued to refuse to come to Riga. Send her son remains in New York was too expensive.

Then it was found out strange perturbations with the legacy of the late Rozhetskina.

As it turned out, an investment banker at life dropped in Latvia not only to participate in the private gay parties. In Riga, he was a trusted person - Andreas knees on which was written a large part of the property Rozhetskina, including land in the French Cap-Ferrat worth 15 million euros, a private jet Chalenger and car Mersedes.. Kolenko thatkzhe had the right to sign the bank account Rozhetskina 10 million. Euro. Since there Kolenko Latvian citizenship is allowed Rozhetskin avoid taxation in the United States. That is, Kolenko was a "purse" Rozhetskina.

The beneficiaries of the inheritance Rozhetsina as reported glamor magazine "Tatler", then his mother, aunt, son Maximilian (from marriage with model Natalia Belova) and Philip George - son of the partner Rozhetskina Kolenko Andreas and his girlfriend Anna Stupak. But as the body Rozhetskina long time to find, join the inheritance it was not so easy.

On the scene there were two new "hero" -advokata.

First - John McBrayer, a young American lawyer who lives in Geneva. The son of a prominent American politician Republican managed property Rozhetskina officially. After the disappearance of the relationship between the owner and Andrei McBrayer Kolenko extremely strained. McBrayer had the authority to oversee the activities of trustees. And it does not suit the knee.

McBrayer closed bank accounts RozhetskinaI translated a large part of the funds to the accounts of their offshore companies. Regarding inheritance McBrayer said that Maximilian and Philip George Rozhetskin take ownership of only 30-35 years. Upon reaching adulthood he will be paid $ 50 thousand. Per month, and before that a lawyer has promised to provide them with financial assistance from family. But his words have remained a dead letter.

As a result, Kolenko renounced rights even in the "golden" land in Cap Ferrat, in exchange for financial assistance in the amount of only $ 5000 per month. Otherwise, no one would not have received in general. But this smallness of his family and Natalia Belova, who moved from London to the United States are not as many believe, but returned to Moscow, and have not received.

In 2009 Kolenko managed to replace the control on Dzhemneona Firestone. However, to solve the financial problems with the legacy Rozhetskina it did not help. Firestone counted by the US tax authorities to seize assets Rozhetskina, proving that the scheme involving Kolenko used for tax evasion.

Among other things, it has also remained Rozhetskina apartments in New York City Carnegi Hall, notes "Central Telegraph" 300 million. rubles (in 2009 they bought the "Rostelecom" in whose interest it is not clear). There was Rozhetskina mining business in South Africa and Indonesia, oil projects in Venezuela ... And where have got to, finally, those notorious $ 300 million., Which Rozhetskin received from "Alpha" for 25.1% of "Megaphone"? Secret to Everybody.

Sic transit gloria mundi

Oddly enough, but the "Flower Ball" at the Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild in Cap Ferrat, has been held for the seventh year without Rozhetskina. In the event other sponsors for a long time, there is a whole network of travel agencies that sell invitations VIP-tickets at fantastic prices, and the champagne flows like water fountains and sing ...

Vanity Fair New Russian continues non-stop. About Rozhetskina there, however, no longer remember. Do not give fireworks in his honor, and do not open with a bang 9-liter bottle «Moet Chandon». Another character was burned at work. How many of them were from the beginning of the 90s, all I do not remember.

This year was supposed to conduct a similar "Ball of Flowers" in Marbella - Spanish "ruble", - closere new thick wallets.

PS. In the summer of 2014 in Jurmala held for sale the most expensive real estate in the whole more than a century of the Latvian resort. Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov, co-owner of the cellular operator "MegaFon", bought in a prestigious area of ​​dune villa and land for 3.9 mln. Euros. The site is located on the street Kapu.