Sergey Polonsky has opened a business school in the jungles of Cambodia

Having settled the problem with the Cambodian justice system and acquiring the ownership of several islands, the runaway Russian developer Sergey Polonsky decided to tackle educational business.
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Polonsky organizes training courses with extreme elements of business, which should help students "reflash thinking" and "scale the business." The program is based on personal experience Sergei Polonsky, which the project site is called a "living legend", "one of the most famous Russian entrepreneurs of our time" and "the best coach-coach with a huge state"

Hiding in Cambodia, the former owner of Mirax Group Sergei Polonsky has launched a new project Polonium. The project consists of a ten-day training for businessmen, including the extreme tour and an educational program on the conclusion of business "to a whole new level."

On the belonging to him in Cambodia Polonskogo going to teach those wishing to survive in the jungle, paint, walk, run, swim, dive, talk, to debate, to look for new solutions, conduct brainstorming sessions, debriefing. "Let us learn to form teams, build a business plan and achieve their goals," - said in a video on the site Polonsky project.

standst participation in the program - from 150 thousand rubles.. excluding flights. Polonsky plans to recruit two groups of 33 people. For one training will begin on December 10 for another - on 5 January. At the moment, it left 27 empty seats, according to the program's website.

Of training speak for themselves, "your brain Flashing", "The genius of communication", "How to build a team for one week." During the training, Polonsky and members of his team - sinologist Bronislaw Vinogrodsky and traveler Vitaly Sundakov tell students how to find a partner for the business, how to be an interesting person (the authors believe the training that becoming a successful businessman uninteresting person can not), and even as much as the right to sleep . According to the businessman, as a team, leadership workshops include French, German, Turkish and Japanese. " The truth is, who are these people, the businessman did not elaborate.

"Polonium project - this is one of the small pieces of a big project," Archipelago ", - told RBC Polonsky. - All I have eight islands where we will open several hotels in addition to the training center, banks, divecenter, medical center. The company plans to build the university, schools and kindergartens. " According to Polonsky, in the future program of trainings will be put on stream. The plans of a businessman - earn on the project for at least a billion dollars. Detailed business plan businessman did not disclose.

"The old system of education does not work - summed Polonsky. - Universities are burdened with a large cargo of knowledge, there are slowly changing. And in the modern world of business critical thinking speed. Therefore, our format of learning in which students find themselves in the jungle, where they can form a real team, much better. "

Sergei Polonsky, was one of the richest businessmen of Russia to the 2008 global financial crisis. Until 2010, he regularly entered the hundred richest ranking of Forbes business (in 2009, Forbes estimated the state Polonsky at $ 880 million).

Now Russia Polonsky accused of embezzling funds of participants of shared construction "Rublevskaya Riviera" residential complex worth over 150 million rubles. Oof combined production in another criminal case - of embezzling funds from co-investors "Kutuzov mile".

In September 2013, Polonsky received citizenship of the Kingdom of Cambodia. October 14, 2013 Russian General Prosecutor's Office demanded the issuance of Polonsky, after which he was put on the international wanted list. He was arrested November 11, 2013 in Cambodia, but authorities later released the developer and Russia refused to extradite him.