Destiny at fault senior retirees who have lost their jobs who are due to changes in political circumstances, who because of the scandals of different properties, one in connection with criminal cases, evolved differently. As a rule, they employ more or less in line with the professional profile, although it did so deliberately degrading manner. Even Soviet Premier Georgi Malenkov after the final fall from the very top was sent to work on the first specialty - first minister of power, then the director of hydroelectric and thermal power station. And members of the "philosophical and Dance Ensemble affection Alexandrov" - actually the Minister of Culture of the USSR Georgy Aleksandrov and head of the Propaganda Department of the CPSU Central Committee Vladimir Circles as a result of a sex scandal was reduced to offensive posts - respectively, chief of department of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Byelorussian SSR and the editor the newspaper "Ural worker". But still worked philosophers and propagandists like the specialty.
But with Anatoly Serdyukov, which can now be considerings free from the threat of criminal prosecution, the situation is somewhat different. Although, I must admit that it is a specialty (Soviet trade) and the basic furniture profile worked briefly: Manual Tax Service and the Ministry of Defence may be called "political" appointment, and it is possible - the appointment of the "inner circle."
Where the party to the right, and the appointee will be the lead.
And here is the result: from 1 November 2013 Anatoly Serdyukov worked as general director of the Federal Research and Testing Engineering Center ( "FIITS M"). "FIITS M" is on the balance of the Federal Property Agency and is part of one of the holdings of estates Chemezov "Rostec" - RT-Auto. Such is the appointed Official response to the fighters against corruption and nepotism, "do not hand over his."
From now on, "the face" of one of the biggest corruption scandals of recent years will feel the strength of automotive engineering, as well as to engage in "the creation and evaluation of advanced modular systems and equipment for the agricultural sector for new innovationsnym cultivation technologies, harvesting and processing of food crops. " When the country will order to be a hero, we have become a hero either.
In general, a new assignment - a certificate of conditional rehabilitation. Rap on the dock will be mostly numerous ladies. The system can not go on samodiskreditatsiyu to the point to bring to its logical conclusion the prosecution of the former Minister of Defense. Fatal human errors in the system can not be, that's thrown Serdyukov on the tractor and processing of food crops (you can call it a structure, if you will, "the Ministry of Food Culture"). Field, so to speak, untilled ...
The system does not recognize his mistakes.
At last year's final press conference, Vladimir Putin, no matter how strained, and not remembered for an erroneous decisions.
The system is protected from criticism and when the level of the objective of discrediting starts off scale. So it was, for example, when the government began with the "last directness" gloss over the consequences of the total "dissergeyta & raquo ;. This is not the rigged elections, this dishonesty in the wider sense of the word. And then the power stands up for counterfeiters in the logic of "son of a bitch, but our son of a bitch."
This story suggests that the anti-corruption campaign as well) campaign and will remain, b) have to be very selective, c) serious scandals no permit, because the authorities are not interested in fatal loss of reputation and damage to the image. Fighting corruption flatters to a certain limit, and even here in the construction of the image of Putin-wrestler-with-better not to put the squeeze on corruption than the pinch.
It is unlikely that an experienced manager to deal with a variety of tasks, including reception of the parade on Red Square, will long suffer the humiliating destination. It is reported that he was appointed executive director and two assistants. Maybe even the structure will gain a second wind, in any case, fiscal and financial policy it will be given more substantial than in the past, attention. Although it is clear that this appointment is more able to hurt the professional community, rather than itselfof the ex-defense minister. In the end, they threw on the "reform" of the Academy of Sciences of the financier without fear and reproach. Why not send Autotractor testers Serdyukov?