Depositors of Ugra pay for the Khotin family's debts

Ugra Bank attracted more than 166 billion rubles from individuals as of mid-2016. Simultaneously, the bank issued credits for 154 billion rubles (almost all depositors' funds) of loans in foreign currency for a period exceeding 3 years.
Recipients of loans to legal entities entirely. CBR audit revealed that a significant proportion of these legal entities do not conduct any activities (firm-dummy), and count on the fact that they do not have to return the money.

Investigation showed that all of these "dummy", controlled by Yuri and Alexei Hotinymi- "Ugra" owners. Simply put, the father and son on a mass scale allowed all means of depositors and creditors, "Ugra" for personal needs and the needs of their business.

The central bank caught himself too late - when the "Ugra" bank offering higher interest rates on foreign currency deposits, managed to collect a huge amount of the population. Only in March-April 2016, after checking the "Ugra", to accept deposits restrictions were introduced in the bank. Also, the bank Hawtin required to deal with the credit companies and dummy plug the huge financial hole. Otherwise, "Ugra" threatened withdrawal of the license.

In principle, deprive the bank's license had every reason in the spring, when the facts emerged and withdrawal optionsand "drawing" reporting "Ugra" owners. But then the state represented by the DIA will have to deal with debts to depositors a gigantic amount of 166 billion. As a result, the Bank of Russia conducts all new checks "Ugra", brings new requirements and makes it appear that the bank has the chance to rectify the situation. However, all financial analysts is absolutely clear: "Ugra" - not the tenant. No, the credit "semi-corpses" is still possible for some time to revive (or rather to portray the appearance of the treatment), but such a situation, the Central Bank will have to be even worse. When the "death" certainly will be fixed, the population, the bank's depositors, the leadership of the country to the top managers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation have questions: why, revealing facts withdrawal of funds, the Bank of Russia has not stopped the owners of "Ugra" gave in crisis continue to deceive the common people and did not give Hawtin law enforcement agencies?

Who are Hawtin? This family is engaged in the homeland, in Belarus, the production and sale of cosmetic products. Head of the family, Yuri Hawtin, got ties among officials from the upper gov'tCTBA (about connections and patrons Hawtin in Belarus and Russia tell at one time). When these officials in Minsk had some problems, they have moved to Russia, where it is still in their posts have got senior friends. Following are these ex-officials tightened and Hawtin. The family decided to do the same in the capital of Russia biznesom- production and sale of cosmetics. Hawtin rented premises of the Moscow plant of synthetic detergents, and began to organize the production. However, with the help of capital bonds, obtained by former Belarusian officials, they were able to get the entire factory building.

Following are already using a corporate raid, they became the owners of a nearby building - Moscow soap factory. After this, Hawtin forgotten about the previous plans. They drove into the street plant employees have altered the building for offices and began to lease them. The matter turned out profitable. Then began one by one captures the other buildings of the Moscow factories by corrupt officials and security forces, threats present owners, etc .. Along the way, father and sonbought the building in larger structures raider. The entire property was waiting for one sudba- it turned into a shopping and business centers, which are rented out.

Appetite is known, comes with eating. And in the case of Hawtin, they woke up "brutal" appetite. They have ceased to hold regular factories. The family, on borrowed money, started buying the oil company giants such as the shopping center "Gorbushkin yard" and the hotel "Moscow". There have already had to pay the normal price. Try to take the raider seizure of the object from Suleiman Kerimov (case of "Moskva" hotel). In time to pay debts Hawtin always disliked. They had serious problems with the bank "VTB" and "Absolut Bank".

Then, at an opportune moment, in 2013, father and son have acquired bank "Yugra", later became their real "cash cow." Buying "Ugra" was sverhudachnym because in 2014 began a rapid fall in oil prices and oil projects Hawtin became problematic. At the same time in relation to the Russian sanctions have been imposed, which resulted in economicallyFirst crisis in the country. for rental property prices came down, and the tenants themselves began to leave en masse Hawtin business centers.

The reasons for this were both objective and subjective. The former is the fact that firms do not become money for the rental fee. As for the second reason, the entire Internet is literally filled with messages disgruntled tenants of premises in buildings Hawtin. They believe that they "threw" and "planted" on the money, and the state offices sometimes does not hold water. Significantly reduce the financial flows of the tenants, Hawtin, including by means of bill transactions are offshored. This is a personal fortune of the family.

Crisis, crisis, and it is necessary to pay the debts. A Hawtin in debt, as "in the silks." Absolutely all of the objects laid on large loans to 30 banks, including to VTB, Alfa-Bank, Rosselkhozbank. With Rosselkhozbank father and son can still "razrulit" situation. Bank manages Patrushev- son Dmitry Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, with whom Hawtin established good relations.However, fend off any debt due does not help to other banks. Not from their own offshore savings to pay on loans? There then began a hearty "milking" (to the last drop) "cow" under the name of the bank "Yugra". That was confirmed by checking the CBR. Here is an excerpt from the relevant act: "Part of the loans granted to borrowers in 2015, used to refinance and service debt borrowers of the bank and / or the repayment of loans to other credit institutions." Recall that we are talking about borrowing, controlled personally Hawtin. That is, the means of depositors "Ugra" family pays on its loans to other banks.

It is clear that Hawtin try by all means to save "Ugra", shows the active to save the bank. Without the "Ugra" and the means of its depositors whole business empire Hawtin may burst as a "bubble". Examples of such mass. Suffice it to recall the fate of the Orthodox banker Sergei Pugachev and his "IIB". And that's what guided the Central Bank in its activities- big in order to bring to the situation with the withdrawal of funds law enforcement agencies to stop the bank "pyramid" called "Ugra", the Bank of Russia's stalling. As leaders of the Bank of Russia think then justify to senior management of the country?