Rader Alexander Vinokurov gobbled SIA International

Alexander Vinokurov, the suspected of corruption son-in-law of minister Sergey Lavrov, has acquired the pharmaceutical giant "SIA International". The transaction was preceded by an information campaign to demonize the previous owners.
A1 The President will become the owner of 100% shares of "SIA International". This was preceded by an information attack and the pressure on the relatives of the deceased Igor Rudinsky, which owned half of the asset. "After closing the deal, Alexander Vinokurov became the indirect owner of 100% shares of" SIA International ", 100% shares of" Mega farm, "52% of the ordinary shares and 31% of preferred shares" Synthesis "plant and 75% of the shares" Biocom plant. " As part of the "Synthesis" and "Biocom" transaction will be closed upon receipt of all necessary regulatory consents, "- said in a statement.

This was preceded by an unprecedented pressure on the family Rudinsky. For example, emissions have started to appear, according to which Rudinskiy - bankrupt. Moreover, it revoked the license of a bank affiliated with Rudinskiy - "Nota-Bank". Market participants said, "the main purpose of the attack on the former owners" SIA International "Vinokourov was the acquisition of shares" SIA International "in the three pharmaceutical plants: Saransk" Biochemists "Kurgan" Synthesis "and the Stavropol 'Biokome".

"We have not talked to anyone about Igor's death, even friends and colleagues," - says Elena Rudinskiy reporters. The family feared that competitors pounce on the company.

"If the news of the death of Igor went to the market without a plan of action worked out - it would be an immediate bankruptcy, it would all be spilled. Two days before the funeral, "R-Pharm" in consultation with the family announced readiness to buy 50% stake in SIA with an option for a subsequent increase in the share ", - said one of the market leaders, the owner of" R-Pharm "Alexey Repik.

"Pharmaceutical campaign" Vinokourov

But this proznal Mr. Vinokurov. He entered in 2015 in the share capital "SIA International". And he began to act. Top manager initiated a showdown with several companies trying to absorb them, meaning parallel Rudinskiy squeeze out of business. Moreover, Vinokourov initiated involvement in state bank VTB loan of 5.4 billion rubles.

Market participants say that Vinokourov allegedly using communication in government agencies, Rudinskiy placed in a dependent position. Rudinskiy could in the event of default of losing shares to VTB, which would later realize the asset is likely to Vinokurov. Yes, VTB actively practicing the "taking" shares for debt. For example, "March 14, 2016 it was announced that the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region partially satisfied the claim of" SIA-international St. Petersburg "for the recovery of RUB 894 million. CJSC "Farmakor" ". "Farmakor" on the verge of bankruptcy.

Even with one company - "Status Farm", which owns a network of "Heart", Vinokourov knocked out by the Moscow Arbitration 43.6 million rubles. Soon there was an actual attack on business "36.6", the author of "attack" were called none other as the head of investment company A1 in-law Sergey Lavrov - Mr. Vinokurov. By the way, the searches, which took place in the pharmacy network in the spring of this year, some analysts have linked with the name of Vinokourov.

It is said that an unexpected ally Vinokourov found himself head of state corporation "Rostec" Sergey Chemezov. Note that gosmenedzher is a friend and neighbor of Mr. Lavrov! Coincidence? What does Chemezov? It is worth noting that Vinokourov is a co-owner of the pharmaceutical company "Genfa", which makes the drug factory "Synthesis", co-owners of the company are "SIA International" and "Rostec"! We emphasize the offspring of the head of state corporations Chemezov Stanislav owns 30% of LLC "Medfarmtehnologiya" - UK project "Farmopolis", which intends to take in "Genfu" partners. Moreover, Genfy "" Joint Venture "(the JV) with a subsidiary of" Rostec "-" Natsimbio ". project price - 700 million rubles.

I managed to negotiate Vinokurov and the largest grocery chain X5 Retail Group ( «Pyaterochka", "Crossroads", hypermarket "Carousel" shops "within reach" branded "Crossroads Express", "SoseDDushka" and even about ten networks). X5 will acquire a minority stake "Mega Pharma", 75% owned by Vinokurov. This means that virtually every pharmacy will be the second store - it will destroy competition in the market "on the vine". "Mega farm" was a priority right to place before the end of 2020 more than 3,300 pharmacies in the checkout area of ​​all three networks running X5.

Note that the largest package X5 (47,86%) from the co-owners of "Alfa Group". Recall that in 2014, Vinokourov took over the company A1, investment arm of "Alfa Group".

"Birth oligarch"

As we mentioned above, in 2014, Vinokourov took over the company A1, investment arm of "Alfa Group". The young man was immediately accepted as the President ... A1. Market participants said that for lightning moving up the career ladder successful marriage. Evil tongues say that the most expensive "asset" Vinokourov - a young girl with whom he had "accidentally" met in London. Wikipedia says modestly that Vinokourov is married and has two children. Only here the wife was the daughter of the all-powerful head of the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov - Catherine.

Vinokourov girl seduced and married, then his career took off lightning. After the wedding, a top manager without the necessary experience (!) Hired an American fund TPG. Coincidence? Anyway, Vinokourov began to show their "skills" in the company. Within a few years, TPG has been seen in a raider attack on the leadership of the trade network "Lenta"! Incidentally, further career Vinokourov in the "Alpha" could also start due to a serious relations. It is worth to say that Sergei Lavrov, "has good relations with the" Alfa Group ". The official even supports the bank's projects. Note Lavrov rarely pays attention to the initiatives of commercial structures.

Vinokourov began to realize themselves in the "Alpha". It is worth mentioning Alexander Semenovich action against the company "Eurodon". The reviewers wrote that A1 "was involved in the legalization of property, fraudulently taken away from legitimate owners" Eurodon holding. "

"In 2012, Vnesheconombank has approved" Eurodon-south "(100% - the founder of the group" Eurodon "Vadim Vaneeva) credit line of 17.9 billion rubles. indeykovodcheskogo for construction of the complex in the Rostov region. Thus, VEB became the largest creditor group. "

After that A1 "has sold 40% of VEB structures" Eurodon ". On the acquisition of the shares A1 reported February 2, 2016. " As stocks were Vinokourov? There is information about the raider attack structures "Alfa Group" on the founder "Eurodon" Vadim Benaiah. "Having control over 40% in the" Eurodon "structure" Alfa Group "immediately filed a lawsuit claims Vaneeva exclusion from participation in society."

Vinokourov owned only a few days, the company's shares and immediately sold them to VEB, which has acquired an asset! Note that the suspect case of resale "Eurodon" then an employee of the State Bank Ilgaz Valitov convicted of fraud for hours in September 2016. Article 4. 159 of the Criminal Code "Fraud committed using his official position, on a large scale." But Vinokourov continued to do business more ...

Mr. Vinokurov is constantly involved in some shady business. So, he came into conflict on the side of shareholders Exist.ru online seller of auto parts, which can not divide the assets of Vladislav Domoratskim. The latter, not without the intervention of Vinokourov, "offered to buy 50 percent of the company shares at an inflated price of $ 25 million." He refused and now feared that criminal proceedings can begin against him ...

Of special note is the case of "POLYPLASTIC" group, the largest Russian manufacturer of plastic piping systems. Revenue under IFRS amounted to 31 billion rubles for 2015. EBITDA - 1.8 billion rubles! Vinokurovskaya A1 buying offshore Ramilos Trading Ltd. (Ramilos), which owns a blocking stake "POLYPLASTIC" picked up and filed a lawsuit against the major shareholder in London's High Court, demanding the disclosure of shareholders. What for? Likely to reach out to them and get a controlling stake.

However, the High Court refused Ramilosu. The court called the plaintiff's action "an attempt to collect compromising materials without proper legal basis, aimed at intimidating the defendant, the plaintiff and ordered the defendant to reimburse the costs. Even Ramilosu appeal was denied. " Owners Ramilosa were Alexei Smirnov and Alexander Rappoport, "who refused to offer to buy their shares for many years, and now, when the value of the business sharply declined, appealed to the A1 for help in forcing major shareholders to redeem their shares at a higher price and non-market conditions. "

In 2016 the A1 techniques have surfaced in relation to shareholders' POLYPLASTIC "- major shareholders took the expansion of production credits, and Vinokourov and his top managers threatened to" banks possible criminal liability for complicity in the crimes committed by the Group's management. " Vinokourov and intervened in the conflict of shareholders of the online retailer's "Yulmart". "The co-owner Mikhail Vasinkevich company tried to force their partners to buy out his share of the retailer's overpriced. When they refused, Vasinkevich handed over his package of "A1", Vinokourov and lawyers began to block the decision of the board and try to assign "his" general director. " But while the attack on the company Vinokurov has not brought tangible results. But as they say, "has not yet evening."

As a result, "A1 action may lead to disorganization of the enterprise in an extremely difficult period for the industry and thereby cause substantial damage to the Russian economy."

Where to go?

The largest state-owned capital in the spinning sector. On the resignation of the head of "Rostec" rumors for a long time. Replace gosmenedzhera should a person close to which there is a common business and patrons. The one who can all "clean up" and did not pass. Mr. Vinokurov fit the description ...

Some observers say that the purpose of Vinokourov for this year is to become the head of "Rostec". Vinokourov is now rumored to be aiming at the investment arm of the state corporation "PT Business Development", led by Andrey Korobov. Assets "daughter" account for $ 1.5 billion. Growing up new oligarch with family ties to the Russian government and business policy, for which a minimum hand does not serve as a maximum - may open a criminal case. Lord Vinokourov was accused of raiding companies and disorganization, conspiracy, informational attacks, the use of administrative resources.

This is not just a billionaire oligarch namely, that can lead "Rostec".