Rosgranitsa has been locked up

The change of the head of the federal agency resulted in the detention of a number of officials.
As the "Kommersant", yesterday FSB officers detained the head of department of capital construction and operation of the Federal Agency for State Border Infrastructure Development of the Russian Federation (Rosgranitsa) Danil Vavilov. He and four other people (including the subsidiary "Rosgranstroy") involved in the realization of the federal target program "Development of the Russian state border in 2003-2011", suspected of embezzlement of budget funds.

The immediate reason for the detention of Mr. Vavilov were the results of the work of the government commission, which on behalf of Dmitry Rogozin, deputy prime minister started work at the end of 2012. Even then Deputy Prime Minister drew attention to the fact that the structure of subordinated Rosgranitsa - "Rosgranstroy" - can use "non-transparent scheme of financing." Sources "Kommersant" people familiar with the investigation, claiming that the questions the commission to Danilo Vavilov arisen due to the specifics of his work: he was the most frequent contact with representatives of the "Rosgranstroya" because this structure since March 2009 ECperforms the functions of the customer-builder Rosgranitsa objects and works directly with management entrusted to him.

According to "Kommersant", the detention of a senior official yesterday passed without fanfare - many ordinary workers of the agency, is in a building of the FSB officers conducted operations have not learned. Familiar Mr. Vavilov, confirming the fact of his detention, yesterday urged a bewildered correspondent "Kommersant": "no one reported the details all in shock.". In total, according to sources, "b", except Daniel Vavilov were arrested 4 people involved in the diversion of funds allocation by the federal program, among them - the staff "Rosgranstroya". According to "Kommersant", the security services in the near future should finally establish Mr. Vavilov's involvement in the revealed facts of embezzlement of budget funds in the implementation of the previous Federal Program, the volume of which amounted to about 150 billion rubles.

In Rosgranitsa and "Rosgranstroy" phone calls "Y" yesterday did not respond. In the Center of the FSB "b" public relations difficult prokommentirovas information on the participation of their employees in the operation to arrest Daniel Vavilov.

Yesterday a spokesman for Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev Natalya Timakova has officially confirmed information "b" of the reasons for the resignation of Dmitry Rosgranitsa Bezdelova. "The decision was made on the results of verification and materials law enforcement agencies," - said Ms. Timakova. As reported yesterday, "Y", about 1 billion rubles. from the previous FTPs it was on the bank accounts of "Agrosoyuz", the biggest beneficiary of which is the father of the former head of Alexander Rosgranitsa idleness. According to a senior source "b" in the White House, the decision to appoint a new head Rosgranitsa will be made next week.