The Russian border was settled by fly-by-night companies

"Izvestiya" found out how the budget money was spent under the former head of Rosgranitsa Dmitry Bezdelov. 
Origin source
This week the former head Dmitry Rosgranitsa Bezdelova declared the federal wanted list. He is suspected of stealing 1 billion rubles has been allocated from the budget for the resettlement of the Olympic Games the border crossing in Adler.

This is a reconstruction of the railway point "Adler" on the border with Abkhazia. To repair it, in agreement with Rosgranitsa was firm "CSF № 5". For her bank account "Agrosoyuz" instead of an advance of 40% was transferred to the entire amount - 1.2 billion rubles. Father Bezdelova 76-year-old Alexander Bezdelov was then the beneficiary bank (he had a 19.99% ownership).

This money, according to investigators, were abducted, washed and removed abroad. Sources in the Interior Ministry did not rule out the possibility that Mr Bezdelov already fled abroad and it may declare in the international search in the near future.

"News" found that similar schemes with small nuances Bezdelove applied in the regeneration and other border points - in particular, in the Orenburg region.

Advances one-day firms

Understand how Rosgranitsa leadershipFollow the important federal target program "State Border (2003-2010 years)" (in all it has been allocated 54.5 billion rubles), it can be of three small contracts for the improvement of border facilities in Orenburg Region - objects "Tashla", "Akbulak" and " Adamovka "for the border service of the FSB Russia.

Each of these complexes is a small town: office building, several houses for the families of border guards, heated garage for cars and other vehicles, as well as facilities designed for autonomous life support garrison activities (diesel power station, boiler room). The total is only in the Orenburg region were to build nine such towns.

These contracts are classified, however, as reported by "Izvestia" a source in the Rosgranitsa, construction of such a complex cost, according to the program, not less than 100 million rubles.

Despite the secrecy of this program (everything connected with the arrangement of frontier and border - state secret), description of the scheme can be found in the matrials of tax audits of its artists, with whom learned "Izvestia". On one of them the case eventually came to court, the decision on which has come into force.

Scheme withdrawal of money from the state budget as tax found was simple but had its own peculiarities.

The construction contract was given to "your company" without the announcement of the competition (the data on its implementation and contracting of public procurement website available). In this case, the contractor was the company "Moszhilkompleks" (owned by the Moscow government). She signed a contract with a subcontractor - Orenburg Ltd. "Gradostroy". Its founders are private persons, and, in spite of the transmitted multi-million dollar contract, the authorized capital amounts to 100 thousand. Rubles.

In addition, the company set up specifically for this "project": it has been registered in just two months prior to the subcontracting and four months earlier than it was granted a license for construction of buildings and structures - that is, does not have the right to take contracts for the construction. As this taxki, the company is not the place of registration, pay only minimal taxes and has all the features of one-day firms. Director General of the company became a member of "Moszhilkompleksa" Andrew Velichko.

After the contract was formally made, the company changed its founders and directors, moved to Moscow and virtually halted activities, ceasing to take the tax and accounting reporting.

Now the CEO of the company listed some Misko Oksana (is the CEO and chief accountant in various companies, 136), the location of which is unknown. Money is the counterpart "Moszhilkompleks" listed not only stable, but in advance, even though it was contrary to the terms of contacts, according to which the calculations are carried out following the signing of acts of acceptance and transfer facilities. Misko failed Contact Velichko Andrey and Oksana.

The "Gradostroy", in turn, found to perform the contract of new subcontractors: OOO "Stroyprestizh» and «M profile." Companies "solid": the average number of their staff compositionyawl at this time only one person - the General Director.

- Of course, no construction equipment or other assets of the firm had no lime handed statements, the directors nor the police, nor do we find and could not, - said an informed source in the Federal Tax Service. - But on the contract they have received 155 million rubles for the construction work on the border of these secret facilities.

The results of these tests are known to the general public very rarely.

- Usually, when it comes to tax, in-contractor companies already take nothing - says the analyst Maxim Ratnikov. - They did not sue, and recognize the additional charge, but in the budget money is not received: all the money already cashed. In this case, the organizers of the scheme more relaxed - hoped that the Federal Tax Service will not be able to unleash the whole scheme, presenting tax claims of one of the "white" companies in the scheme.

The fate of future transactions is easy to predict: it follows from the decision of the arbitral tribunal, "the money was cashed and removed in the offshore zone."

Howcan be proved in the case, "Moszhilkompleksu" could not have known about the violations of the law committed by "urban planning" and its contractors. As pointed out by the Court, most of the documents confirming that work was performed, was lime, from which the Court concluded that the actual work on the objects have not been made. JSC "Moszhilkompleks" questions "News" have not responded.

It is interesting that, despite the fact that the court came to this conclusion, some sites really give up: the first such complex in the village Tashla was commissioned in 2009. At the ribbon cutting ceremony were invited high-ranking local officials, and from Moscow the Russian FSB generals came. However, because of the secrecy is impossible to assess to what extent and quality has been made a contract. And who in general building, if most of the money allocated for the construction settled in the offshore.

Currently, "Moszhilkompleks" on behalf of the city government offers wishing to rent apartment buildings.

"Below the waterline"

Dmitry Bezdelov supervised departmentsth since 2008. For the first time openly criticized him, Dmitry Rogozin, has subjected the fall of 2012, part of the claims relate to failures of terms of delivery of objects for the APEC summit in Vladivostok. The summit was held, and of the seven points put was only one, six were at the level of 20 per cent readiness. Rogozin has already said that the department used Bezdelova opaque schemes involving questionable structures. In July 2013 the head of the Federal Drug Control Service Viktor Ivanov said that the technical equipment of the Russian-Kazakh border below the waterline. But since the end of 2012, the global testing went into Rosgranitsa, which ultimately led to the resignation of Bezdelova the autumn of 2013.

Particular attention has been checking agencies activities to funding and availability of objects in Adler and Sochi, said the source in the Interior Ministry.

- Reconstruction of the railway points were to finish in December 2010, according to documents in October of the same year at the DCS number 5 Rosgranitsa took the design work for the sum of 351 million rubles, but no reconstruction was not time. It was not her, and later, the very same DCS number 5 go bankrupt, - told in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Gendirprojector and co-owner of DCS number 5 Georgy Belousov is now also charged in the same criminal case, and that idleness. According to the SPARK database in 2010 revenue DCS number 5 was 845.8 million rubles, net profit -. 10.7 million tender in Rosgranitsa company won in 2009, the contract amount - 1.2 billion rubles.

Prior to joining the company Belousov Rosgranitsa actively cooperated with Russian Railways - on October railway they built the first station of the polymeric materials, and the Belousov was a member of a working group of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on issues of energy supply, energy efficiency and conservation. The Working Group recalled his colleague, but had long been in communication with him. In 2012, the company Belousov got in the register of unfair suppliers, and he - in a criminal case. Contact Belousov failed. With Dmitry Bezdelovym investigators unsuccessfully trying to communicate with the previous year.

- On the agenda, he does not react - I had to put him on the federal wanted list, do not find it in Russia - will be submitted to the international wanted list, it is possible that it is already abroad, & mdash; says a source in the Interior Ministry diabetes. - His father Alexander Bezdelov was one of the founders of the bank from which the money went, but now its share is not there.

Lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky says that high-ranking officials that no relative, be sure to successful and talented businessman.

- Registration of assets in the wives, parents, and other relatives - the traditional scheme of conservation of the property high-ranking officials - says Ostrovsky. - At the same Bezdelova Sr., who had long retired, nobody checks when and where he had earned enough money to become a co-founder of the bank (in the past year, the Central Bank evaluated the assets of "Agrosoyuz" at 8.4 billion rubles -. "Izvestiya" ).

According to investigators, the organizers of the scheme were very idleness and George Belousov from DCS number 5, they also appropriated stolen billion. However, despite the huge amount of damage, Belousov is still at large.

- Awesome case - is it possible to steal a billion and calm myself live on - surprised a loyalty-informed source in the Interior Ministry.

Helped are they, according to the prosecution, senior officials' Agrosoyuz ", one of which - a member of the board of directors of the bank Vasily Yatskov. At the end of last year, he was arrested on the hour. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code and spent 100 days in the "Sailor's Silence". But now the fraud charges he was cleared, to retrain them on money laundering (Art. 174 of the Criminal Code). Protection Yatskova insists its complete innocence in this matter, with the defendants in which he was not even a sign in the bank's board did not enter, but only held it through, as well as thousands of other customers.

- Of the many episodes of the case against Yatskova been removed, but we will achieve the complete cessation of business, and to insist on rehabilitation, - said the lawyer Ruslan Yatskova Golenkov.

Lawyer Artur Ramazanov believes that such large-scale theft of the regeneration of the state border is only possible with very little supervision by military prosecutors, military counterintelligence and military investigative bodies.

- Everything related to arrangement of the border, accompanied by either secret or deespeshnymi (restricted) dDOCUMENT. The information enclosed, and in general, as a rule, not in this system of random people - mostly soldiers or security officers. Objects are located in closed areas in order to get there, we need special permission. Under this system, the control of these structures are possible theft mainly because of corruption linking the structure with regulatory authorities - said Ramazanov.