
Sergey Shoygu snaps against Dmitry Rogozin's power in defense orders.

As the "Kommersant", the Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin abolished the Federal Service for Defense Contracts kept by the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, distributing its functions among other agencies. A few months ago Mr Shoigu has already addressed on the same occasion to the government, but they did not find support. At the White House today believe: Rosoboronzakaz in its present form is effective.

The fact that Sergei Shoigu sent Vladimir Putin a letter "On the implementation of the control functions in the field of defense procurement", "Kommersant" said a source in the Defense Minister. "Document of the N205 / 2458 was sent to the Presidential Administration on May 15", - informed the "Kommersant" source.

In a letter ( "Y" has a copy of it) Mr. Shoigu reported to Mr Putin about the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the executive authorities to monitor the state defense order (SDO). He recalled that the Chamber of Accounts performs supervisory functions in the sphere of budget spending and the Federal stibnitepatch reference service - in placing orders for state and municipal needs. On behalf of the President under the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation also set up an interdepartmental working group on the prevention of violations of the law in the field of the SDO. "Rosoboronzakaz duplicate or overlap with the functions", - said Mr. Shoigu. He also notes that the Ministry of Industry and maintain a register of all the organizations of the military-industrial complex, while Rosoboronzakaz - only registers single and unscrupulous suppliers, but similar lists are compiled and Anti-Monopoly Service. "The lack of direct links with industry organizations does not allow Rosoboronzakaz carry out an objective evaluation of their production capacity, in contrast to the Industry and Trade Ministry," - said the Minister of Defense, adding that the service is not able to provide the necessary conditions for the implementation of the licensing activities of enterprises. The paper argues that one of the reasons for delays in placing job this year, SDO is the inefficient activity Rosoboronzakaz "according tolasovaniyu of closed procedures using competitive methods of determining the suppliers, "as well as" contracting with the only bidders. "

Solve problems Shoigu offers quite radically. "In order to reduce the federal budget it is advisable to carry out the redistribution of functions Rosoboronzakaz between public authorities, followed by its abolition, including territorial bodies," - says Minister of Defence. He proposes to transfer the functions of control over the spending of the Accounting Chamber, the control functions of placing orders through the SDO, maintaining the register of unfair suppliers - the FAS, and maintaining the register of sole suppliers, as well as the right to issue licenses to enterprises of the military-industrial complex - the Ministry of Industry. "This will reduce the administrative costs for the maintenance of the state apparatus" - sums up Mr. Shoigu.

For Sergei Shoigu treatment on this subject to the leadership of the country is not the first. According to another source "b" in the White House, with the likes oftion initiative was made by the Minister of Defence in January 2014, sent a letter addressed to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. "There was even a special government meeting held under his leadership on this issue with the participation of Dmitry Rogozin," - he says. Deputy Prime Minister, according to him, this idea did not share, because it was his submission in 2012 Rosoboronzakaz translated into submission to the Government for the optimization of the entire structure of the SDO. Decisions on this matter at the January meeting was not accepted: the prime minister felt that if we go on the Elimination of Rosoboronzakaz should raise the question of the expediency of the existence of the Federal Agency for the supply of weapons, military and special equipment (Rosoboronpostavka), under the authority of the Ministry of Defense. Not having succeeded in the government, Mr. Shoigu decided to appeal directly to the President.

Arguments of the Minister of Defence about the "costs" the source "b" refers to the government "rather weak". "In 2013, the operation of the department was allocated about 420 million rubles., That in comparison with other orgWe simply negligible, "- say there Moreover, as reported in an interview." Kommersant "Alexander Potapov, head of the service, for the first three quarters of 2013 Rosoboronzakaz found violations with signs of inefficient spending almost 30 billion rubles (see.." b "November 27, 2013).

Mr. Potapov was yesterday unavailable for comment: up to the end of this week he is on vacation. In the Kremlin, Sergei Shoigu, the letter is not officially commenting, but the source "b" in the presidential administration said that Vladimir Putin, with the content of the letters examined further on 25 May and immediately put on paper its resolution: "I agree."

The government has not received any specific instructions on the matter, according to the source "b" in the White House, but the chances of saving the current configuration Rosoboronzakaz minimal.

The White House does not have the last word on the question of its existence. Practice the formation of the Russian government allows the president to create and abolish federal departments and power (obeying him) and non-power (obeying Awardp-Minister) of the. Sergei Shoigu Initiated reform as government and other structural reforms must now be implemented under the supervision of the president's administration. That it will have to collect a meeting on behalf of Vladimir Putin, in which, however, will necessarily be present profile government officials (Dmitry Rogozin, the Ministry of Finance officials, the Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Defence, representatives of the White House staff). The administration also apparently will prepare a draft decree on the Elimination of Rosoboronzakaz. The immediate visa or harmonization reforms in the government does not formally require from any government official, at any stage of the project of the decree movement.

"In case of termination of service Rosoboronzakaz functions are likely to partially transferred to the unit military-industrial commission at the government office she would be clearly higher than that of service - continues government source" Kommersant ".- Rosoboronzakaz Employees will be asked to transfer to a job the Federal Space agency, which is planned to expirit staff from 250 to 450 people. "

Yesterday, none of the respondents "Kommersant" sources could not give specific dates redistribution of powers in the field of the SDO and the abolition of the agency. But, as practice shows, again, in the defense sector, such issues can be resolved very quickly.