Employees of the FSB have been forbidden to have foreign accounts and accounts in social networks

The State Duma will review the bill that extends the powers of the FSB on the use of weapons. At the same time, employees of special services have been forbidden to have foreign accounts and create accounts in blogs and social networks.
Origin source
Duma Council on Monday sent a "short newsletter" by the concerned authorities and agencies to bill for additional rights and obligations of the FSB. Reviews departments are expected before September 30, and the bill has already been included in the program of work of the chambers of October, it follows from the Council. The bill, introduced by a group of senators, led by chairman of the committee of the upper house of parliament's Defense and Security Viktor Ozerov, can be considered one of the first plenary meeting of the State Duma in October and is expected to further the adoption, told RBC party council meeting. Profile Committee of the State Duma Security will offer to consider the draft on 13 October of the marks should be on the card in the Duma project basis.

Employees of the FSB prevent bureaucracy

The bill grants the FSB the right to develop, create and buy any weapons, military equipment and special means in addition to that already adopted for service intelligence agencies of government decisions.

The amendments also exempt FSB officers from liability for the deaths and wounding of peopleher during the use of weapons and special means in accordance with the law. The procedure for this is also the first time established in the proposed amendments. "Currently, the relevant legal regulation in this area is not" - said in a memorandum of senators. The procedure for the use of weapons is now established in the law "On combating terrorism", but it concerns only the counter-terrorist operations.

According Dzhabarova now the use of weapons by the FSB regulated by internal instructions, and is checked Military Prosecutor's Office in each case the use of weapons. This often creates unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles for employees, sometimes risking their lives, in order to avoid red tape, the senator explained.

For the use of weapons FSB should be possible to warn about its intention to those for whom going to use weapons, special means and physical force. This is not necessary if a delay will create a threat to the life and health of citizens, the FSB or "can cause other seriousconsequences ", as well as the reflection of the attack on the facilities, special cargo, and transportation security services stipulated in the project. In every case, the citizen injured or killed as a result of the use of weapons FSB officer must 'as soon as possible, but not later than 24 hours' notice of the prosecutor.

In addition to self-defense FSB will be able to use weapons to protect all citizens from violence dangerous to life or health, to prevent an attempt to seize weapons, release of the hostages, suppression of acts of terrorism and other crimes. FSB officers are prohibited to shoot to kill in women, "persons with obvious signs of disability" and minors, if they look at their year and not threatened with weapons.

The bill also establishes the identity of the official status of the FSB identity document, and allows the management of the service to issue lapel badges for certain categories of employees in the performance of their duties.

The ban on the accounts and social networks

Simultaneously, the bill proposes a number of Reducedtions for the security officers. The proposed amendments introduce senators to the FSB, including its civilian personnel, a ban on contact with foreigners, foreign media, international organizations and NGOs, "performing the functions of a foreign agent" without sanctions guidance follows from the text of the bill.

In addition, security officers, their wives and minor children proposed to prohibit open and hold accounts in foreign banks, to use any other foreign financial instruments and foreign real estate, "if it is not due to the decision of tasks of operational activity."

An exception is proposed to do for those who can not close the foreign accounts blocked in connection with the arrest of its assets in another country. The rest of the staff with foreign contributions can be dismissed from the service if you do not dispose of them in a certain period of leadership of the FSB.

The bill also prohibits the FSB free to use social networks. Now they can not be "placed their personal data & raquo; in social networks, blogs and other online resources without prior management approval.

Separately, the amendments spelled out the possibility of the FSB leadership to opt for employees of one of the Russian transportation and driving directions to the other, "if such travel is possible by road in transit through the territory of a foreign state, and also to establish the size and order of compensation <...> additional costs associated with such travel. " This is done in order to ensure its own security FSB, said in note to the bill.

The law on adoption

All senators proposed restrictions already apply to the FSB, but at the level of internal instructions, legislators in these matters only fill relevant gaps in the federal legislation, said one of the sponsors of the bill, Senator Vladimir Jabbarov. "Foreign bank accounts to the FSB - it is unacceptable. Any employee [financial assets abroad] is vulnerable to recruitment. Social Networking - a dangerous thing in itself. theyRepresenting a database for information about the employee, which can be used against him and against Russia ", - he explained the senator RBC.

In a further regulation, and especially the expansion of the powers of weapons FSB is not necessary, I'm sure the ex-FSB officer, a former MP, opposition leader Gennady Gudkov. According to him, the current law on the fight against terrorism and other rules of law give the FSB the right to comprehensive emergency. "The only real reason for such legislation - is the fear of possible mass protests of citizens speaking. During the Soviet era KGB, except for night shifts, all went without a weapon, "- said Gudkov.

The adoption of amendments concerned the Federal Security Service, certain RBC source in the lower house of parliament. "This law will not be delayed, because becomes essential. Now the FSB was involved in active struggle against corruption. This task, which has put the President faithfully executed ", - said Jabbarov.