How colonel Zakharchenko's case was born

The case against the billionaire colonel was initiated in a couple of minutes. If the evidence indicated in doesn't change, Zakharchenko will get away with just a small trouble. "Fontanka" studied the order on institution of criminal proceedings.   
Origin source
It is unlikely that the investigator for particularly important cases of the Investigative Committee in Moscow at 9 am on September 9 knew what he was doing news for the country. If we take into account when his working day begins, the time spent even the slightest discussion and document printing - he suddenly received the command, and the process was launched on the knee.

If no preliminaries, the "Colonel of Justice Tolstoy, considered the communications test materials about a crime №204-112pr 2016 of 09/09/2016, set ...". And he set about 9 hours and 20 minutes, and at 9:40 had already signed a judgment. Agree to print a half sheet unfamiliar text, from which very much depends on where - minute needs. It also means that the operatives from Lubyanka is morning of 9 September brought to the Investigative Committee in Moscow his material and once spent at least a few moments to register it in the office.

It is clear from the procedure that the Investigative Committee of the capital the evening of September 8 has not yet been informed that begins at dawn. Perhaps this is due to a general distrust of the recent high-profile arrests of first deputy Moscow SK Nikandrova accused of bad relations with the thief-in-law Shakro Young. Perhaps with all the secrecy.

Whatever it was, the investigator went to his office, as usual, at nine in the morning. And based on the previous calculation, it just / silence listened management team and an explanation counterintelligence - on the fly.

Now, the essence of the document. Established investigator that instead of 24 lines. The first twelve and a half to explain: Who is Dmitry Zakharchenko, what his office functionality. That is formal. The last six lines - is "taking into account that there are sufficient data ...". Read - are natural for any criminal case. As for the song about the main thing, she devoted less than five and a half lines of: "25.12.2015 approximately 21 hours 20 minutes, while the house number 10 building 1 on Malaya Bronnaya in Moscow, personally received from an unknown person a bribe in the form of money in the amount of not less than 7 000 000, that is, on a large scale, for their general protection and connivance as the officer in respect of an unknown person and those represented by him. "

Author of the article before publication showed a copy of a number of investigators and prosecutors Petersburg. Most emoticons sent in response. That's right. After all, if the right to remove paragraph predictably empty words, such as "Moscow", "large scale" ... it is clear time and place, like sum, and all.

As commented one of our interlocutors in the independent from Moscow Investigative Committee: "Water watery ... maybe."

This is also confirmed by the letter referred to earlier - "Having considered the communications test materials about a crime." If there was a person, and style have changed - "Having considered the materials to verify the statements about the crime."

Of course, anything but an operative report the discovery of evidence of a crime, it was in the material. Most likely, legalized summary longtime wiretapping. But, on the basis of imprecise cause for excitement, not to say that all of audiafaylov heard.

As part of the "Holds" the investigator, of course, have the excitement on the part six of Article 290 (bribery). But still, "opened a criminal case against unidentified persons on the grounds of crime under Part 5 of Art. 291 of the Criminal Code (bribery - Ed.). ". Probably gave himself another "grouse".

Well, finally, "to open a criminal case notified to the person against whom a criminal case, - Zakharchenko DV". The past tense of the verb "to inform" says that Colonel Zakharchenko is already at the time of signature of the decision to table an investigator. So, operatives with him meeting took place somewhere near its front, where he entered the service hours to seven in the morning. But the searches did not exist, as there was no and criminal proceedings.

Then we know - the birthplace learned than the Central Bank vault differs from the apartment of his sister.

Usually, in practice, if it is necessary to involve civil servants in September for the ten-month-old trick, that such haste is inappropriate. And since I started working in a fire mode, it means that it was urgent to go to the search. We know what and where is. We'd just arrived, tell us about the $ ton.

That was the goal. Of course, an experienced employee will fake an excuse to enter any apartment and "accidentally" stumble upon dozens of boxes with banking packages. Then the "wonder" and remove them easily, but that's hard to accept material evidence, especially with reference to the particular case. In this case we are talking about the case brought against the leaders of "Nota-Bank." And again, remove and confiscate - not the same thing. Confiscate the same can only be proving that billions are the subject of the crime or the result of legalization. And here again, can not do without the criminal case.

If you recall the information coming from the Investigative Committee of Russia, the Colonel Zakharchenko suspects charged with a warning about the dangers lying in wait for them on the part of the same investigation. That Article 286 of the Criminal Code "Abuse of office" or article 294 of the Criminal Code "Hindering the investigation." According to him the same wide arrest - not a dogma.

Now, after this show, the Russian FSB had approached the task to prove that this money "Nota-Bank."

Finally, take a look at the prospects. If the reader has paid attention to the behavior of Zakharchenko Presnensky court arrest, he saw his imperturbable irony. It seems that he, too, understands that got involved, but certainly not for a bribe. By the way, in itself finding banknotes truck does not constitute a crime. And the applause of the Russian people - not the legal form of reaction.

Weirdly want to look into the future - with any real consequence of the prosecution will be released in the court. Only with such a decision - and did not dare re-classified. That is, well, a lot of money and simply disgusting Colonel mood.