Putin discharged General Murov as a director of the Federal Security Service

President Vladimir Putin discharged Yevgeny Murov as director of the Federal Security Service, was replaced by the head of the presidential guard Dmitri Kochnev.
Origin source
Murowa resignation may be linked to the "Ministry of Culture thing," says the source of RBC.

Army General

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on dismissal of Yevgeny Murov from the post of Director of the Federal Security Service. As reported on Thursday, May 26, the Kremlin press service, Moores filed voluntarily. New Director of FSO became deputy Dmitry Murowa Kochnev, who previously headed the presidential security service. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told RBC that the choice Kochneva due to its professionalism.

As told RBC federal official, Moores has exceeded the retirement age, so his tenure as head of the Federal Security Service "caused misunderstanding among some people." Interlocutor RBC explained the "case the Ministry of Culture," including pressure on Murowa.

With Murov was connected head of the holding "Forum" Dmitry Mihalchenko, who was detained in Moscow at the end of March 2016. 30 March businessman indicted on charges of smuggling alcohol. Mihalchenko guilty of smuggling is not recognized. On the same day the Basmanny court placed him under Ares.

Two weeks before that in Moscow arrested Dmitry Sergeev - the director of "Baltstroy", a member of the "Forum". He held on charges of embezzlement in the restoration of historical sites under state contracts the Ministry of Culture. The prosecution in the case brought against the deputy head of the Ministry of Culture Gregory Pirumova. According to the "cause of the Ministry of Culture" was questioned and Mihalchenko.

age limit

Evgeny Murov 70 years old, he was born on November 18, 1945. According to the law on the Federal Security Service, with the staff of agencies can be contracted to "military service for a period up to the age of 65 with them." The law "On Military Duty and Military Service" makes clear that the Army General may enter into such a contract before reaching 70 years of age.

The question of the resignation of Murowa hesitated in 2014, told RBC FSO two senior officers. "For us already it is no secret that the boss is going on a holiday, he now decides either completely retire or leave the Federation Council", - told RBC source in the central office of the Federal Security Service.

Moores, a graduate Krasnoznaalternating Institute of the KGB, since 1971 worked in the state security bodies, since 1974 - in the KGB First Chief Directorate (foreign intelligence). Over three years, he was on a business trip to South East Asia. Since 1992, Moores was the chief of a number of regional offices of the St. Petersburg FSB, since 1997 held the post of deputy head of the FSB in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. At this time, he met with President Vladimir Putin, who was in charge of the post of deputy chairman of the Government in the city hall of St. Petersburg siloviki, and Viktor Zolotov, later headed the presidential guard, and from April 2016 - National Guard.

May 18, 2000 Putin shortly before the elected president of Russia, appointed director of the Federal Security Service Murowa. In 2009, President Dmitry Medvedev extended the authority of the Director of FSO for three years.

President's guard

About Kochneva appointment to the post of head of the presidential security service, "Izvestia" reported at the end of 2015. However, the declaration of income on the FSO website there is information about earnings Kochneva for 2014. In the document it is listed as the deputy head of the FSO.

On this nOst Kochnev replaced Klymentyev Oleg, was promoted and became the first deputy Murowa. Klymentyev headed the presidential security service in 2013, after Viktor Zolotov left in the MVD internal troops.

Official biography Kochneva never published. Interlocutor RBC Duma manual calls it a career employee of the FSO, whose promotion of the career ladder has been associated with the work of the president's protection.

RBC source close to the leadership of the FSB, said that Klymentyev Kochnev walked in the struggle for the post of head of the FSO. It was under the last Klymentyev conducted personnel changes in the service, says RBC interlocutor, but the hardware was won Kochnev.

In 2015, there have been changes in the leadership of FSO. Service left the first deputy director and deputy director of the Alexander Belyakov Alexander Lashchuk. In place of one of them was appointed Viktor coat.

Wife Kochneva on results of 2015 has earned more than all the rest of the staff FSO and their families. As follows from the declaration published on the site office, its revenue amounted to RUR 58.1 million. ATIn 2014 it declared the RUB 24.2 million. She owns a plot of land (2339 sq. M), a house (328.5 sq. M), guest house (104.9 sq. M), four apartments with a total area of ​​351.7 square meters. m, two parking spaces, garage, garden furniture and a carport. Her husband earned 3.7 million rubles., He has only one apartment of 101.7 square meters of property. m. on the biography of the couple Kochneva data is not in the public domain.

As stated in the reply FSO, which went to the editorial office of RBC, Kochnev itself serves as security agencies since 1984. In 2002, he began working in the state protection bodies.

profitable positions

Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev (pictured) has declared almost 18 million rubles. income. The property has three plots, 1/17 share another site, two houses, two apartments and a garage. Head Kolokoltseva apparatus Alexey Shishkov with an income of 29 million rubles. He became the highest-paid employee, not only in the Ministry of Interior, but in all security agencies (without taking into account the Ministry of Defense).

Eugene Moores (pictured), 26 May was fired from his post as director of the Federal Protection Service (FSO), in 2015, earned 10.6 million rubles. The highest income of employees of the FSOadeklariroval first deputy director Oleg Klymentyev - 21.2 million rubles. (Five times more than in 2014). According to RBC's source, Clement claimed to Murov to change, but in the hardware struggle gave way to the head of the presidential guard Dmitri Kochnev. Kochnev in 2015 earned 3.7 million rubles, and his wife -. 58.1 million rubles. Her income is greater than that of any member of the FSO and their families.

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Mikhail Fradkov, was the only one of the heads of security agencies (excluding the Ministry of Defense), has earned in 2015 more than any of his subordinates. His income - 20.3 million rubles, which is 1.8 million less than in 2014.. The property remained in Fradkov land (10.03 sq. M. M), giving (301.7 sq. M), flat (587.6 sq. M) and two parking spaces.

The head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin (pictured) in 2015 increased its income by 890 thousand. Rub., Up to 8.4 million rubles. In its declaration no longer garden area of ​​257.4 square meters. m Among the TFR employees earned more than all the deputy head of the Perm management department Dmitry Anaschenko -. 15.6 million rubles, almost 6 million more than in 2014..

Profit Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov (on fGR) in 2015 dropped slightly - to 11.6 million rubles. His first deputy Sergei Smirnov increased its earnings nearly quadrupled, from 6.7 to 24.4 million rubles. (Including through the sale of apartments with the area of ​​128.6 sq. M). This allowed Smirnov take first place in incomes among the FSB.

Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Defence of the Declaration was published on the government website in April. In 2015, Shoigu has earned 10.4 million rubles, his wife -. 12.3 million rubles. Declaration rest Defense Ministry employees were made public on the site office in May, however, until all the data is in the correct form.