The chief executive of the General Prosecutor's Office was involved in the "GTA gang case"

Members of a group of robbers and murderers worked, lived and kept weapons in the house of the chief executive of the Prosecutor General Alexey Staroverov.
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On Wednesday evening, the Investigative Committee confirmed the defeat of the so-called siloviki GTA gang, which for almost a year bringing terror to motorists and residents of the suburbs. Bandits were natives of Central Asia, practicing radical Islam. The leader group Rustam Usmanov was killed during the raid, and his two accomplices now find themselves in the hands of investigators. They also found that in the story referred to the chief manager of the Prosecutor General Alexei Old Believers - it is in his country mansion working members of the gang and there was stored weapons and ammunition.

The main special operation against GTA gang members began on November 5 at the township Specific Ramenskoye district of Moscow region. There in a private cottage on Gorky Street Interior Ministry special forces tried to arrest Rustam Usmanov. He threw out of the window in the direction of the police grenade and was killed by return fire. During the shooting the house caught fire. In the ruins of the burnt cottage at the end of the operation the police discovered a cache of weapons.

The morning of November 6 are already in Moscow, Dmitrov highway in the area, policem able to hold Abdumukima Mamadchonova. During the search he found about 100 rounds of ammunition of different calibers. Also, searches were conducted in the Krasnoselsky area of ​​Moscow, on Suschevsky Val and in the Western District. The apartments, which allegedly temporarily living members of the gang, two traumatic pistol was found, 14 cartridges for them, foreign-made pistols with cartridges and two grenades. Total half a dozen Central Asians were arrested, including two women, but the majority of them, as shown scrutiny, turned out to be just illegal migrants. Now they are in detention and awaiting deportation to their homeland. The court issued an arrest warrant only Abdumukima Mamadchonova. As it turned out, he was charged under Art. 222 of the Criminal Code ( "Illegal trafficking in arms and ammunition").

Since then, the Investigative Committee and the Interior Ministry categorically denied the information on the destruction of the gang. As it turned out, all this time, they were looking for other members of the group. One of the alleged perpetrators found in the Vladimir region, where he was detained by riot police and taken to theoscow.

12 November it was reported that in a criminal case GTA group referred to the chief manager of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexey Old Believers. As it turned out, it is in a country house belonging to him lived and worked in groups and participants in the same stored weapons and ammunition. Alexey Old Believers - is one of the most famous employees of the Prosecutor General. "Forbes" magazine included him in the list of the richest Russian security forces.

On Wednesday, the Investigative Committee has officially confirmed the detention of members of the group.

- Investigators TFR in close cooperation with the Interior Ministry and FSB operatives set the full composition of a criminal group to commit the murder, including the drivers on the roads of Moscow and the Moscow region - said "Izvestia" spokesman Vladimir Markin TFR. - The first detentions and arrests have already begun.

TFR debunked the popular version that the members of the group imitated the famous characters of the computer game GTA. According to the investigation, it was a group of robbers, who are primarily interested in money and property to their gerstv. Investigators carefully check Abdumukima Mamadchonova. He has been charged under Art. 222 of the Criminal Code ( "Illegal trafficking in arms and ammunition").

The investigators suggest that immigrants from Central Asia, professed radical Islam and killed motorists and random people to get money to buy weapons and training fighters. TFR has added Abdumukimu Mamadchonovu charges under Art. 105 of the Criminal Code ( "Murder"), but as yet does not specify what kind of murder is in question.

Recall that on GTA gang talking in the summer of 2014, after in Moscow there was a series of bizarre murders motorists. All crime was the same scenario: on the road the car suddenly made its way wheel, and when the driver stopped and changed his unknown motorist shot. Initially, investigators believed that this disparate crime because the killer used the three types of weapons. However, after all the trunks lit in one murder, it became clear that the group operates.