By May 1, the heads of state-owned companies for the first time introduced into the apparatus of the White House information about their income and assets, the press service of the government. This requires approved last year a presidential decree on combating corruption. Total returns for themselves, their spouses and minor children filed Chairman, members of the board and chief accountants of the 14 largest state-owned companies, a list of which was approved by government decree.
State-owned companies: who to whom should
The government should ensure the publication of information about income and property managers of state companies that reported, follows from another presidential decree - β 613 of the 2013 "anti-corruption". But for how long it should take place and in what way, the decree does not specify. The government considered the possibility of the device to publish data on incomes and property of employees of state companies on the government website, told "Vedomosti" a spokesman for Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Natalia Timakova. But this is not about civil servants and to avoid possibles mistakes decided to publish and deliver media data as well as be responsible for these data should be state-owned companies themselves, she explains.
Install the government and deadlines, and they seem to have already passed. As told "Vedomosti" two members of the state-owned companies, 22 May the state company received a letter of Deputy Prime Minister and Government Chief of Staff Sergeya- Prikhodko on the need to publish the data and report about it until 24 May. Timakova, confirmed that a letter had been sent to the President's decree execution.
Nevertheless, until now, not all companies disclose information on their executives. It did not "Gazprom", "Rosneft" and Railways. And at "Rosneft" objections of principle: the company believes that the presidential decree does not apply to it
Gosmenedzhery: many or few
However, in the published declarations no shocking figures. Judging by him, the heads of state-owned companies in Russia can earn as much as top managers of comparable Western or Russian private companies, says Igor ShehHerman, CEO RosExpert Russian consulting companies. It is not surprising, since in the structure of many large state-owned businesses, management of which requires strong managerial competencies, including often - the skills of restructuring and crisis management. Yet the family income, even in the richest Russian gosmenedzherov less than the annual remuneration of the most sought after managers in the West. Thus, according to the company Equilar, specializing in the analysis of compensation packages of senior managers, the average remuneration of the highest paid directors of public international companies for 2012 amounted to about $ 14 million - and that's just the salary and compensation package. Plus, each of the service has saved an average stake of about $ 51 million.
From Russian gosmenedzherov greatest family income from the general director of "Rostec" Sergey Chemezov -. More than 803 million rubles, and the personal - the chairman of board "Rosnano" Anatoly Chubais, has received over 2013 more than 207 million rubles. And in gosmenedzhera income theoretically could include not only zarplata, but proceeds from the sale of the property (see. table).
Russian gosmenedzhery can safely file returns, they still will not be anything special, says partner Paragon Advice Group Alexander Zakharov. "These senior managers may have advantages and benefits that are simply not to be declared. So, for example, they do not require a statement of income adult children and other relatives ", - he explains.
This means that if the information about the wives of income can still be seen in the declarations, information about the income of close and distant relatives, and especially ex-wives no demand. A family business has many gosmenedzherov. However, managers of state companies say that relatives do business "on their own".
"Vedomosti" decided to recall, as the income received relatives and friends of the leaders of state-owned companies, including those who did not submit declarations.
"Gazprom": "And I will not regret"
The former wife of a member of the Board of "Gazprom" Yaroslav Golko - poet and singer Svetlana Golko Participates in Junetons of festive concerts at the Cultural Center of the St. Petersburg police department and the Concert Hall at the Finland Station in April, her solo program "I regret I will not," was held in the St. Petersburg Variety Theatre.
In the past, Svetlana Golko participated in an unusual for singers business for the supply of large diameter steel pipes for main pipelines: with her daughter Anna she owned half the Moscow firm "Interstilteh". The other half belonged to the former physics teacher Tatyana Golubeva - wife of Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Gazprom" Valery Golubev, a former KGB officer and longtime friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom he worked in St. Petersburg.
"Interstilteh" was liquidated in March 2013, but in the past the company was serious business: its revenue for 2007-2009. exceeded 12 billion rubles, and net profit -. almost 2 billion rubles. (Hereinafter - SPARK data). "Interstilteh" bought the largest Russian pipe manufacturers - ChTPZ, TMK, Izhora Pipe Plant - and sold them to the supplier of "Gazprom" company "Severth European Pipe Project "(SETP), controlled by another friend of Putin - brothers Arkady and Boris Rotenberg. A SETP supply these pipes to "Gazprom".
Golubev said earlier "Vedomosti" that he "Interstilteh" nothing "Gazprom" is not supplied and the relationship to the "Gazprom" has not. " Golko admitted that his relatives had to do with the company, "but doing it on their own business."
"I do nothing was not involved," - said "Vedomosti" Svetlana Golko, responding to a question about the business of "Gazprom", saying that "Gazprom" in her family there for three years. Declaration of state-owned companies executives income and property it is, of course, does not affect.
Son Golko Yaroslav Golko since 2005 owned 51% of "TGI-finance", the parent company of the "Trastgazinvest". Quarter "TGI-finance" owned Golubeva. This company fully controlled company "TGI-trans", which was the sole operator of rail transportation pipes for "Gazprom" in 2009-2010. Revenue "; TGI-trans "from 2007 to 2010 increased more than tenfold, reaching in 2010 5.68 billion rubles. Now, the company is also eliminated.
The company "TGI-Capital", which was part of the group in 2006 "Trastgazinvest", she was awarded half of the company "Yamaltransstroi". And a month after that, "Yamaltransstroi" became the contractor of "Gazprom" for the construction of bridges on the railway Ob - Bovanenkovo, necessary for the development of the largest deposits of the Bovanenkovo ββon the Yamal Peninsula. At the same time revenues "Yamaltransstroya" began to grow strongly and to 355 million rubles. in 2006, it increased to 38 billion rubles. in 2010, while net profit over the years has exceeded 3.78 billion rubles.
In 2011, Putin began to struggle with the "conflict of interest" among the leaders of state-owned energy and saying at the meeting that they were "very oborzeli already." He resented the way the state structures managers use family ties, and insisted that one can not simultaneously guide the state-owned company and give contracts to their relatives. Also in 2011, more than half "Yamaltransstroya" was sold to "Strawygazkonsaltingu "Ziyad Manasira. Later, in an interview with "Vedomosti" in October 2013 Manasir confirmed that he bought a share in "Yamaltransstroi" top managers of relatives of "Gazprom". Golko categorically denied "Vedomosti" information "about alleged my role in the fate of" Yamaltransstroi ".
"Rosneft": "He had divorced"
The former wife of the president of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin, Sechin Marina in 2008-2010. Revenue had. This followed declarations of Sechin. At that time he was obliged to report on income and property, as he held the post of deputy prime minister. People from the surrounding Sechin recalled that the divorce took place around 2011, but remained "good relations" between the former spouses. In May 2012, he headed by Sechin "Rosneft".
In late 2013 Sechin was the co-owner of several companies: energy, construction, consulting, as well as companies operating in the field of IT.
Thus, in December 2013 at the Sechin appeared 51% stake in the company "Ekzekt Partners Group". The group is engaged in HR consulting Exect, Assessment, training and development of staff and one of the three largest companies in the Russian market of business training and consulting in the field of HR, stated on its website. Its revenue is about 500 million rubles. per year, according to "Vedomosti" founder and president Exect Vladimir Solovyov. Among Exect customers on the company's website has been specified and "Rosneft", which is headed by Sechin. But a source close to the Exect characterized the contract with the oil company as a comparatively small.
At the end of 2013 Sechin received 49% of the company "On-HSBC PRIVATE El Rus Limited" - "granddaughter" of Spanish construction giant Obrascon Huarte Lain (OHL), the fourth largest infrastructure contractor in Latin America, which operates in 30 countries. In Russia, the Czech "daughter" the OHL in December 2011, signed an agreement with the Corporation "Ural Industrial - Ural Polar" and Yamal railway company to work together on the project "Northern latitudinal way", which is necessary for the development of gas fields in the Yamal Peninsula. The contract amount - 1.95 billion euros, according to Bloomberg.
At the end of last year at Cechinoy appeared 16.25% of system integrator "RK Telecom", which caters to the security forces, building a network of "Rostelecom" and collaborates with "VimpelCom" and MTS and "MegaFon". And Sechin participated in the creation of the energy holding "Sustainable development", wrote "Kommersant".
Close to "Rosneft" the man says that questions about businesses Marina Sechin in "Rosneft" the president can not be, because "it has long been divorced." Sechin itself did not comment on the situation.
RZD "rigorous selection process"
The son of the president of Russian Railways Andrey Yakunin - founder and managing director of investment company Venture Investments & Yield Management (VIYM), which attracts investors in Russian projects. Among VIYM project - "Regional hotel chain" of 26 hotels in regional centers of Russia, said on its website. The company's portfolio - Park Inn hotels in Kazan, Astrakhan and Izhevsk. Six hotels Park Inn (Sochi, Novosibirsk, Yaroslavl, and so on. D.) Were at different stages of construction.
In an interview with Reuters Andrey Yakunin said his company nRowell "hard selection process" in order to find a real estate consultant in Russia. And he chose the company's Railways "Zheldoripoteka".
"We were able to find a few pieces of land, which eventually purchased through" Zheldoripoteka ", - said Andrey Yakunin Reuters. The hotel development project it is expected to invest up to $ 500 million. News agency notes that the sites are located in front of railway stations or near them.
The nephew of the president Railways Cyril Amosov controls the company "PT operator", which in 2012 provided the Railways about 10,000 gondola cars, informed "Kommersant". The company owned about 3,000 cars, and the rest leased to transmit Railways. Railways rented gondola at "operator PT" for 1003 rubles. per day, while the FST that year allowed RZD rent cars from 900 rubles. per day. Contract good effect on financial performance "PT operator": compared with 2011, the company's revenue increased by 4 times and amounted to 6.69 billion rubles. in 2012, while net profit rose more than 2.5 times to RUB 463.56 million.
"Rostec" "Sphere soextensive "
Director General of the State Corporation "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov sees nothing reprehensible in the fact that his relatives are in business. "Scope of Work" Russian Technologies "is so vast that, wherever worked [my wife Catherine] Ignatov, with a strong desire to communicate with the state corporation could always pull the ears" - he explained to "Vedomosti".
Ignatov owns "Kate", which has developed an automatic transmission. As Chemezov told, she organized this business together with friends and planned to set up production of these boxes in Kaliningrad. Close customer "Kate" was "AvtoVAZ", which is owned by the joint venture "Rostec" of Renault and Nissan.
Son Chemezov Stanislav listed owner of the company "Interbiznesgrupp", which indirectly, through the "daughter" "Standard-real", has a stake in the Independent Insurance Group (NSG) - the insurer of the largest enterprises of the military-industrial complex, it said on its website. Among the clients - "Rostec" enterprise. Net profit NSG 2008of 2012 amounted to almost 3 billion rubles, and earned premiums (net reinsurance) in 2012. -. 1.6 billion rubles.
More Stanislav Chemezov owns 30% of LLC "Medfarmtehnologiya" - the management company "Farmopolis" project, the pharmaceutical cluster, who developed the "Rostec" and the Ministry of Industry of the Moscow Region. Partners Chemezov appear Igor Rudinskiy (17.5%) - the largest shareholder of the pharmaceutical distributor "SIA International", the former head of Nikolai Roszdravnadzor Yurhel (his 17.5%), Victor Aleshichev (17.5%), co-producer of insulin, "Sanofi-Aventis east "Sergey Dokuchaev (12.5%) and his daughter Irina Lynx (5%).
The risks in the future
If gosmenedzheram not have to account for relatives and friends of the company, that they may fear the publication of declarations of income?
Publication of declarations can be a threat only in a social aspect, reflects Zakharov of Paragon Advice Group: population sees how many are heads of state companies, and begin to compare these data with their income. Danger Selectionsis it can be and that information on income will be used in the competition. And the most dangerous can be a verification of compliance of real property and income that is declared.