Crimean roulette

On April 19, Putin submitted to the State Duma a bill on the establishment of a gaming zone in the annexed Crimea.
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UNIAN tried to figure out how relevant can be a project in the current conditions of functioning of the peninsula, and to whom, in fact, it may be beneficial.

The formal impetus for the introduction of the bill could be a proposal for the establishment of such a zone illegitimate Prime Minister of Crimea Sergey Aksenov, who made a statement about a week after the announcement of illicit Crimean referendum results. "Casino and gaming zones all over the Crimea would not. Everything will be concentrated in one place, "- he said at the end of March.

Representatives illegitimate Crimean authorities insist that the emergence of a gambling zone on the peninsula will have only positive effects from job creation to the organization of a special economic zone, which provides tax incentives for resident companies, and as a result, the conversion of the Crimea from a subsidized region in the territory which brings a steady income and fill the budget. Of course, Russia.

But there is a bright future awaits the Crimean peninsula in the case of the adoption of the State Duma of the Russian Federation the decision to establishand fifth in its territory of the gambling zone?

in the field of marketing experts agree that rely on quick profits will not have autonomy. Proof of this are examples of the four gambling zones, existing in the Russian Federation. For example, "Siberian Coin" in the Altai Territory, "Primorye" in the Primorsky Territory and "Amber" in the Kaliningrad region - do not function at all, and they run constantly delayed commissioning.

Another gaming zone, located on the territory of Krasnodar Region - "Azov-City", despite the invested in it almost 40 million dollars back in the Russian budget, in the form of taxes, five times less spent (about $ 8 million), which indicates loss of this venture.

Explanation of the situation to banality is simple - gambling zones in Russia are of no interest to wealthy Russians. The lack of adequate infrastructure, lack of preparedness to take visitors (players), remoteness from big cities - make them unattractive in the eyes of the Ldei ready to play "in a large way." Potential players prefer a recognized gambling capital of the world (Las Vegas, Macao, Atlantic City, and the like), against which the pathetic attempts to create some semblance of those on unprepared - legally and culturally - the soil, look ridiculous.

Even last year, the head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Shokhin, suggested to move the gaming zone "Azov-City" from Anapa to Sochi. In December 2013 this idea was supported by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. He instructed to consider the possibility Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak, responsible in the government for the preparation for the Olympics. However, Kozak said that the idea of ​​establishing a center of gambling in Sochi can be considered no earlier than two years.

By the way, as it became known recently, it Kozak will oversee the Russian government and the Crimean question. Thus, the patterns that are to be used to pattern the new format of the Black Sea health resort leisure in Sochi, will be most likely toacala used in the Crimea.

Earlier, Medvedev spoke in favor of creating a special economic zone on the territory of the Crimean peninsula, but, apparently, now make sense to support the beautiful rhetoric is no more. Therefore, after conducting psevdoreferenduma in the Crimea, the Russian prime minister said that the gambling zone - not a priority project for autonomy, as much more important - social programs.

Incidentally, in this context, the question arises, why Russia refused from idea to at least try to return to budget huge funds spent on infrastructure around Sochi, by transferring it to "Azov-City." Perhaps this is due to a lack of confidence in the success of such an enterprise. And that is why logical for the Russian government looks attempt to start, try the idea on the Crimean land.

In addition, the creation of original gaming reserves in Russia imply their distance from large cities and towns. In all existing cases, a specially designed area, which excludes the possibility of "; Touch 'urban infrastructure and local residents with players looking for "adult" adventure and thrills. But, in the case of Crimea, this aspect does not seem to take into account. Indeed, in addition to the unique climate, which provides almost year-round comfortable customer service, investors can draw ready-made infrastructure and proximity to the resorts.

The prospect of a gambling zone has triggered heated discussions and debates in the Crimea. First of all, it concerns the placement of casinos and the allocation for this, literally, "golden" hectares of the Crimean land. After all, we can talk not only about the steppe zone near Sak and Evpatoria, but also the more attractive areas between Alushta and Sudak. Of course, with access to the sea. In addition, the variants of the equipment of a gambling zone in the area of ​​Gurzuf. According to experts, for the arrangement of such a project will require about 100 hectares of land, which, in the topographical conditions of the Crimean coast in these areas is a direct or proximity to human settlements or for Protected Areas.

Sothem, the transformation of the Crimea in the fifth gaming zone - an idea rather specific. Especially, in terms of purity of thought and quality of implementation. In this context, it is quite likely violent land redistributions, including the Crimean Tatars, which at any moment could be accused of squatting "interesting" land amid rising ethnic tensions today.

It should also be noted that in an environment of global isolation of the peninsula, the growing problems in the legal field, in the banking system, the notary, in other vital areas - it is likely that gambling network can be widely used in all kinds of money laundering schemes and further their legalization in the accounts of Russian officials and persons close to them.

At the same time, sad to see how the inhabitants of Crimea continue to feed with promises of a better life through the introduction of obscure mechanisms. Especially if you take into account how the residents of Krasnodar region, sweeping away the goods from the shelves of shops Crimean, banter over the local: "And it you want it?".

Anyway, mechanismsm Crimean roulette started. Only today can hardly be put on red or black. The result is likely to fall zero.