What happens to the market of new buildings in Moscow

2017 was a record for the market of new buildings in the capital - never in the last five years in Moscow did not sell so much housing.
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In 2017, a number of historic records were recorded in the Moscow market of new buildings: in terms of construction and sales, the number of registered DDUs, mortgage deals, and so on.

As a result of 2017 in Moscow, 54.2 thousand contracts of participation in shared construction (DDU) were concluded. This is 52.2% more than in 2016. In total for the last five years 154.7 thousand DDU were registered in the capital. Thus, last year had 35% of all transactions for the five-year period, calculated in the real estate company "Metrium Group".

The total amount of revenue for developers in the registration of the DDU with individuals for apartments and apartments in Moscow in 2017 amounted to 553 billion rubles. A year earlier, this figure was significantly lower - 443 billion rubles., Analysts calculated online service CIAN.

Almost half of transactions with new buildings in Moscow in 2017 fell to mortgage contracts. "If in 2016 the share of mortgage deals accounted for 35% of the volume, then by the end of 2017, the figure was 45%. Considering the number of DDUs that grew 1.5 times, an increase of 10 percentage points had a significant impact on the final results, "explains Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group, a partner of the CBRE partner network.

The average price per square meter in new buildings in Old Moscow declined by 1% in 2017 and amounted, according to Miel, 193.9 thousand rubles. The share of new buildings in the mass segment has reached 44%, business class - 41%, and in the elite segment - 15%, have been calculated in "Metrium Group". The average area of ​​apartments and budget proposals in the capital's new buildings were distributed as follows: in the mass segment - 58.2 square meters. m, the price is 8.7 million rubles, in the business class - 76.9 square meters. m, the price is 17.1 million rubles, in the elite - 110.9 square meters. m, the price is 178.6 million rubles.

In 2017, 80 new complexes (about 2 million sq. M.) Were launched in the capital market, whereas in 2016 their number reached 71, and in 2015 - 66. According to Est-a-Tet real estate agency, the aggregate the volume of supply in the primary market of Moscow (excluding New Moscow) by the end of 2017 reached 3.4 million square meters. m, which is also a record indicator.

The largest volume of supply (in area) in new buildings, according to Est-a-Tet, was registered in the Central District of the capital - 17.1%, to the Northern District 13.8%, to the Western - 13.1%. The lowest number of new buildings is in Zelenograd (1.1%), Eastern (2.6%) and South-West districts (8.4%).

About 140 new residential and apartment complexes developers planned to build in 2018. However, not all projects will be put on the market. If the developers keep their activity at the level of 2017, the aggregate volume of the offer by the end of 2018 (taking into account already under construction projects) can beat a new record and grow to 4 million square meters. m.