Viktor Vekselberg will demolish and rebuild ZiL

Moscow has put the ZiL reconstruction project up for tender. The starting price is 23.4 billion rubles. The most likely candidate to win is Kortros owned Viktor Vekselberg.
Bidding for the right to build up the territory ZiL were announced December 31, 2013 The city put up for the sale of 99.9% stake in the charter capital of LLC "Industrial facilities" owned "ZIL". Ltd. owns three plots of land area of ​​62.06, 1.99 and 0.97 hectares. The starting price of the lot -. 23.4 billion rubles, the first payment to be held in 2014 -. 4 billion rubles, the last - in 2020

The winner will be able to build 1.56 million square meters. meters of real estate, specified in the bidding documents. He must at his own expense to dismantle a building on a plot of 27.65 ha and transfer the land to create the Moscow transport, social infrastructure and engineering, said the head of department of development "ZIL" Maxim Yakushechkin. Duration of the project hard: it is necessary to finish the construction by December 31, 2021, a fine - 2 billion rubles. a year of delay.

The project interested in almost all the major property developers, says a person close to the mayor's office, "Kortros" Viktor Vekselberg, "Glavstroy" Oleg Deripaska, PIK Group, FGC "Leader", LSR. The most likely winner - "Kortros" Vekselberg personally lobbied projectCity Hall says it official. Back in 2011, the company "Renova Stroy Group" (renamed "Kortros") announces that joined the working group on preparation of the technical project for the development of the concept of territory "ZIL". President of "Renova Stroy Group" Veniamin Golubitskiy then informed that he is ready to invest up to $ 3 billion in the project and the company is interested in the entire site, as the company is engaged in comprehensive territorial development.

"Our company is going to participate in the competition, we have participated in the discussion of the concept," - said yesterday, "Vedomosti" representative "Kortrosa". Other comments, he did not provide.

While applications from investors has been received, said one of the officials in Moscow; Applications will be accepted until February 20, 2014

Other interested parties are not planning to participate in the competition. "While little certainty on the conditions of participation in the tender for development of the territory ZiL", - says, in particular, the general director of the company "Glavstroy development" Ivan the rich.

ZIL became the first major industrial zone, for which Moscow Vlastee developed a draft plan.

The project covers an area of ​​about 470 hectares - ZIL itself plus the surrounding areas. The concept developed NIIP General Plan of Moscow and the architectural "Meganom" bureau, it is called "Peninsula ZIL". Now in this area is home to around 2.3 million square meters. meters of real estate, more than 1.1 million square feet. m will be demolished. 2025 may appear here 3.4 million square meters. m new properties (including already under construction, see. incision).

Now all non-residential on Zile employs about 16,000 people, and on the concept here will live 38 300 people and there will be 43,200 jobs. Parks and green spaces will occupy about 85.7 hectares. On the project should be about 152 billion rubles., Moscow officials have estimated. But no more than 43.5 billion rubles can be allocated from the city budget. - Infrastructure.

According to the concept of "Peninsula ZIL" production activity for quite 67 hectares, says Yakushechkin, of which 48 hectares - a "MosavtoZiL". And at the expense of plots suitable for development will be possible to pay off debts ZiL (a year ago, the mayor's office said about 26 billion rubles.). On investment tenders exposed part of the project: it is northZiL (from the Third Ring Road (TTC) and Simonovskaya embankment to the railroad). There are planned residential buildings (585 000 sq. M) with infrastructure, kindergartens and schools, cultural and recreational and shopping centers (170 000 sq. M), multi-functional complexes.

Moskomarkhitektura finalizing the transport infrastructure "ZIL Peninsula," says her rep. Road capacity is almost exhausted, the limit is working and Zamoskvoretskaya subway line. The project includes construction of a six-lane highway along the waterfront and two stripes along the Small ring railway. On most rail passenger station will be "ZIL", planned road and pedestrian bridges, tunnels and passages. station "Technopolis" will appear on the Zamoskvoretskaya line.