A1 representatives will search for Vneshprombank assets and owners

They can get 10% of the returned assets.
Search Vneshprombank assets will "Hammer" - a decision was made by a committee of creditors on August 29, told "Vedomosti" a participant of the meeting and confirmed a person close to the committee. The company will look for assets of both the bank and its beneficiaries and debtors outside Russia, said the source "Vedomosti", the contract period - one year, the company's services will cost $ 200 000. In addition, the "Hammer" can get 10% of the amount, returned to the bankruptcy estate, says party committee.

The company received the approval of creditors to enter into a contract with Vneshprombank and will seek its assets, confirmed the "Vedomosti" Managing Director "Hammer" Konstantin Teterin.

Hole in Vneshprombank, lishivshemsya license in January 2016, according to Central Bank estimates, accounts for nearly 216 billion rubles. Total assets remained at 36.5 billion rubles in the bank. while liabilities to 252.5 billion. The bank falsified statements and conclusions drawn from it funds. President Vneshprombank Larissa Marcus arrested her brother and co-owner of the bank Bedzhamov George was arrested in MonacoBut released on bail.

"We will analyze all the money wiring, hire a serious detective agencies and auditors For each suspicious case will consult with them and if the suspicions are confirmed, we will proceed to litigation and to use other instruments within the legal field,." - Says Teterin. According to him, the management of "Hammer" - a former A1 team. Among them, according to the company, the former director of A1 Zurab Yevloyev, managing director Dmitry Vozianov, deputy director of the legal department and Igor Lakhno Counsel George Azarov.

In his field

IBRC unsuccessfully tried to return the funds granted by billionaire Sean Quinn: businessman was declared bankrupt, but to gain access to his bank foreign assets could not. Requirements IBRC Quinn to companies in Russia and Ukraine exceeded $ 500 million, subject to return of assets to $ 200 million. The rights to the assets of the bank have been restored, according to a presentation on "the Hammer."

"While this is a start: for specific tasks people were gathered, who I workedand the so-called business special situations - allowed shareholders conflicts, engaged in crisis management, trying to prevent hostile takeovers, and so on", -. Teterin says. In this structure, working in the A1, the team has implemented 50 projects for a total profit of more than $ 6 billion, he says. Vneshprombank addition, the company has two projects more than $ 100 million each in the real economy, he said.

Among the most famous projects of this team - the return of the assets of the Irish State Bank IBRC.

Competitive Vneshprombank weight increased by 2.5 times, although it is still very modest - only 10 billion rubles.

Structures Marcus may belong to eight apartments worth $ 21 million condominium in Manhattan, but at least part of the property is already the applicants, it follows from the case before a court in New York. In 2015, Monaco was established in the Principality's largest luxury boutique wine Wine Palace, which was headed Bedzhamov. In France, the company manages Bedzhamov FOSH 26, and Marcus - now Boccador First. The main activity of both - lease of land and other real estateminute. According to the Land Registry in Latvia, in May 2014 Marcus bought a property in one of the most prestigious resort of Jurmala, telling the owner of the portal Kompromat.lv and the eponymous newspaper Leonid Jacobson: for the land area of ​​3403 square meters. m from the sea Marcus paid 1.85 million euros.

DIA has already attracted the company to search for the burst of banks' assets. In 2015, the agency has hired law firms Hogan Lovells (the contract price - 90 000 pounds, or $ 135,000) and "Herbert Smith CIS Frihilz" ($106.200). With their help, DIA found foreign assets of Industrial Bank, as well as beneficiaries of Master-Bank and the Bank "Pushkin", said the general director Yury Isaev agency. DIA spokesman yesterday to questions "Vedomosti" did not respond.