The investigation reached out to the former executives of Mosoblbank

They were charged with a large scale fraud. 
As the "Kommersant", the investigative department of the Interior Ministry indicted on a large fraud founder and former co-owner main MOSOBLBANK Andrzej Malczewski, Malczewski his son Alexander and former deputy chairman of the bank Julia Zedinoy. According to investigators, under the guise of payment transactions related to the business activities of investors, persons involved in the case were taken out of the bank funds from its balance sheet, after cashed and abducted. According to law enforcement, it is a sum of about 70 billion rubles. Andrzej Malczewski and Julia Zedina detained Alexander Malczewski was indicted in absentia.

According to "Kommersant", June 16 members of the Investigative Department of the Russian Interior Ministry, with the support of FSB operatives Russia searches were conducted at the place of residence of the former main co-owner MOSOBLBANK president revival fund of folk traditions "National Saint Tryphon Fund" Andrzej Malczewski, former deputy chairman of the bank Julia Zedinoy and also, as they say sources in law enforcement, "other persons involved in the commission of the bundlemeasured body of the crime. " Julia Zedinu Andrzej Malczewski and taken to the Department of Investigation, where both were charged under Part. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code. At the same time the decision was rendered in absentia of the presentation of the same charges another former co-owner of the bank - Alexander Malczewski. Andrzej Malczewski, Sr. and Julia Zedina arrested, tomorrow the court will decide on the election of a preventive measure them.

The criminal case on the fraudulent theft of at least 70 billion rubles. of MOSOBLBANK it has been allocated from another, previously excited about one of the founders and former chairman of the board of the credit institution Victor Ioannina. As told "Kommersant", the case is considered in Izmailovo Moscow court, the trial has passed the debate, during which the prosecutor's office requested the defendant to eight years in prison.

With regard to the acts imputed to persons involved in the second case, that, according to the investigation, for the period from 1 January 2012 until 19 May 2014 when it was decided to readjustment Bank SMP Bank, Malczewski, conspired with Julia Zedinoy and " othersof the management and employees of the bank ", carried out the theft of assets of the credit organization.

For this purpose, according to the case, the attackers used "specially designed and strictly subordinate commercial organizations" belonging to JSC "Republican Financial Corporation" (ROS). With these companies, members of the criminal group, according to investigators, made fictitious transactions on the accounts of depositors of the bank, veiled under the business. Then, realizing his intentions, swindlers, "abusing the trust of depositors and without their knowledge," deduced placed them in MOSOBLBANK funds for the bank balance, disposing of them at its discretion. Funds withdrawn or cashed by the bank's cash or transferred to the accounts of companies affiliated with the ROS. While we are talking about 70 billion rubles.

"Arraignment Malczewski and Zedinoy shows the real, rapid and coordinated work of law enforcement agencies to investigate criminal cases in the banking sector. The measures taken by the Central Bank to the banking sector clean-up and supports law enforcement agencies, of course, will have a preventive effect on unscrupulous market participants ", - said the" b "Advisor to the Chairman Board of Directors of SMP Bank Anton Treushnikov.

Why SMP Bank lost 49 billion rubles. at the end of 2014

According to the international consolidated financial statements of the bank for the NSR-2014 its loss amounted to 49 billion rubles. The main reason for the negative result does not sanction, under which the bank came and sanitation MOSOBLBANK for which he has received from the state for nearly 130 billion rubles. and expects another 43 bln. rub.