"Hoover" among banks

What fate awaits Ugra Bank?
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Over the last three years, "Ugra" assets grew 38 times, primarily due to deposits. However, in I quarter 2016 the bank took 1st place in the losses. "Dark clouds" made him look influential defender

The bank "Yugra" remembered advertising on the sides of buses. For fans of hockey night (popular among Russian officials sport), he is known as the sponsor of the "Night Hockey League." Bank swelled rapidly: in 2013 its assets grew by almost six times, tripled, more than doubled in 2015 over 2014. For three years, from January 1, 2013, to January 1, 2016, assets of the bank "Yugra" increased 38 times . Such aggressive expansion allowed him to move from a modest 261-th place in terms of assets as of January 1, 2013. The 28-th place on January 1, 2016.

The expansion of the bank associated with the arrival in 2013 of new shareholders. In August 2013 its authorized capital was increased from 170 million rubles to 6.17 billion rubles. For a long time, the bank carefully concealed their true owners, pointing out among shareholders little known individuals. However, appeared in January 2016 information about what & laquo; Hawtin Alexey Yu is a person under control and significant influence of which the bank is located. "

The main factor of aggressive growth, "Yugra" were household deposits. On May 1, 2016, they reached 162 billion rubles and amounted to 50.5% of liabilities. The Bank has worked as a "vacuum cleaner": in 2013 the deposits have grown by 5.5 times, for 2014-2015. - More than half a year.

At the expense of the population Bank mainly financed by corporate loan portfolio, which is April 1, it reached 78% of the assets. Moreover, the proportion of the delay in this portfolio amounted to only 0.2%. Among the banks with the size of the corporate loan portfolio of more than 100 billion rubles, a smaller proportion of the delay was only at City Bank.

In the context of the economic crisis over the high quality of the loan portfolio may be evidence in favor of the fact that the loans granted to related parties. It is possible that depositors funds are used to finance the bank's business owners - Yuri and Alexei Hawtin.

However, in early 2016 something went wrong: in March, the bank's assets began to decline in March and April - by 15.3%. TGDSs have started to decrease, and the contributions, although the pace was weaker: in March and April - by 1.9%.

In I quarter 2016 the bank "Yugra" took 1st place in the banking sector losses: to assess-taxation of his loss reached 21.9 billion rubles. The main reason for the loss "was doformirovanie reserves for possible losses on loans and similar debts as a result of reduction in the composition of collateral for existing loans of the Bank promissory notes" (from the bank statement for the I quarter of the 16th) . How I would say the unforgettable Viktor Chernomyrdin, "spawn of the not seen, and here again!".

What happened? March 20, "Vedomosti" reported that in February, the Bank of Russia recommended "Ugra" self-limiting deposit taking. April 3, "Vedomosti" reported the existence of the order predpravleniya Bank Yuri Gusev from April 1 is not carried out without the consent of the JMC discovering new, replenishment of current and (or) deposit accounts of clients. Strong growth in reserves, which led to record losses, could also be a consequence of the implementation of the Central Bank requirements.

Let's look at the financial results of the bank for more rannie periods. Formally, the bank was profitable. Its pre-tax profit for 2015 under RAS amounted to 7.2 billion rubles. However, if you clear this profit from the "gifts" of shareholders (income from donated property received in the amount of 7.5 billion rubles), the bank is unprofitable. A similar situation was in 2013: if you remove the "gifts", the bankwould have posted a loss of 3.3 billion rubles.

The bank was the only rating assigned to "Expert RA" rating agency, and he was recalled Aug. 14, 2015, after declining from the level «A» to «B ++».

"Dark clouds" have forced the bank to seek influential defender. In April it was reported that the bank's board of directors may enter the State Duma former Speaker Boris Gryzlov. A similar method used Mosoblbank: ex-Speaker of the Russian Duma, Gennady Seleznev, chairman of the board of directors of the bank. That did not save the bank from reorganization, and its owner Andrzej Malczewski and Chairman of the Board Victor Ioannina from prison.

What fate awaits "Ugra" bank? It clearly refers to the category of too big to fail. The Bank of Russia considers it to systINR significant. Therefore, even in the worst scenario, a review of the license is hardly possible.

Nevertheless, there was an inscription on the bank analysts MBKcentre.pro site next to the site "...., Come on now, it's time!". Four points correspond to the word "Ugra". Wait, kites ...