Magomedov brothers' Summa Group carves up state budgets

Instead of the promised investments in their native Dagestan, the Magomedov oligarchs are mastering republican funds.
In mid-May, the government of Dagestan discussed the development of the resort "Matlas". To implement this project, the authorities have high hopes - as a "locomotive for the tourist and recreational cluster of the republic."

General Director of JSC "Resorts of the North Caucasus" Oleg Gorchev at the meeting announced the address of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Alexander Khloponin: investor "Matlas" - to work out the issue of further development of the resort. "The resident stated quite serious figures in terms of investment in a special economic zone," Gorchev recalled. The investor was not named, but it's no secret that the "Sum" group of the Dagestan oligarchs of the brothers Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov is involved in the project.

Back in 2010, "Matlas" was engaged in their scandalously famous cousin Ahmed Bilalov, who hastily left Russia after the initiation of a criminal case against him under the article "abuse of authority" during the Sochi Olympic construction. "Sum" was included in the project in 2013. From that moment the Magomedovs began to show remarkable activity in Dagestan - it seemed that there was not a single field of activity in which they would not have been declared with at least one investment project.
Now, the PR activity of the brothers in the region has practically come to naught. One would think that the announced plans are implemented in their own way and without noise. But Khloponin's actual claims to Matlas are equally applicable to the other large-scale projects of the Magomedovs in Dagestan.

Stumbling block

The presentation of the ski resort in 2013 took place in a tent on a tourist site on the Matlas Plateau with the participation of representatives of the republic's leadership, district administration, journalists, as well as friends, relatives and colleagues of Ziyavudin Magomedov. A lush holiday in the mountains for lezginka and other numbers of folklore groups of Khasavyurt and Khunzakh district was arranged by the oligarch himself. In the fall of 2014, the tents were laid out again on Matlas, already to lay the foundation stone for the Matlas complex. The event was no less pathetic.

If representatives of the authorities vied with each other about the importance of the project for the whole of Dagestan, then representatives of the business community - about how luxurious the resort will be. According to Ziyavudin Magomedov, "Sum" was supposed to invest in the construction of the complex about 200 million euros. For three years on an area of 16 thousand square meters. M promised to build a complex with a spa and golf course. The chairman of the board of directors of Matlas, the Frenchman Laurent Colombani, was even more optimistic, saying that "if everyone will help," then they will manage the work in less than three years.

Now the media is increasingly replicating other information - that the ski resort "exists except in distant plans", and Dagestan is hopelessly behind the neighboring regions in terms of competitiveness in the tourism sector. Indeed, almost all the terms came out, but Matlas did not do anything.

Portside dreams

At the end of December 2013, an agreement on intentions for the development of the Makhachkala Sea transport hub was signed between the FSUE "Makhachkala Sea Commercial Port" (MMTP) and OOO "Port-Petrovsk", which is part of the "Sum" group. The plans were ambitious - to reconstruct the existing objects of the port and port infrastructure and build new ones, create sites for cargo handling and storage, and modernize the transport and logistics infrastructure. All this in order to increase the capacity of MMTP capacity for transshipment of goods.

The only non-freezing deep-water port of Russia in the Caspian Sea has long been in terms of privatization, but will not go into private ownership.

And the Magomedovs had very serious views on it - the brothers have long wanted to create a transport and logistics holding, which would include railroads, ports and a shipping company, and thereby take control of the transit of goods from Europe to Asia and vice versa. Particularly "Sum" was interested in oil transshipment. "Port-Petrovsk" even bought for these purposes several plots of land in the neighborhood with the territory of the port and announced its readiness to invest $ 300 million in the project. But three and a half years passed, and the implementation of a large-scale project to create a transshipment terminal did not move, despite the president's instructions and all the assistance of the federal center and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Building on the centuries

The feeling of patriotism, apparently, denied Ziyavudin Magomedov and, when he failed the next project open with pomp - the construction of the spiritual and educational center named after the Prophet Isa. On its territory were to appear the residence of the mufti, rehabilitation center, library, 24-hour free dining room, many other facilities and even a school and kindergarten, and the mosque named after the Prophet Muhammad promised to become the largest in Europe.

It all began with a mosque, under the construction of which was allocated a site of 20 hectares near the motorway Makhachkala-Airport. The authorities of the Dagestani capital tried in this way to resolve the issue of the busyness of the main thoroughfares of the city during the commemoration of the weekly collective prayer at the mosques of Makhachkala. When the foundation of the building was already laid on the people's means, Ziyavudin Magomedov announced that he was going to complete the construction on his own. "The Most High gave us a man who took upon himself the further completion of the construction of the complex.

This is a businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov, who expressed such a desire - to complete the charity work that we started with the help of the Almighty, "- reported in the fall of 2015 the joyful message of the then imam of the central mosque of Makhachkala Magomedrasul Saaduyev. On the eve of the mufti of Dagestan, Ahmad-haji Abdulaev, reported that Magomedov took over the financing of the continuation of the construction of the spiritual center. Today, only stationary cranes stand in place of the "construction of the century".

In the republic they say that Ziyavudin Magomedov explains the delay in the construction of the center by the troubles of the group Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP), the controlling stake of which belongs through Novoport Holding Ltd. Transneft and Sum. As is known, NCSP was a victim of fraud owners and management of Vneshprombank, in which the company, uniting several Russian ports, held 18.7 billion rubles. The result of a noisy scandal with the bank was the verdict of the court handed down in mid-May of this year, according to which for the theft of 113.5 billion rubles the former president of Vneshprombank received nine years of a colony of general regime.

But only the project of the spiritual center in Dagestan was held as a charity. But, according to an informed source, in the charitable fund "Summa" - "PERI" - admitted that the budget for the project of construction of the center was not even laid. It turns out that Ziyavudin Magomedov, to put it mildly, misled the respected mufti. And twice: when he promised financing and when he explained the reason, why he can not finish the construction.

Slaughter shop instead of mega farm

Agrotehnopark "AgroDaGitalia" became the largest declared, but unrealized "Suma" project in the Dagestan agro-industrial complex, a magnificent ceremony of laying the foundation stone of which was held in the autumn of 2012. Private investors were required to invest at least 14 billion rubles in the project to build the country's largest poultry complex to produce 50,000 tons of poultry meat and 650 million eggs a year, to build a mega farm for keeping cows of meat and dairy breeds, as well as a crop complex . As a result, 16 thousand new jobs would appear in the republic.

Initially, the regional authorities in "AgroDagitalia" believed with all their heart and even allocated huge areas of agrotechpark in the flat territory. Umakhan Umakhanov, the son of Magomedov, obviously influenced this decision, he was appointed curator of the project. According to some reports, now he has ceased to appear at parliamentary sessions - he is waiting in Europe for an investigation of large-scale thefts during the construction of the Arena Baltika stadium in the Kaliningrad region, in which Summa is involved. And "AgroDagitalia" rested in the Bose. In March 2015, the republican Ministry of Agriculture stated that the construction of industrial buildings of the investment project has not started.

According to media reports, now AgroDagitalia has focused only on meat production of the region's traditional small cattle in the mountains. And there, experts say, it is impossible to build anything scale - the maximum amount of investments will not exceed $ 2 million.
Another sel'khozprokztom "Sums" was a complex for processing rice with a capacity of 50 thousand tons in the Kizlyar district. Already at the stage of discussion it became clear that the region does not produce rice in this amount, and Magomedov's company proposed to invest funds in the construction of checks so far. Pay employees to open the allotted plot of land, and an irrigation system that would flood the arable land with water. Promised in 2014, but the construction of the complex has not been completed, and nothing has been heard about the participation of the Magomedov group in the project.

Kings of Projections

Waited for the authorities of Dagestan and the promised investments in the development of hockey in the republic and the construction of an ice palace, and the appearance of a track track, with the idea of Zyayvudin Magomedov himself in 2014, did not set up an enterprise based on the fishing port. For at least two years, the construction of the cultural and educational center Perimeter in Makhachkala has been delayed, with the promised investment of 1 billion rubles, and in fact, Ziyavudin Magomedov, in words of Ziyavudin Magomedov, is counting on talented young people in the republic's development.

The only thing that turns out at brothers Magomedovs in native Dagestan, it to master budgetary funds. Subsidiary company "Summa" - "Mostootryad-99" - in recent years, received the majority of state orders in one of the most corruption-prone areas - the construction of highways. However, experts noted that, compared to annual contracts of several billion rubles, the Group's own investments in the development of the road-building infrastructure of the region are negligible. Although in the development of budget funds, "Summa" also can not be called successful.

Several government agencies, including Rosavtodor, immediately refused to cooperate with the company "Stroynovatsiya", which is part of the Magomedov group, for the systematic disruption of the work. And the company "GlobalElectroservice" in general is accused of theft of several hundred million rubles in the construction of the already mentioned stadium "Arena Baltica" and their withdrawal to the offshore. As part of the investigation, searches were carried out at the company's office, its representatives were arrested, as well as several Kaliningrad officials.

The loud corruption scandals make the return of the "Summa" group to the "Forbes" rating "Kings of the state order" almost unreal. But the Magomedov brothers can count on the first place in the rating "Kings in laying stones to various projects turning into projects".