Long road: construction of the Kerch - Simferopol - Sevastopol highway is delayed and gets more expensive

As Forbes found out, the number of interchanges on the road, which construction dissatisfied Vladimir Putin, and by 2018 only its part up to Simferopol will be built. 
Origin source
The cost of the road can be several times higher than the 42 billion rubles, pledged to build.

Construction of the route Kerch - Simferopol - Sevastopol, on the problems with the design which became known in March after a meeting on socio-economic development of Crimea and Sevastopol in President Vladimir Putin's plan to split into two stages, told Forbes source close to Rosavtodor. According to him, it is expected that by 2018 will build 161 km of the road to Simferopol (total length of 253.3 km of track), and the site to the border of Sevastopol will finish in 2020. This was confirmed by one of the members of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Rosavtodor spring attracted to optimize the route of the project.

Chief of automobile roads of the Crimea - customer construction of a road - Alexander Mohni told Forbes, that the only route to Simferopol will be built by the end of 2018. "So the task set by the Government of Russia. By 2020, we will build a line to Sevastopol borders ", - he said.

According to Forbes source, close to the Federal Road Agency, the number of Tentativebathrooms junctions on the route Kerch - Simferopol already reduced from 50 to 20, and man-made structures - from 150 to 120. The cost of the road is now estimated more than 150 billion rubles, he added.

"If you build nearly 50 interchanges, which are now included in the draft plan territory, and 150 billion rubles is not enough", - complains member of the Scientific and Technical Council. After optimization, the real figure - 130 billion rubles, he said.

The federal target program (FTP) "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol till 2020" for the construction of the track laid down only 41.6 billion rubles, and the construction of all roads 112.1 billion rubles in the republic.

According Mohni, 41.6 billion rubles - "old" figure. "Federal Program in any case will have to adjust, because the wrong amounts laid there, I do not know where they came from" - agrees the expert council at Rosavtodor.

The representative of the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, who oversees the development of the Crimea, said that while there is no optimization and approved the road project, talk about the revision of the federal program early. Representatives MintranCrimea sa and the Federal Road Agency has not yet responded to the request for Forbes.

According to Forbes source, familiar with the discussion of the project details, there is a danger not meet the terms of construction. In order to have time until the end of 2018, the design and construction contractor can give one, he says. "If the design will be played, and then the construction, the construction will begin in mid-2017. If the contractor is going to be one, then in parallel with the design, you can start the preparatory work ", - explains a member of the Scientific and Technical Council.

Mohni said that a formal decision on a single contractor is still pending. "It is preferable, of course, to choose one artist, it will greatly reduce construction time: bring materials and prepare the site," - he says. According Mohni, proposals for optimization of the project route Kerch - Simferopol Russian government will be presented in mid-June, after which it will be possible to determine with the contractors.
Unfair designer

About the failure of terms of designing the route Kerch - Simferopol - SevaStopol became known on March 18 at the meeting on the development of the Crimea and Sevastopol, Vladimir Putin. Kozak said that the design dates delayed due to unscrupulous designer whose contract is going to break. The President asked how the "skhomyachil". Kozak said that 280 million rubles, and the chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea Sergey Aksenov said that the money the company is not listed.

Designing roads involved in the company "Giprotransmost-Crimea" affiliated "Volgomost" (according to SPARC, 20% owned by the company "Klinskoe DRSU", which fully controls the businessman Tufan Sadigov, 20% in "Dmitrov Avtodor" (it previously controlled Sadigov now - Olga Yakovleva), 14.5% in "Avtotransstroya", 50% owned by Andrey Moiseev, other owners are not disclosed).

Order of the Crimean Council of Ministers of June 29, 2015 the company "Giprotransmost-Crimea" was appointed executor of two contracts worth more than 2 billion rubles for the design of the route Kerch - Simferopol - Sevastopol and awtomobilnyh approaches to the bridge from Kerch Crimea. According Mohni now Service Crimean roads trying to break a contract with the designer through the courts. He refused to tell details, because the process is not yet complete.

CEO "Giprotransmost-Crimea" Vladislav Konovalov confirmed Forbes, that the contract is not terminated. He added that the company continues to work on the project, and complained that its representatives are not allowed in the sessions of the Scientific and Technical Council of Rosavtodor.