Dagestani thrust of Russian Railways

Why the change in leadership of Russian Railways will not make the natural monopoly "closer to the people"
The new head of Russian Railways Oleg Belozerova will be difficult to improve the profitability of state-owned companies - the resignation of the top management only spurred the struggle for power corrupt officials Railways and lured "partners" -oligarhov. Today, JSC "Russian Railways" 65 subsidiaries (with a share of more than 50%) and 62 associated companies (with a share of 20 to 50%). On holding accounts for 42% of freight and around 33% of passenger traffic in Russia.

At the same time the efficiency of the state monopoly is poor. RZD recently proudly presents report on increasing the average daily speed of delivery of cargo in Russia to 14.5 km \\ h - approximately the rates were the United States railroad in 1890. However, for the purchase of new locomotives, RZD is already the next few years has exceeded own plans.

"Stealth" railwayman

Numerous "daughter" and foundations, which goes through the state financing is not only a football club "Lokomotiv", but also the elite village on the highway Rublevskoye for top managers of the company, necessary for the development budget. For example, Equit "Trading House Russian Railways" (where only 25% owned Russian Railways, and the rest - to private individuals) - more than 100 billion rubles. in year. At the same time 10% of the turnover of the trading house gets just for mediation. It is through this organization are purchases for the needs of railway locomotives, cars, transformers, poles and railway sleepers. Recently, Russian Railways is actively promoting the purchase of allegedly highly efficient fireproof cable. For the price it is several times higher than normal, and especially outstanding performance does not differ, however, according to railway chiefs, state-owned companies is vital.

One of the curators of "Trade House RZD" - Head of the Directorate of traction with the rank of vice-president Alexei Vorotilkin. The jurisdiction of the Railroad undetectable except trading house - all locomotive economy of the country, including the allocation of funds and relationships with private providers and partners.

The Chair, Vice-President of Russian Railways Vorotilkin hit in 2011, and before that for a long time led the East Siberian Railway (East-Siberian Railway). During manual Vorotilkina VSZHD not lost peputatsii one of the worst roads in the country railways, and corruption scandals and accidents there decreased. Do subordinates Vorotilkin won the epithet tyrant administrator, who for the sake of a fictitious discipline and accountability, and is willing to sacrifice the people and performance. In business colleagues Alex Vorotilkin grip reputed merchant. He has long led the NP "Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs of Irkutsk", which lobbied interests of the family business Vorotilkina. They were engaged in including and not entirely legal timber transportation, oil and metal in China.

Hot partners

In the late 2000s Vorotilkin friends with influential businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov. He belongs to the group of companies "Amount", which owns major seaports, oil transit and grain companies, as well as telecommunications and construction companies. It's interesting that Magomedov may have a direct relation to the recent resignation of the president of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin.

Natives of Makhachkala, the brothers Zia and Magomed Magomedov started business in 90th. In 1993.or have graduated from the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. During his studies at the University of brothers, a neighbor in the dorm was the future founder of the "Troika Dialog" Ruben Vardanyan, where they met with Arkady Dvorkovich.

After graduation Magomedovy create a company "Interfinance" taking his cousin Ahmed partners Bilalova (known later for theft at the Olympic venues). According to the most Ziyavudin Magomedov, business went so smartly that a year later he was able to earn about 15 million. Dollars of its own funds and has more than 50 million dollars. Were under his control.

In 1995. "Diamond" Magomedov brothers buy the bank. Chairman of the Board was Alexei Frenkel. The Bank entered quickly into top twenty - in particular, thanks to the collaboration with state companies. Six years after the acquisition of "Diamond" Magomedov, the Central Bank revoked the license of a bank "for repeated violations of the law" On banks and banking activity ", and was killed by deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Andrei Kozlov in five years. Alexei FrenkelHe was accused of organizing the murder and sentenced to 19 years. A Magomedovy continued to develop its business.

In 2006. company "Slavia" controlled Magomedov, bought a 76% stake in "Yakutgazprom" for RUB 628.5 million. This acquisition has attracted the attention of the economic security department of the Russian Interior Ministry -. "Alrosa", shortly before to spend on the acquisition of more than 17 million dollars, accusing the leadership of "Yakutgazprom" and "amount of capital" that, by agreement, they held an illegal additional issue and eroded its share. DEB Interior Ministry issued a decree on the implementation of operative-investigative activities related to detect fraud to acquire shares "Yakutgazprom". Soon, however, the matter was hushed up, and the controlling shareholder has been recognized Ziyavudin Magomedov.

During the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev Magomedov brothers entered into the near "business circle" of the president and managed to increase its capital to 1.4 bln. Dollars. Zia's brother, Magomed, 7 years was a member of the Federation Council of the Smolensk region, and, according to some, did not play a significant role in conflictsthose with "LUKOIL" on the construction of the highway through the Smolensk region.

At Zia Magomedova had a close and mutually beneficial contacts with the managers of Russian Railways - shortly after his appointment in 2011 as vice-president Alexei Vorotilkina, "Stroynovatsiya" company within the group, "Sum", won the contest "Roszheldor" to build the first 147 kilometers of railway line Kyzyl-Kuragino in Tuva and offered to build plot of 44.306 billion rubles. However, in January 2013 "Roszheldor" reported on the completion of the financing of the joint project and the termination of cooperation. But the firm Magomedov not only failed to seize an advance of more than 5 bn. Rub., But later exacted payment of 3 billion in court.! At the same time the railway was never built.

New partners plans

A relatively new project Zia Magomedov, who is simply not possible without the participation of Russian Railways - the construction of "dry port" in Chinese Hunchun - at the junction of the borders of China, North Korea and Russia. In the "dry port" will be formed, and through customs cargo ship, which then jellythe heat of the road will go to the new cargo port "Zarubino", also owned by Magomedov. Investment in the project amount to about $ 350 million Today, section w \\ d-line from the Russian-Chinese border to "Zarubino" is an antediluvian neelektorfitsirovannuyu single-track -. A project appears not so profitable without public investment. However, Alexei Vorotilkina efforts, the reconstruction project successfully lobbied officials Railways.

There is a growing European influence and Zia Magomedov. After a transition under control of the "Amount" construction of an oil terminal in Rotterdam, transport companies Magomedov strengthened position in the port cities of the Baltic States. However, the development of port circuits magomedovskih actively interfered with the former president of the Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin.

At the time, Russian Railways had a conflict with a group of "Sum" on the reconstruction of the railway line to Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP), one of which is sovledeltsev Magomedov. Vladimir Yakunin also rejected the idea of ​​building a railway line to the port of Primorsk in LeniLeningrad Region, which was part of the NCSP, in favor of a competing port of Ust-Luga and not allowed to consolidate Magomedov in his hands 100% shares of JSC "TransContainer" - the company which owned half of container traffic on the railways of Russia.

Most "set up"

In August 2015 the criminal proceedings had been initiated in Latvia in respect of the former chairman of the state railway holding company Latvijas Dzelzceļš Ugisa Magonis. Magonis suspected of taking bribes in the amount of half a million euros in connection with the competition LDz ritošā sastāva serviss for the purchase of locomotives from the company Skinest, owned by the Estonian millionaire Oleg Osinovskaya.

By coincidence Ugis Magonis - husband of the niece of Vladimir Yakunin, Anastasia Bakulina. She - deputy director of the company "Business Dialogue", organizing forums for JSC "Russian Railways". However, spouses are co-owners of the Russian railway operator "Third Trucking Company." Of course, this company - a longtime opponent of companies Zia Magomedov. And the very fact of arrests beganlnika Latvian Railway, according to experts, is as clear as the "set up":

"The last straw for the resignation Yakunin may become a scandal when an anti-corruption Bureau of Latvia has detained the head of the state railway company of the country Ugisa Magonis, married the niece Yakunin. Soon followed by the statement "Russian Railways" on the termination of transit cargo in Latvian ports - ostensibly because of the poor state of the railways of the Baltic States ", - writes Bloomberg View columnist Leonid Bershidsky.

According to the Estonian weekly Eesti Ekspress, a millionaire Oleg Osinovsky, who is suspected in the transfer of bribes Magonis was just a pawn in the big game. A 500 thousand euros in paper bags, which were found in the car head of LDz, intended Yakunin, the Magonis he was just a courier.
The Russian side immediately after the arrest Ugisa Magonis said that the railway in the direction of Latvia for a few months will be put on the overhaul. Shortly thereafter, the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, suddenly resigned.

And soon the post Presidiocient RZD was appointed Oleg Belozerov, who finished school №2 Ventspils and has a lot of good friends in the Baltic countries. But that's another story ...

In late July, the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) Igor Artemyev said that the system of tariffs for railway transportation in Russia "comes to the madness." Because of her long transport vans more profitable transport of cargo trains. The current tariff RZD management needs to be replaced, as the cost of transportation has reached the world's highest values.

Already in September, the Federal Antimonopoly Service head was more categorical: "First in the Railways wanted 17% indexation, now they want 10%, but also billions of dollars in subsidies from the budget we say. This is wrong, this is too much, reduce their costs, will learn how to save, discard costly mansions, football teams, its own TV, stop spending money left and right. " He added that the FAS has its own, "much stricter" proposals that are now being discussed in the government.

The near future will show how the new "favorites" Railways are able veminute business and "not to be confused with his personal coat of state." The only pity is that the system of solutions for the Russian railways, built on the "kickbacks" and vulgar theft of public money in favor of the approximate business reform is almost impossible.