Defendants in the case of embezzlement of GLONASS budget are arrested

They are suspected of fraud in the construction of the central GLONASS office in Korolev, which caused damage in the amount of 460 million rubles.
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Investigators of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Moscow region on November 6 detained two suspects in the embezzlement of funds from the budget of the federal targeted program GLONASS. The first detainee - Roman Martynenko, General Director of LLC "SpetsMonolit", to perform the work on the construction of the Center for monitoring and verification of the GLONASS system characteristics. Construction is located in Korolev near Moscow on the territory of TsNIIMASH - Roscosmos head scientific institute.

Martynenko charged with h. 4 Art. 159 of the Criminal Code ( "Fraud committed by an organized group") - the same as that previously attracted participants of the case: the former first deputy general director TsNIIMASH George forging, head of the department of capital construction TsNIIMASH Alexander Chernov, as well as the former director general of management of special construction № 5 at Special Minister Alexander Belov.

The second detainee - Dmitry Belitskii, owner of "Faithful consulting": according to the investigation, he was engaged in laundering of proceeds from the budget of the construction of housing for GLONASS. He inkriminruetsya crime described in para. 2, Art. 174 of the Criminal Code ( "The legalization of money or other property acquired by other persons by criminal means").

The damage from the actions of detainees consequently estimated at 460 million rubles.

A source in the Federal Space Agency told "Izvestia" that both the accused were arrested on November 6 to 48 hours, with the consequence of intercession for their arrest and placed in a detention center.

Last spring, the Central Investigation Department of Insurance in the Moscow region initiated an investigation transferred from the FSB cases of embezzlement in the construction of the Center for monitoring and verification of the GLONASS system characteristics. The building is supposed to place the means of collecting information from a global network of stations and processing for navigation solutions with centimeter accuracy.

Construction began in June 2010 at the expense of the GLONASS federal target program. According to the original project for the construction of the building it was provided for 1,050 billion rubles. Contractor 5th management of special construction was chosen at SpetsstRoe Russia, which was led at the time Belov. In 2011, it became clear that the estimated construction exceeded by more than 40%.

Conducted by experts at the same time the company tests showed that a contractor engaged in fraud: eg Large-area formwork building was given for moving, which increased the estimate for this type of work is more than two times. Additional funds allocated for the project was not, so the building is left unfinished, construction work stopped in December 2011 - when the action ended GLONASS federal target program for 2002-2011.

In early 2013, unfinished construction interested in the Federal Security Service (FSB) in TsNIIMASH seizure of documents was carried out - the Federal Service employees have taken out with companies all construction documents. FSB Testing was completed in April last year, and its results materials were transferred to the UK for a criminal investigation.

The UK believes that the new role of the accused, Roman Martynenko, was the key to the scheme of theft of funds. According to investigators, he bookmarkyuchal subcontracting contracts with fictitious organizations controlled by him LLC "Maststroy", LLC "Yuves-Com", "Opttorgsbyt", LLC "Industrial Alliance" and LLC "Kapitalstroy". These firms, in the UK the data did not conduct any activity, and have been created solely for the transfer of funds.

According to first deputy general director Alexander Danyluk TsNIIMASH, construction work on the housing 100-1 is scheduled to resume later this year.

- The necessary decision to resume construction work Roscosmos taken - said Danyluk. - The documents we signed. Documentation for the continuation of the work we have it certified Glavgosexpertiza. We have prepared a new contract with Spetsstroy the resumption of construction. According to optimistic estimates, within two weeks, we expect the signing of this agreement the two sides and its registration. That is, the work is scheduled to resume later this year.