Gazprom rejected a French satellite

Satellite communications operator "Gazprom Kosmicheskiye Sistemy" has decided to review its relationship with Thales Alenia Space. EADS Astrium may also lose a contract with Russia
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French manufacturers have started to lose large orders from Russia for space equipment, thus it is not just about new contracts, but also for the revision of previously concluded. "Gazprom Space Systems' Satellite communication operator (" Gazkom ") has decided to review its relationship with the French Thales Alenia Space, has won a contract to design, manufacture, test and delivery of" turnkey "spacecraft" Yamal-601 "back in 2013. The contract for the production of a geostationary satellite exceeded $ 300 million, and an agreement with Thales also provides training "Gascom" engineers of the French company.

- Geostationary satellite is planned to be produced with the help of the French company Thales Alenia Space France, but due to changes in economic conditions (exchange rates), an order for the production of this unit was transferred to the "name Reshetnev ISS" Russian company that is economically justified, - told "Izvestiya" Alexander sniffing, head of the "Khrunichev Center," the press service, concluded last week a contract for the launch of the "Yamal-601" withusing the "Proton-M" carrier.

In "Gascom" made it clear that today a contract with Thales is an active, but now spent reformatting "with the involvement of Russian enterprises for the production of the satellite platform."

According to the CEO "Gascom" designer Nikolai Sevastyanov, reformatting the project due to "the need to increase the participation of Russian companies in the implementation of this project."

A high-ranking source in the Russian Space Agency said that "Gazprom" (a tender among manufacturers in the interests of "Gascom" conducted himself "Gazprom") is difficult to cancel the results of the tender and submit the order to the supplier to another - such a move would be contrary to the provisions of the company's purchases. It was therefore decided to take the title at Thales transceiver equipment, which in any case would have purchased "Reshetnev" abroad, and just at Thales, and install it on the Russian satellite platform. What makes "Reshetnev" will take over at least 40% of the contract value.

Director General of "ASC nameeshetnёva "Nikolai Testoyedov told" Izvestia ", that today the contract with" Gascom "is not concluded, but the company is ready to act in the project as a platform provider and integrator of the spacecraft.

The press service of the Thales Group to the request of "Izvestia" have not responded.

A second French company, which lost a major contract in Russia is likely to become EADS Astrium, the winner of the competition for the supply of "Express AMU2" satellite for FSUE "Russian Satellite Communications Company" (RSCC). In February last year the competitive commission RSCC recognized winner of EADS Astrium, to offer the best price - 4.8 billion rubles. Participating in the competition "ISS Reshetnev name" contested the results of arbitration, but until the courts ruled in favor of the RSCC.

- Question to the purchase of the "Express-AMU2" discussed the Military-Industrial Commission (MIC), which is considered inappropriate to the acquisition of the satellite abroad - said the source in the Federal Space Agency. - Most likely, and this contract will get "Reshetnev", which again will buy transponders at Thales.;

The RSCC "News" confirmed that the MIC decided to purchase "Express AMU2".

- MIC decision communicated to us, - said the press service of the company. - It in no way affects the purchasing policy of the enterprise as a whole, which is carried out in strict accordance with the FZ-223. Despite the court decision on the suit of "Reshetnev" in favor of the RSCC, the company has no plans of action for the project until the end of judicial proceedings.

The contract with the winner of the contest for the device "Express AMU2" RSCC is not signed.

The EADS Astrium representation declined to comment.

- France has proved to be an unreliable supplier in the situation with veroletonostsami class "Mistral" - says a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, son of John Andrew. - Because of this unclear situation from the contract with the French refuse is not the only Russian company. Logically, now our major state-owned companies are reinsured - after delivery of a communications satellite can be postponed indefinitely precisely for the Wellscheme as the "Mistral". And if on the "Mistral" is a debate - we need them or not, the new satellites, we need exactly.

In December last year, Nikolai Nikiforov, Minister therefore invited the industry to impose sanctions on France and French companies in response to the refusal to transfer the Navy Russia has already built helicopter "Vladivostok". Nikiforov proposed "directive to specify" RSCC the need to break off relations with Eutelsat - the world's largest satellite service provider headquartered in Paris. Nikiforov also proposes to prohibit the purchase of RSCC satellite "Express-AMU2" from EADS Astrium. At the same time, according to a source in the Russian Space Agency, the MIC decision on inappropriate purchases "Express AMU2" in France was made even before the letter Nikiforov.