Claims of banks to Manasir and Baysarov's company exceeded 13 billion rubles

The Moscow Arbitration Court has registered two more claims to Stroygazkonsalting in the amount of 8 billion rubles, as follows from the court base. Among the claimants is Bank of Moscow. The total amount of claims against the company reached 13 billion rubles.
Origin source
The debts have doubled

The claim of the Bank of Moscow for the sum of 5.7 billion rubles. Arbitration registered yesterday. Defendants in his favor "Stroygazkonsalting" (SGK) and his "daughter" of "Stroygaskonsalting-north". On the essence of the claims on the website of the court there is no information. The representative of the Bank of Moscow declined to comment.

Another reported yesterday sued for 2.3 billion rubles. filed Alfa Bank, which is already trying to recover from the company 3.5 billion rubles. The representative of Alfa Bank declined to comment on the essence of the requirements of the credit institution to the SGK.

The Court addressed two other lender of the construction company: FK "Opening", which requires 1 billion rubles, and the Moscow Credit Bank - 500 mln. Rub. Another major lawsuit filed contractor SGK structure Spetsstroy Russia - "Dalspetsstroy" which hopes to obtain 1.8 billion rubles.

The representative of "Stroygazkonsaltinga" RBC said that all financial claims of creditors in the near future will be settled "in the manner prescribed by the current legislation."

Critical situation & nbsp;

The company was still difficult financial situation at the end of 2014. SGK President Michael Yakibchuk sent in late December, the first letter of the head of "Gazprom" Alexei Miller. In late January Yakibchuk I conveyed the monopoly of the second letter (there RBC), which re-Miller informed about the difficult situation of the company. President "Stroygazkonsaltinga" said in a letter that due to the critical financial situation of the company had to stop work on the "Gazprom" objects, to send people on forced leave and display technology. Yakibchuk asked Miller to provide guidance to "Gazprom" pay structures already completed works, the total amount of debt to the monopoly SGK Yakibchuk praised in a letter to more than 7 billion rubles. But a source in "Gazprom", said RBC then, that companies large offsets, and GTS must have the monopoly more than monopoly SGK.

However, the problem of the "Stroygazkonsaltinga" is not only to "Gazprom" facilities. Yesterday, at the balance sheet press conference, Chairman of the Board "Avtodor" Sergei Kelbakh reported that SGK - Contractoroskompanii for the construction of the first section of the Ring Road (length - 49.5 km, the cost of the contract - 54 billion rubles.) - strengthened by other subcontractors in connection with the difficult financial situation in the company.

How many "Stroygazkonsalting" asks "Gazprom"

In a letter in late January, Michael Yakibchuk sent Alexei Miller, he asked the head of "Gazprom" to make a decision on the full participation of the company in the investment program of "Gazprom" in 2015 (and beyond), as well as provide guidance to subsidiaries of "Gazprom" and customers to repay more than 7 billion rubles. debt.

In particular, the President asked the JCC to charge monopoly structures and customers pay until February 10 already completed work in the amount of 0.99 billion rubles .: "Yamalgazinvest" - transfer 284 million rubles. by compressor stations "on account of the redistribution of the total limit of capital investment for construction SMG Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta and 706 million rubles. "At the expense of redistribution of the total limit of capital investment for the customer." In addition, he asked to instruct several monopoly entitiescustomers until 5 February to pay the amount of work performed at 4.32 billion rubles, as well as to pay the costs in CJSC "PSO" UPGS "in 2013 for the maintenance and restoration of the road COP Vorkuta -. Yarynskaya COP in the amount of 2 billion rubles. According to RBC's source in "Gazprom", these requirements "Stroygazkonsaltinga" appear excessive because of the large offsets between the customer and the contractor.

Earlier, one of the employees of GTS working on the construction of the first section of the Ring Road, told RBC that the part of his colleagues were sent on forced leave, salary delays and October.

In the summer a federal official close to the road construction, told RBC that the construction company very much need the money and the competition for the construction of the first stage of CRR in April, the company won by offering a very low price. "I want to see how it eventually will be built", - he noted.

SGK then offered to reduce the budget share from 45.6 billion to 42.1 billion rubles. Then, apart from him, we participated in the tender "SARK" (25% owned by "Stroytransgaz" Gennady Timchenko) and Crocus Group Aras Agalarov.Build the road began in late August.

Baysarov and Manasir

Businessman Ziyad Manasir founded "Stroygazkonsalting" in 1996. Until June 2014, he served as president of the company and has been the majority shareholder, but in the summer Manasir decided to leave the construction business. The representative of a businessman Ruslan Baisarov then reported that the increased interest in "Stroygazkonsalting" from 30 to 74.1%. RBC source close to one of the parties to the transaction, valued it at $ 5 billion. Manasir ceded the presidency "Stroygazkonsaltinga" his deputy Michael Yakibchuk, which owns 7.93% of the shares are now. Baysarov headed the board of directors. Despite the fact that since it's been six months, the deal has not yet closed. But in December, RBC became known that the transaction is not completed.

Now, according to SPARK-Interfax, "Stroygazkonsalting" at 48.42% owned Manasir, at 25.69% - OOO "Vostokservis" close to Baysarov, remaining share divided between the top managers of the company.

EPDM Baysarov representative did not comment on the situation in the RBC "Croygazkonsaltinge "and the timing of closing the transaction.

Like "Stroygazkonsaltinga" soured relations with "Gazprom"

"Stroygazkonsalting" (SGK) was the contractor of "Gazprom" on the biggest construction sites in 1996, the year of its founding. The company was one of the largest gospodryadchikov to 2013: according to Forbes, the order book exceeded 800 billion rubles. in 2008-2012. But in 2013 the situation has changed: the number of orders declined sharply monopoly, GTS has won contracts only 35 billion rubles. (Forbes data) - almost twice less than a year earlier. Revenue SGK then fell by 33% to 259.7 billion rubles.

In October 2013, Ziyad Manasir first person complained about the financial difficulties of the company. Businessman wrote a letter to the executive secretary of the Presidential Commission on fuel and energy sector Igor Sechin. In it, he complained that "Gazprom" pulls a payment does not give new contracts, and threatened lawsuits to monopoly. Sources of "Vedomosti" in both companies then told that "Gazprom" were unhappy with the letter Manasira.

When Manasir announced the saleOli in "Stroygazkonsalting" in June 2014, many attributed this conflict businessman with "Gazprom". However, he denied it and said that the monopoly business is good. New contracts monopoly SGK never received, and the end of February "Gazprom" announced a competition to develop estimates for compressor stations pipeline system Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta, tenders for the construction of which is still in 2012, won the GTS.