Discounts for Gazprom were provided due to the family ties

As "Izvestiya" found out, the wife of the head of the Federal Tariff Service is a senior economist in the gas concern.
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Head of the Federal Tariff Service (FTS), Sergei Novikov suspected of conflict of interest. Getting the "Gazprom" preferences by FTS in the domestic gas market may be due to the fact that the wife of the head of the tariff department works as chief economist in the Department of Economic Expertise and Pricing Department, OAO "Gazprom". In the State Duma, as well as the National Anti-Corruption Committee (NAC) believe that this fact should be an occasion for internal investigations not only in the federal service, but also in the "Gazprom".

Relations between state-owned and FTS have not pleased the independent gas producers, who have repeatedly sent to the government complaints about the actions of a monopolist.

In particular, market participants turned to the government to establish common rules for access to underground gas storage (UGS) "Gazprom" and introduce state regulation of prices for UGS services. Even in the Federal Service for the company's tariff structure is characterized by 30-35% of the price of independent gas - naturally down. OilmanThey complained to the government at a high rate of tariff growth for gas storage. Today "Gazprom" determines to what extent and who to let into their gas storage facilities, and at what price. However, neither the government nor the FTS did not go to meet the independent gas producers.

gas workers also opposed the provision of FTS prices for "Gazprom" for gas from the domestic price of up to 20%. Chairman of the board of Novatek Leonid Michelson even addressed a letter to the government, which offered to provide the first independent gas producers preferences to equalize them with the monopoly conditions, and then give "Gazprom" p.

But here, "Gazprom", seems to be able to overcome the resistance of the competitors. It was decided, based on a position of the Ministry of Economic Development has laid down: to provide "Gazprom" an opportunity to give a discount on the wholesale price of gas in the country for industrial consumers and 15% of the price of the FTS, and for all regions of the country. On the decision is left to put a signature head of government.

Howyyasnili "Izvestia", "Gazprom" tariff successes are not accidental. The head of the Federal Tariff Service Sergei Novikov is the husband of Nadezhda Novikova, who works in OAO "Gazprom" as a chief economist at the Department of Economics and Appraisal. It is worth noting that Ms. Novikova this post - unprecedented career took off. Prior to his work in "Gazprom", she worked in the nonprofit Partnership for Legal Aid "Athena" and the bank "First OVK".

According to the statements of income FTS head and his wife, they make virtually the same. The total amount of Sergei Novikov earnings for 2013 amounted to 3.296 million rubles, while his wife earned 3.474 million rubles. Also owned by couples a land area of ​​1.52 sq. M. m, a house - 266.1 square meters. m apartment in the 73.9 sq. m and a garage.

Chapter NAC Kirill Kabanov believes that in this case you need to be checked for conflicts of interest.

- There is a conflict of interest, especially if Ms. Novikova sign papers relating to the pricing policy & laquo; Gazprom ". This is an occasion to review the situation on the board of a conflict of interest and the FTS, and gas concern, - he says.

Member of the State Duma committee on security and anti-corruption Kostunov Ilya believes that the family relationship between the head of the Federal Tariff Service and chief economist of "Gazprom" - a fact that should be considered.

- If the remuneration of the Chief Economist in some way connected with the decisions taken by her husband, there can be seen as a conflict of interest. But usually the negotiations on tariffs and interaction with the state is not involved, economists and employees of accounting or legal and commercial departments. If someone will provide a direct link between remuneration and bargain discount economist, then we can talk about a conflict of interest. But the check, of course, is necessary, - he added.

The FCS could not provide you with comments, the official representative of "Gazprom" Sergei Kupriyanov, the calls are not answered.

Under the conflict of interest in public service refers to a situation where the direct andand indirect personal interest of a public servant affect (or may affect) in the proper performance of their duties and for which there is (or may be) the contradiction between the personal interest of the employee and the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, organizations, society or the state, which could lead to the infliction harm such rights and interests.

and other officials suspected of conflict of interest. So, he fell under suspicion and Kaliningrad Region Governor Nikolai Tsukanov. The organization "Transparency International - Russia" turned in 2013 to the regional prosecutor's office to carry out verification of compliance with the head of the region's prohibitions and restrictions imposed on persons holding gosdolzhnosti. The reason was the information that the company "SPC" Amatel "won the tender for the supply and installation of six modular medical stations for the three district hospitals a total value of 13 million rubles. Co-owners of the enterprise is the mother of the governor Hope Matveevna Tsukanov and his brother Andrey Tsukanov.