Putin awarded oligarchs and state companies managers for the Olympics

As it became known to "Vedomosti", President Vladimir Putin's closed decree awarded businessmen and heads of state-owned companies with orders for the preparation of the Olympic Games in Sochi.
The ceremony took place at the end of March, told "Vedomosti" a few people who were present at the ceremony. Among the winners - the owner of "Interros" Vladimir Potanin, and the general director of "Rosa Khutor" (the structure of "Interros") Sergey Bachin, Sberbanka President German Gref and Stanislav Kuznetsov, deputy chairman of the bank predpravleniya «Gazprom»  Alexey Miller and Deputy General Director of "Gazprom Sotsinvest "Vladimir Makarenko, President of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin and vice president of the company Oleg Toni, chairman of the group" Renova Board of Directors ", Viktor Vekselberg and President of" Renova Stroy group "Veniamin Golubitskiy, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of" Basic Element "Oleg Deripaska and the general director of LLC" RogSibAl " Jacob Palant, co-owner of the Ural mining and metallurgical company (UMMC) Andrey Bokarev.

The same day, Putin awarded for the preparation for the Olympics several officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, head of the organizing committee "Sochi-2014" Dmitry Chernyshenko, President of the Russian Olympic Committee Alexander Zhukov and mof Ministers of Sports Vitaly Mutko. This was reported by the Kremlin press service, but a decree on awarding was not published. Investors rewarded after the awarding of sports functionaries, but without the cameras, says one of the interlocutors "Vedomosti".

Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment.

In the case of private investors, awards went to their beneficiaries and managers of the companies - operators of construction sites in Sochi; in the case of state-owned companies - the leaders and, as a rule, their deputies, was in charge of Olympic construction, told the interlocutors "Vedomosti". Most received the Order of Alexander Nevsky, founded by Catherine I. The rest - the Order "For Services to the Fatherland» III and IV degree, the Order of Honor.

Potanin is the second time received the Order of Sochi. He was one of the sponsors of Sochi's bid to host the Olympics in 2007, when Russia won the right to host the Games, he received from Putin's order "For Service to the Fatherland» IV degree.

Potanin structures built in Sochi ski resort "Rosa Khutor" InternationalOlympic University. Savings in 2012 became the controlling shareholder of JSC "Krasnaya Polyana", which was engaged in the construction and mining springboard Media Village. "Gazprom" has built Adler CHP and combined ski and biathlon complex, Railways - combined (road and rail) road from Adler to Krasnaya Polyana.

Vekselberg structures built hotel complex on the 3600 numbers. Deripaska - cargo port, coastal Olympic Village, the understudy Resort prospectus. UMMC has built ice arena "puck", giving it to the state after the Olympics for free.

Representatives of the "Interros", "Basic Element" and Railways confirmed that the top managers of the companies received awards. Their colleagues from the Savings Bank, "Gazprom", "Renova" and UMMC declined to comment.

Why does the president and his administration decided to non-public distinguished award, the Sands would not comment. Among the recipients were the security forces may have because of this decree decided not to publish, and a public ceremony to do, says one of the men who were at the ceremony.

In recent years, eon is not the first case when the President gives awards in secret. April 20, he issued a decree (a copy is in "Vedomosti") to award the business for a major contribution to the socio-economic development of Russia. Order "For Merit for the Motherland» II and IV received the president of "Lukoil»  Vagit Alekperov and President of "Sinara" Dmitry Pumpyanskiy respectively, and the general director of "Industrial Investors" Sergei Generalov was awarded the medal "For Service to the Motherland» II degree. April 22, Putin has awarded about 300 journalists mostly state-owned media for the coverage of events in the Crimea, told the people saw the decree.

Businessmen, whose president was awarded, the PR is not important, I am sure President of RSPP, Alexander Shokhin, the President said the business contribution to the development of the country, and how he did it - a private matter. These decrees are not secret and have the status of "off the record", so as not to cause negative publicity, explains a former Defense Ministry official, for example, many senior military officers received non-public order, and somethe title of the Hero of Russia for the operation of the Russian troops entered Kosovo in the spring of 1999

But the very awarded are in disbelief. Two order bearers characterized the situation as a country. It seems to be rewarded and recognized merits, but did so under the counter, they reason.

On behalf of the Kozak prepare new lists of award recipients - it is assumed that now receive rewards representatives of contractors working in Sochi, told two federal official and a person close to one of the Olympic investors. Including a list of representatives can get bankrupt after the Games "Inzhtransstroya" and "bridge-builders".

The second list of the awarded contractors likely will not be limited, he knows one of the interlocutors "Vedomosti". It is planned that the reward or gratitude to the President will get almost everyone who has, more or less serious attitude to the Olympics - more than 500 people. This officials, representatives of the "Olimpstroya" and investors who have not received the award for the first time. Kozak's spokesman declined to comment.

Before the Olympics, many thought that after note start planting loud and criminal cases due to road construction and plucked deadlines, and turned to the contrary - all reward, says a federal official. Said that the Olympic Games was very successful and after it began the history of the Crimea, and in terms of sanctions and threats to carry out cleaning of the elite is wrong, said the source "Vedomosti".