Denis Manturov will become a wine lord

The wife of the head of Industry and Trade, Natalia Manturova, looks after the vineyards in the Kuban region, and her husband will help her "as much as he can."
Freshly registered company "Mantra", related to the wife of the Minister of Manturova, plans to enter the wine market. The company looks to buy the vast vineyards in the Krasnodar region, familiar with the situation say. To begin with - an area of ​​100 hectares. Given the reputation of the head of the lobbying of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, there is no doubt - all at his wife with a new business succeed.

Affiliation "Mantra" and his wife head of the Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (except for some consonance with the name) is very easy to follow. Bask in the Cyprus sunshine two interesting offshore - Quesoil Ltd and Guylen Investments Ltd. Foreign companies controlled by the company in half "financial system" - the owner of "Mantra". Interestingly, both offshore were among the founders of the company only in 2012, replacing another offshore company - Monticello Holdings Limited.

Under the supervision of the latter it was offshore (at least as far back as 2012) stake "Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant." At the end of 1997 already a distant father Natalia Manturovo - Yevgeny Kiselyov - got into the possession of the shares of this particular aircraft factory. And, moreover, the deputy head of the company at the same time was not yet appointed the Minister of Industry of the Russian Federation - but in-law Kisel - Denis Manturov.

Another time, indirectly confirming that the "financial system" related to the minister and his wife: chief Yevgeny Maksimov company, as stated in the register, and holds directorship in "Center of plastic and endoscopic surgery." Previously, "the Centre" owned just Mrs. Manturovo. But back to the "fresh" draft wife Minister of Trade and Industry. Experts estimate the cost of the Kuban vineyard interested Natalia Manturov area - 100 hectares - to 100-150 million rubles. Ministerial salary itself, of course, the acquisition of the asset can not provide.

But family minister has no problems with money. After a career civil servant did not keep Mr. Manturova actually refuse to doing business, and today Manturovsky couple stands on a 4 line rating of the richest families - "inhabitants" of the Kremlin and government officials. Thus, the income of spouses Manturova over the past year, according to the declaration of the minister, is 149.8 million rubles.

A successful marriage

From the history of the life of the current industry minister Denis Manturova obvious that his marriage to Natalia Manturovo, nee - Kissel - began to intermarry two families of mutually beneficial. This father-Yevgeny Kiselyov, and gave the young sociologist "start" in life. First Steps makes Manturov maintained a firm hand-in-law. Yevgeny Kiselyov poses with "Aeroflot" company "Aerorepkon" - and makes his future deputy minister. Next Kissel interested in export of helicopters MI-8, produced at the "Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant." According to the then employees of the plant, the company on contracts "from Kissel" operate at a loss. After Kissel seized a package of shares of the plant, he immediately makes the deputy head of the enterprise Manturova. According to recent reports, the plant stake, as well as the Kirov Company "Lepse", engaged in the production of equipment for aviastroya, were withdrawn in already well-known offshore Monticello Holdings Limited.

But also the future minister did not miss and seems quickly mastered how "earn" who used his father in law. In 2000, Denis Manturov headed commercial management "of the Moscow Mil helicopter plant name". And, what a coincidence, it is then when exporting plant products like mushrooms began to grow some dubious middlemen, who stood between the performer and the customer. While profits from the sale through these "dark" office reaches directly to the plant, it is time to significantly cut ...

But the real money can be done sitting in the command chair of state companies, and in 2001 Manturov becomes vice-president of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Investment Corporation." Two years later, the future minister headed another state enterprise - "United Industrial Corporation" Oboronprom "." How to tell the former employees of aircraft manufacturing enterprises, after coming in Manturova "Oboronprom" it was at that time the factory area are actively sold out! For example, it was sold two metropolitan land belonging Helicopter Plant. ML Mile - the same one which had podirektorstvovat current Minister.

And at the same time and there and controlled Cyprus offshore company, "Financial System", which gradually starts - what a coincidence - "pressing" a stake in the assets and defense enterprises. In particular, the company has acquired a former sanatorium "Oboronprom" - "Primorye". Once in 2007, sociologist Manturov holds the post of Deputy Minister of Industry. And a year later he took over the Ministry of Industry. Then everything is developed in the best traditions of the Russian bureaucracy. Denis Manturov left the civil service, and a large part of the business transferred to his wife Natalia. Of course, the most "interesting assets" were hidden in offshore.

First Lady of Industry and Trade

Ms. Manturova all these years did not lose time. The lady known as the "beauty expert". The chances do not succeed in life at such a father and a husband she almost was not.
In 1999, on the basis of Manturova Hospital №1 Manager of the President opens the center of plastic surgery and cosmetology "Lantset". The partners in the Center - the same clinic. Here and "pressed" guest house "Primorye" useful. After all, "Lantset" was based there. The clinic was originally registered to Dennis Manturova.

Last year, the couple's assets have undergone some "restructuring." "Lantset" has been closed, or rather, transferred to the Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology Street. Olkhovka. Another former state certificate, caught in a ministerial family hands. After the establishment - a former Institute of cosmetics and hygiene Glavparfyumerproma where previously worked Ms Manturova and that lady bought through its own Development Fund as medical technology.

In 2015, assets in Manturovym joins neighboring "Primorye" boarding house "Friendship", which was previously controlled by the Russian Federation of Independent Trade Unions. Rumors that FITUR "voluntary" part with "friendship" Only thanks to the head of Industry and Trade Relations - walk so far. In simple terms, the minister was suspected of banal raiding.

However, this spring it became clear that Natalia Manturova "Plasterer" not only individuals, but also of the building. In Gelenzhik affiliated with the First Lady of Industry and Trade Company is implementing two projects at the astronomical sum of 2.3 billion rubles. Under the project "left" a piece of land of 7 hectares Gelenzhikskoy Bay - its first and second lines.
The first project on the site of the sanatorium "Friendship". There will be a hotel complex and clinic cosmetology and plastic surgery. The second project - a complex of apartments and townhouses Fellini, is being built on the site of a boarding house "Gelendzhik".

Actually, the standard set: offshore, raiding rewritten wife on business and new ambitious projects, "bonuses" which is very convenient "punch" from his ministerial post.


But do not think that Mr. Manturov care only about their own needs. After all, the minister called a lobbyist interests of the company "FosAgro". For the sake of the company's current head of the ministry's "spat" on the orders of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - senior officials quit the board of directors of corporations with state participation.

In 2010, the then deputy head of the Industry and Trade Ministry, was elected head of the Board of Directors included in the holding "FosAgro" Company "Apatit". Holding owns former Senator Andrei Guryev. In 2011, in spite of all prohibitions, Manturov was re-elected Chairman of the Board of "Apatite". What is surprising - along with the deputy head of the RF Ministry of Industry and Sasha got unlimited lobbying capabilities for their projects.

By the way, the current head of Industry and Trade was born in Murmansk, where is the "Apatit". Manturov had to be lighted in the raider seizure "Metakhim" - the country's largest enterprises for processing of apatite concentrate - for the benefit of Mr. Guriev "FosAgro" offered at the time of purchase "Metakhim" ridiculous price - only $ 60 million. Management of the enterprise, of course, refused. Then "FosAgro" began to implement the policy of pressure on "Metakhim," in particular, "twisted" the prices for raw materials, and later all refused to sell the concentrate processing enterprise. Raider is essentially action "FosAgro" led to a virtual standstill in the production of "Metakhim". On hand were raiders and numerous protests of workers' Metakhim ".

As a result, it was announced in 2011 that the company bought Guryev "Metakhim". Manturova therefore called not just a lobbyist Guryev - but also the author of a raider seizure of the entire scheme. His welfare couple Manturova nazhila in using techniques for which there are separate articles in the Criminal Code. But all is well with the couple. So good, that there is time to grow your grapes and drink the wine of their own production for all of their "successes".