Sechin ordered Novaya Gazeta to delete an article on his yacht through court action

The Moscow City Court upheld the decision of the court on the suit of Rosneft to the newspaper. 
The Moscow City Court upheld the decision of the Basmanny District Court on the lawsuit predpravleniya of "Rosneft" Igor Sechin, against the newspaper "Novaya Gazeta". "The decision of the Basmanny District Court of Moscow on 10 October 2016 upheld, the appeal of the defendants - not satisfied," - said the judge.

Basmanny Court in Moscow found untrue information contained in the publication "Novaya Gazeta", "The Secret of Princess Olga" on 10 October. The court satisfied the claim of defamation predpravleniya "Rosneft" Sechin to "Novaya Gazeta" journalist and Roman Anya because of the article "The Secret" Princess Olga ". Now, however, a decision on the claim to the publication of Sechin and the author has entered into force. The newspaper within seven days to remove the article from the website and to publish a refutation.

 An article about a yacht St. Princess Olga was published in "Novaya Gazeta" in the beginning of August 2016 The ship, on the publication, launched in 2013, its size - "with a football field (85.6 m)." The yacht supposedly has a swimming pool, which is optionally converted into a helipad, a spa and a lift. St. Princess Olga sails under the flag of the Cayman Islands and is owned by a local company Serlio Shipping Ltd., wrote, "Novaya Gazeta". After studying with the help of special sites on the route of ships and yachts pictures in Instagram account of his wife, Olga, Igor Sechin Sechin, the publication suggested that St. Princess Olga Sechin or family property, or they often rent the ship. According to experts interviewed by "New", this yacht is worth "at least $ 100 million."

The author of this material in the form of "covert approval", that is, by the presentation of facts in the form of questions or suggestions, circulated false and defamatory Sechin information that he supposedly has to do with one of the most luxurious yachts of the world is living beyond its means, and thus conceal their true income, being the head of state-owned companies, said the head lawyer of "Rosneft" (his words leads the "Interfax"). "By using a specially defined methods for presenting information. The author just added some words: "may," "expected to", but in fact a form of approval, "- the agency quoted a representative of Sechin.

"Novaya Gazeta" is not satisfied with the court decision, we are obliged to refute the information that is not contained in the publication ", - quotes the edition of the deputy editor of" Novaya Gazeta "Sergei Sokolov. The newspaper will appeal the decision, according to the publication reported. According to the invoice of the material the plaintiff had no complaints, "contested the idea that could arise after reading," Sokolov said. Publication according to his perform, but will appeal the decision of the court, he said. "It creates a dangerous precedent, which allows one or other citizens to appeal to the Court of something non-existent", - indicates Sokolov.

"Rosneft" and Sechin are regularly suing journalists and publications. In April 2016, "Rosneft" through the court demanded that the RBC refute the information published in the article "Sechin has asked the government to protect from BP's" Rosneft "." In late September, "Rosneft" has specified its requirements for this claim and now intends to receive from RBC 3.1 billion rubles. as compensation for the damage to business reputation. Recently, the court found defamatory dignity Sechin article "Vedomosti" on the head of a newly built house of "Rosneft" in Barvikha (decision not yet in force). In 2014, the Court adopted a similar decision on the column of "Vedomosti" of Sechin and its impact on the officials. Earlier that same year, the court found defamatory predpravleniya "Rosneft" two articles in Forbes magazine, in particular information about what fee Sechin reportedly one of the highest among Russian executives.