Iskander Makhmudov: how an engineer-translator became a billionaire

He took over copper and coal in battles of the 90s, built a monopoly around the monopoly of Russian Railways in the 2000s and encircled Moscow in the 2010s: his raider past did not prevent him from succeeding in the system of state capitalism.
Origin source
Two dozen bombers, F-111 went to Tripoli in two in the morning April 15, 1986. The final stage of "El Dorado Canyon" American operation lasted 12 minutes, during which time military airfield, barracks and the residence of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's 60 tons of bombs and missiles were fired. The thunder woke the Libyan capital, including a group of Soviet experts in a hotel. Running out onto the balcony, they are fascinated looking at the fireworks explosions and anti-aircraft fire glowing chains. One of the spectators had arrived on his first trip abroad 22-year-old Iskander Makhmudov, to the life of a translator from Arabic and Persian, in the present - the main owner of the steel, coal and engineering companies with a total turnover of about 350 billion rubles.

It was the first but not the last war, which he had visited. However, then the operations were conducted entirely in another field. Makhmudov (№15 on the Forbes list, $ 8.7 billion) was in the most heated battles of the 1990s, associated with the redistribution of property in the industry with the participation of the Black Brothers and the legendary Trans World Group, its partners and allies were Oleg Deripaska, Vladimir Lisin and Alexander Abramov. If Makhmudov and worried about "the shadow of the past", he dealt with them gently, without raising scandals in the London courts, Abramovich and Deripaska. Coming from a group of the most desperate Raiders period of primitive accumulation, it has become a powerful partner of the president's friends - Vladimir Yakunin and Gennady Timchenko - and not to part with most of his colleagues at the time. Why Iskander Makhmudov manage to get along with everyone?

Obscure engineer translator

The bedroom suites in the hotel on the Ministry of Defense of Moscow University Avenue came the sound of a typewriter. This secretary tapped and sent fax documents young company Trans Commodities. In the living room of the same firm conducted a business meeting Partners - Iskander Makhmudov and Mikhail Chernoy. Both arrived in Moscow from Tashkent and tried to sell all in a row, from coal to women's razors. Things were going well: not every company in 1991 could even afford the luxury of a fax, not to mention office dvuhkomnatnom suite.

Native Bukhara Makhmudov parents (father - a civil engineer, his mother - a teacher of Russian language) was brought to the capital of Uzbekistan in early childhood. There he enrolled in 1980 at the Tashkent University of Oriental Studies. Classmates, which Forbes asked about Iskander, replied that he "does not remember". Maybe it is the quality and attracted the attention of student services, who appreciate discreet people with knowledge of foreign languages.

In Libya, a specialist in the history and literature of Iskander Makhmudov drove in 1985 from the Chief of Engineering Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade - "Rosoboronexport" predecessor. Mahmudov has spent half a year in Libya, then two and a half - in Iraq. And then from the position of "Engineer-interpreter" gone to another organization - Republican foreign trade association "Uzbekintorg". His department "Prommashsyre" exported industrial products of Uzbek factories, mainly metallurgy and chemistry. "In exchange, they were taken to Uzbekistan tradable commodities: coats, clothes,rochee junk - in general, scarce goods end of 1980 "- says one of the old Mahmudova friends. In this area, in Tashkent there was no one more famous brothers Lev and Mikhail Chernoy, "tsehovikov" of the Soviet era and eminent cooperators.

American money

At the end of 1980 Black felt cramped in Tashkent and they moved to Moscow. In 1989, they founded the Soviet-Panamanian Joint Venture "Columbus", calls his specialty timber trade, and in fact earn on everyone. Initially, all in the "Columbus" ran the older brother Leo and his closest associate, another native of Tashkent Goldovsky. So Michael decided to build your business, too, relying on fellow countrymen. In 1991, he proposed Makhmudov to move to Moscow and work at it - Black needed people with experience of working with foreign markets. He has found an American investor - Sam Kislin.

Former Odessa Simon Kislin emigrated to the US in the 1970s, earned in the sale of household appliances and came to Russia in the hope to capitalize on the emerging capitalism. Trans Commodities was hisfirm, and at first she sold all in a row. Its staff with a smile say about an incident with two containers of "great, but very cheap sneakers for $ 1 for a pair of" bought somewhere Kislin, are not looking resold for $ 4. The buyer soon called and reported that the shoes fall apart at the first toe - it turned out they were slippers for the dead, intended for the dressing in a coffin. The jokes ended when Trans Commodities came in metallurgy. Makhmudov put in charge of the direction of coal, because he had experience with industrial raw materials.

Money Kislin allowed Trans Commodities become the kings of the market in the early 1990s. "Such conditions did not offer one - ton of coal cost, say, 150 rubles, they paid 150 plus top dollar, but all mine to them in queues," - says the owner of one of the steel companies. Coal gave refining, coke supplied metallurgists accept payment steel, which is shipped for export. Difference between internal and external prices and runaway inflation gave a margin of several hundred percent, the company's turnover exceeded $ 100 million a year, fictionof sul money for that time. The company has expanded and hired new people, one of them in 1992 was the former deputy director of the Karaganda Metallurgical Combine Vladimir Lisin, whose crosses Trans Commodities invited him to work in the "Uzbekintorg" Mahmudov.

A Kislin, invested in operations with metallurgical raw blood $ 30 million, has become superfluous: he was asked to carry out "executive function" in New York. When Kislin tried to argue, Black organized a new company Trans CIS Commodities, which once went all the staff of the old. Kislin threatened by the court, upon him only laughed and advised to think about their own health. "I sold everything. The lying in the coffin with the money, I would prefer to live with his wife and children "- recalled Kislin in an interview with Forbes.

Brotherly empire

Meanwhile, the Black Lion also engaged in metallurgy, unexpectedly even for myself, someone paid him Aluminium party and looking for a buyer Leo went to Briton David Reuben. Ruben then recalled the day in 1992 in its new Moscow office of the lame man walked with a heavy cane (Lev Chernoysecond childhood ill with polio, below the knee of one leg had a prosthesis).

The natives of Bombay, David and Simon owned by Trans World: David posted it for trading metals, Simon invested profits in the UK real estate, which now forms the basis of the state of Reubens (№103 in the Forbes ranking of the world). Remembering the past they do not want. "... What gave you this number? Do not ever call me again, "- he threw David Forbes in response to the call.

Reubens offered joint business: the company of brothers and Black Reubens would later be called Trans World Group (TWG). The owners chose not to refer to it in any way: the union "tsehovikov" with lunatics on complex schemes Reuben spawned monster. At its peak in the mid-1990s TWG consisted of hundreds of offshore companies and trusts, who owned each other, interchanged, eliminated and replaced by others, and sometimes it was impossible to tell who owns what and where the end of the chain. But two former TWG top manager told Forbes, that the business was divided equally between Reuben and Black: each brother owned 25%. Shares of junior, Black Russian partners "conceptual" placedInside their shares in the TWG.

"Conceptually," it means that the legal registration of these shares Black did not care agreements were mainly in words and for each project the proportion of junior partner negotiated separately. The business has always been very personal. "Lev generally severe, perhaps because of the disability, and he Deripaska and Makhmudov always loved Misha and urged that they betray him" - says a good friend of Black and Makhmudov. When in 1993 Michael Cherney and one of its partner - Anton Malevsky - went to Israel and the economy in Moscow was Leo, he immediately had a conflict with Makhmudov. «Michael him [Makhmudov] loved, and Leo did not immediately perceived. The upshot was that Leo removed him from work with aluminum and copper Makhmudov engaged "- says Forbes, Vladimir Lisin, who served as vice-president of Trans CIS Commodities.
In 1993 he resigned from the TWG's Makhmudov, left partner Michael Cherney in projects outside the group, and began buying up shares of copper companies in 1994.

Predators at the gate

As later told one of the trials himself BlackInitially they share in common with Makhmudov projects shared in the ratio of 70 to 30, and by the end of 1990 already 50 to 50. A similar partnership in the Black was with Oleg Deripaska, the owner of a small stake in the Sayan Aluminum Plant. He turned to Michael for money to increase share in the GaAs and became another of his junior partner.

"The Leva and Misha has always had a flair to capture. We [the former Boris Berezovsky's partner Badri] Patarkatsishvili had the same feeling, but Badri loved to negotiate and they usually rigidly came and put talented guy on the asset - Makhmudov, Oleg Deripaska, Lisin, Nekrich ", - says the businessman, who spoke in the 1990s of one of steel companies. What is a "tough"? "A good friendship with the police, courts, prosecutors, the governor. They did not communicate with the crime, most law enforcement agencies to buy, - says Anton tanks, headed Serov Steel Works, owned by Black and partners began in 2000. - Our factory by order of Rossel took "200 Spartans", I came: iron bars, are not allowed. ralliesa week, and admitted defeat. "

Surrender, but on market terms, was the former owner of the company is ready to "MIKOM" Michael Zhivilo, owned in the 1990s by several large steel plants in the Kuzbass (later the plants have become part of "Eurasia" and "Rusal"). "They said no, and so we take away" - so Zhivilo recalled in an interview with Forbes their negotiations with the Black and his partners control their business.

Sale business Zhivilo already signed in France, where he was hiding from the institution of criminal proceedings in the homeland - and "for far less money than the business was worth in fact."

But there were also unusual stories acquisitions. Mahmudov about a year observed the "Uralelectromed", which later became the basis of its copper holding. It supplies raw materials to the factory and met with the commercial director of the company, "a talented kid," Andrey Kozitsyn. "The plant was supposed to Black Makhmudov with a lot of money for raw materials, but the director of their emphasis not notice, he was spit" - recalls in an interview with Forbes familiar Makhmudov. But to no avail. Kozitsin through fyoke "Vita" controlled 30% of the plant, Mahmudov agreed with him, arranged a quick buying shares from employees, and in 1995 the "Uralelectromed" were new owners and a new director - he Kozitsin. He became a junior partner Makhmudov, still heads the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC), and its state is $ 1.2 billion.

Split Empire

In the mid-1990s, all the junior partners of the Black lived as a united team: working on common projects, financed with the most unexpected business, such as "Soyuzkontrakt", the famous advertising campaign "Drumsticks fly" or Yudashkin Fashion House. We loved relaxing in noisy nightclubs or abroad. The partners in many projects and partygoers were Malevsky Anton and Sergey Popov, who ten years later in the testimony to the London Court of Deripaska call "OPG participants" and "roof". But it later, but then the whole team supported Black after the rupture of relations with the TWG in 1997.

David Reuben once boasted in an interview with Fortune, that by 1997, the group held a majorstakes of at least 20 steel plants. TWG was the largest private client Railways, controlled the largest aluminum smelters, 20% of Russia's steel industry, a significant part of the steel industry of Kazakhstan and Ukraine, the ports, shipping companies, the group's revenue in 1997 amounted to $ 6 billion. But just then there was a split in the TWG.

The reasons were many: Michael quarreled with Ruben and accused them of stealing, Leo did not trust the younger brother of partners, Reubens dreamed of selling his part of the business to Western buyers and would be cleansed of "raider" loop. Leo was a generator of ideas for their implementation replied Michael, why exactly he was surrounded by people, a reputation which could prevent the transaction. In 1997, Reubens convinced Leo to pay his brother $ 400 million for its stake in TWG (calculations were held in 1999). Mikhail stepped back - as it turned out, only for a while - and began to build their own business. In 1997, he created the "Siberian Aluminium", which was headed by Deripaska. And in 1999 - Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, whose management has been entrusted Makhmudov.

In 1998, the business Chernogand about Mahmudov added another asset: they bought a 40% stake in "Kuzbassrazrezuglja" (KRU), while the largest coal company in Russia and the main supplier of coking coal for the steel industry. For "KRU" fought three groups - "Interfin" Alisher Usmanov, Andrei Skoch and Leo Kvetnoy; "Mick" Michael Zhivilo and actually black with Makhmudov. About buying shares of the company through the "Imperial" Bank Usmanov agreed, but in the spring of 1998, the bank needed the money, and the owner, Sergei Rodionov put 40% stake "Kuzbassrazrezuglja" for sale. The first contender was the Zhivilo are listed deposit $ 27 million, however, soon came to Rodionov familiar Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev said that there are other contenders -. Black and his associates. They looked "more convincing", says participant in those events, moreover, without any papers and guarantees Makhmudov translated "Imperiale" $ 27 million, which was returned Zhivilo. For trying to protest "Interfin" the Black and his associates also found serious arguments.

By 2000, Black and Makhmudov withdrawnor package switchgear to control, Bokarev became manager and a junior partner in the coal company, and then in the rest of the business Makhmudov. Now his fortune, according to Forbes estimated $ 1.35 billion.

Civil War

During TWG collapse of each of the participants 'conceptual' businesses he tried to snatch their share, which sometimes took the form of a full-scale war. One of its episodes - History Kachkanar, control over which the spring of 1999 tried to intercept a protege Black Dzhalol Khaydarov, Makhmudov classmate, with whom they were friends for 16 years. Khaydarov GOK ran from the Black and partners and at the same time he bought shares. At one point, the senior partners decided that he stole their money. Khaydarov (according to the documents - the owner of the GOK) has decided to take the fight. Understand Iskander instructed: he once led a group Jalol.

"War of the Kachkanar" remember the details: the road leading to the city was blocked by trucks and "derailed" train; shareholders' group tried to break into Kachkanar under the guise of skiers and eventually held an extraordinary meeting in the winter forest;amolet with power support group launched into the air and police forces disarmed. Lawyers were buried in dozens of conflicting judgments.

That's when the public first heard the name of Iskander Makhmudov - he won. In the midst of the conflict, police arrested Khaydarov in a Moscow cafe in his pocket he found heroin. Shortly thereafter, he fled abroad, and there already filed a lawsuit in a US court against the "criminal group" as a part of the Black Sea, Deripaska Malevsky, "Evraz" and MDM Group - and, of course, against his old friend Mahmudova. Khaydarov accused them of hundreds of crimes, ranging from murder and extortion organizations and ending with bribery of governors and money laundering. But the US court decided that the case does not belong to its jurisdiction, the courts in Russia Khaydarov lost, he now lives in Israel under a different name. Forbes was unable to contact him.

"Khaydarov decided that he should be independent. He came to normal, he said, for God's sake - redeem, and be dispersed. But he went the other way. He had to prove that it is not so ", - says sobesednuk Forbes surrounded Makhmudov. Charges Khaydarov he calls "fictions": "Actions [which claimed Khaydarov] were our, we have them returned, but those 20% Mining, which he had bought, he stayed, he then sold them" Eurasia ".

"Fraternal war" between Mikhail Chernoy and TWG Leo Black and Ruben in the late 1990s was in full swing when the scene came out "shareholders" Sibneft "- Abramovich, Berezovsky and Patarkatsishvili, all of a sudden bought TWG stake in aluminum smelters. In the camp of the enemy appeared confused. Mahmudov longed continuation of the war, black hesitated. Deripaska, who began a romantic relationship with the daughter of Valentin Yumashev Pauline, promised that the overall business with Roman Abramovich (Yumashev they are close friends) will bring it to a qualitatively new level. He urged all to the world. Black agreed to the deal in the form of a new, single company "Rusal".

The representative of the "party of war", Makhmudov remained aloof, which did not prevent him to maintain a business relationship with the Black a few years. At that time, copper and coal biNese Makhmudov was no longer the youngest, but an equal partner Michael.

End of partnership

At the turn of the 2000s and the Black Mahmudov reminded predators, stopped before the jump at the last moment. They waged several wars: just pushed out of the country Mikhail Zhivilo, having captured most of its assets, included in "Nizhnevartovskneftegas" ( "Daughter" TNK), withdrawing from it all mining assets under the noses of the "Alpha", bought 30% of "Magnitogorsk "and are ready to fight with Victor Rashnikovym.

And then just a couple of years everything changes: Zhivilo assets sold "Eurasia", oil - "Alpha", the war on Rashnikovym has not begun. Perhaps the fact that the change of power, and Black decided not to risk in the country. Besides, he already had big projects outside Russia - in Israel, Bulgaria and other countries - he needed money. In 2001, he agreed to sell its stake in "Rusal" Deripaska - an old habit by writing a contract on a piece of paper, which resulted then in a multi-year legal battle.

In 2002, Black decided to sell its stake in "Kuzassrazrezugle ": such a proposal it came Filaret Galchev, which was ready to finance the Savings Bank. Learning of this, tells a familiar Makhmudov Iskander made a counter-proposal: to buy out the share of Black all joint assets. Thinking he agreed. How black was for them, it is not known, but an acquaintance of Michael claims that Deripaska and Makhmudov total paid him more than $ 2 billion in 2001-2002, most of which are borrowed from the banks. To date, because of the failure of foreign investments Black lost almost all his friends say.

In 2002, Black received the money, and the Makhmudov became the main owner of the UMMC and "Kuzbassrazrezuglja" copper holding. Both had already been junior partners - Kozitsin Bokarev and that the new owner commissioned management. Black went out of business at the wrong time, just a year later began a sharp rise in copper over the next four years has risen about five times, coking coal - almost three times. And enough money to repay the loan for the purchase of the share of the Black Sea, and on new investments - they have given to Mahmudovall other results. In the list of the richest Russian businessmen on the version of Forbes, first published in 2004, Mahmudov came in with a fortune of $ 2.1 billion.

Eastern Express

Meeting with representatives of the "invaders" Moscow businessman Petr Baum was extremely dissatisfied. Defiantly confident young man offered for Bryansk Engineering Plant, which produces 65% of shunting locomotives in Russia, only $ 6 million, saying that the plant is actually bankrupt. Baum, based on future orders growth bought the plant in 2000 for $ 8 million, was ready to part with it for only $ 15 million. In such a sum, he was denied. Baum did not know that faced with oiled machine Makhmudov asset gathering - that it was represented at that meeting, Dmitry Komissarov, in charge of the project of creation of machine-building holding. I do not have time to look Baum, as opponents of the Bryansk factory bought debt, initiated the remote control and the year 2003 brought its assets to a new company "Transmashholding" (TMH). The operation to take control of a plant with a gain of $ 50 million a year in cost with severalAutun thousand dollars. Baum tried to sue, but success is not achieved. Now he refuses to comment.

He does not want to remember this story and Commissioners - former director and co-owner of "Transmashholding". Now he is a serious man with a solid position in the state-owned company - a member of the Board of Directors of Russian Railways. "I do not want to talk about the previous owner, but it is at the amount of debt in three to four times the volume of production, and capacity utilization was 12-15%," - said Commissioners. Machinery interested Komissarov in 2000, before that he worked in commercial structures, not associated with the Railways. According to him, to "zero" came to an end the era of netting, railway transport has not been updated for a long time and it was clear that the orders and the money will soon go to the manufacturers of rolling stock, for years lived on the verge of bankruptcy. A friend Komissarov said that it is "very serious" friends are thinking of the same, and soon brought Komissarov with Makhmudov and Bokarev.

Mahmudov constantly communicated with the railway from the beginning of the 1990s. In conjunction with the Blacknel were the largest of their customers and constantly arguing with the Russian Railways for payment. "The plan was simple, - says one of the partners Mahmudova. - We do not like the monopoly position of the railway, when the whole business depends on what price they will deliver. The idea was to create a company that would exclusively affect the Railways. " In Makhmudov and Bokareva already been together with Estonian businessmen Sergey Glinka and Maxim Liksutovym company "Transgroup" railway operator, engaged in the delivery and handling of coal from Kuzbass in Tallinn port. Together, the partners began to build "Transmashholding".

In 2003, a year after the holding bought the debts of Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant (NEVZ) from MDM Group and became the owner of the exclusive manufacturer of freight locomotives. Then - controlling the Tver Carriage Works (cars), a year later - Demikhovsky Engineering Plant (trains).

The emergence of new players has not gone unnoticed. The then Minister of Railways Gennady Fadeyev wouldcategorically against the creation of a private monopoly on the issue of rolling stock and insert the new spoke in the wheel counterparts. With "Transmashholding" is not calculated sometimes for six months, says partner Makhmudov.

Suddenly Makhmudov and his partners found understanding first deputy Fadeev - Vladimir Yakunin, who had an uneasy relationship with the Minister. "Yakunin also do not really want us to consolidate the industry, saying that he does not want to lay all your eggs in one basket" - he says Forbes said. But after many conversations Yakunin did manage to convince. In late 2003, Russian Railways signed an agreement with "Transmashholding" partnership agreement until 2010, providing for the purchase of locomotives and the development of new technology. As a result, NEVZ that issued in 2002, 20 locomotives a year already produced 55, 114 a year later, and in 2012 - 217 of main and industrial locomotives. Why Yakunin backed Makhmudov?

"They came to me with the problems of the Novocherkassk plant. We must understand that it was for the company 10 years ago - was destroyed, practically ceased creaturesacce production. This [contract with "Transmashholding"] in our country managed to keep the heavy transport machinery "- judging by the response to the question of Forbes Yakunin, he had no doubt that he was right.

By 2006, "Transmashholding" consisted of about a dozen machine-building enterprises. In March 2006, Komissarov has already had to answer questions from the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Officials did not much fault with businessmen and two months later granted the request of "Transmashholding" on the consolidation of engineering plants, which he managed. And in December 2007, Yakunin signed a deal to buy Russian Railways 25% + 1 share of the holding company for 9.3 billion rubles.

Why was it necessary to sell the stake? "We do not want to have declined in the Russian Railways - are we syakie. We have offered [Yakunin]: buy a 25% - and you will always see what is happening inside. And the money we invest in the company, "- says partner Makhmudov. The presence of Russian Railways in shareholders "Transmashholding", add the weight of the company in the eyes of foreign investors, confident Yakunin. In March 2009, the Frenchgroup Alstom has agreed to buy a 25% plus 1 share of "Transmashholding", the deal was worth $ 422 million.

Now Yakunin called "Transmashholding", "our subsidiary company." You can call him and Mahmoud: it controls 22% of the company and with our partners - just under 50%. "Monopoly to monopoly" they managed to create almost without fighting, in the mid-2000s half dead Heavy Machinery few people are interested. But by the end of the 2000s, these factories have allowed the hero of the tumultuous 1990s without a fight to take Moscow.

Taking Moscow

March 28, 2011, after going through the turnstiles at the Sheremetyevo airport, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, accompanied by the Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin, Transport Minister Igor Levitin and head of the Russian Railways Yakunin took place in the business class cabin "Aeroexpress". Almost all of the 45-minute trip to Moscow Yakunin told Putin about plans for the development of high-speed railway Moscow Airport Moscow aviation hub. Putin liked and plans, and "Aeroexpress", and its director general Maxim Liksutov partner Makhmudov at TMH, "Transgroup" and "Aeroekpress. "

A month later, he was appointed advisor Liksutov Mayor for Transport, and soon the deputy mayor and chief curator of the program of development of transport in the capital, with a budget of 2.2 trillion rubles. In his charge to the underground fleet renewal, the creation of high-speed tram line and project organization of passenger traffic on the small ring of the Moscow railway. Who will buy the rolling stock under these programs? It will be within the law and in public tenders, said the Moscow government.

The first tender was to be held in July of 2012, but the Anti-Monopoly Service has canceled it: competitors, "Uralvagonzavod" and "Sinara", said that the tender documentation was compiled by Alstom model and "Transmashholding". In December the contract to 8.46 billion won the state "Uralvagonzavod". "They have placed their men in key positions, but it does not mean that they will always be influential - says the top manager has recently been a favorite Putin" Uralvagonzavod ». - Today they are in these seats, tomorrow - no. "

But the plan does not Mahmudovlimited supplies of equipment. In June 2011, it registered JSC "CIT", the joint venture Railways and the Moscow City Hall on the development of small railway Moscow ring. Investment in the project is estimated at 100-150 billion rubles. It was headed by Mikhail Khromov, who held senior positions in "Transmashholding" since 2003. He is concurrently the general director of "Central Suburban Passenger Company", 25% of the shares owned by the Government of Moscow and the Moscow region, and the rest - Makhmudov structure Bokarev, Glinka and Komissarov. Share Central PPK in the suburban passenger traffic in the Moscow region is more than 80%, in Russia - 56%.

Why Makhmudov passengers that RZD always calls unprofitable? Central PPK in 2011 received 5 billion rubles of net profit, responds to a question Khromov Forbes. Not less than expected and by the end of 2012, when the company transported 568 million people.

"Everyone thought that will not earn much on the subsidized business, - says one of the partners Mahmudova. - But when it came to numbers, everyone's eyes lit up: 500million a year plus a small ring passes - another 200-250 million This trade, catering, payment systems and so on and so forth. "!

The Moscow authorities plan to spend on the creation of the railway infrastructure 55 billion rubles and 15 billion rubles to attract private investment for the construction of 31 interchange hub. In Central PPK has everything to match and win the competition for the construction of hubs, convinced Khromov. If she wins, it will purchase rolling stock and for the CIT. Who? "What other options are there?" - Laughing, meets one of the Makhmudov partners. But what about a conflict of interest? Khromov says that while the implementation of CIT does not start the project, there is no conflict and no. "Once there, I decide these issues," - he concluded evasively.

New friends and new ideas

A veteran of the 1990s Makhmudov is built into the new realities. Now he has a new "right" partners, such as Yakunin in "Transmashholding". For example, in 2012 Mahmudov Bokarev and bought 13% of the railway operator "TRANSOIL", controlled by Gennady Timchenko. A7.5% of the shares "Kuzbassrazrezuglja" belong to Vitaly Yusufov, told Forbes, sources close to both sides of the transaction.

Why did he have new partners? Familiar Makhmudov, heard the question, laughed: "Sami, I suppose, do not understand?" From the "old friends" from the 1990 Mahmudov learned well the lesson of Black: no "conceptual" agreements, all official and everything, even the most junior partners, They are legally registered share.

Trials with Black Deripaska and Abramovich Berezovsky abounded vivid detail. Who has heard of a dispute with the Black Makhmudov? But a settlement agreement with Black at the end of last year, Deripaska and Makhmudov was signed at the same time. According to Forbes reports, Deripaska paid former partner $ 200 million, Makhmudov -. $ 150 million Tellingly, Makhmudov was a mediator in the negotiations.

What will happen now that the results of the wars of the 1990s closed the last "peace treaty"? "Mahmudov and IPO? What are you, this will never happen, not that he is a man, "- says businessman familiar Forbes a few years ago. But Makhmudov's partners say that at least two toMpano - UMMC and "KRU" - will be merged into the holding company, shares in which will receive one of the junior partners Iskander. At the turn of 2015-2016's, we can talk about the sale of the business, says Forbes interlocutor surrounded Makhmudov. Already, he is worth more than $ 10 billion.

And on the outskirts of big business, in the far corner of the empire Makhmudov is a "toy" that is not even a business in the strict sense. In 2004, the head of "Roskosmos" Anatoly Perminov and Makhmudov signed an agreement on its participation in the project "Land Launch", triggering private satellites from Baikonur. a total of five satellites were launched in 2008-2011, but partner Mahmudov said that this kind of outpost, "to be in a get-together and watch what is happening in the industry." Sooner or later, Russia will come to the same as the United States, - the transfer of the production and launch of space technology to the private sector, he said. "As long as it is in the beginning, but still ... So we are waiting for. Maybe it will, and private flights into space to organize, the industry is interesting, why not? "It's hard to believe? As we know, when MahmytDov decided to enter into some kind of industry, to stop it was almost impossible.

* Note to the press service Oleg Deripaska:

"Article" Iskander Conqueror "was published in the May issue of Forbes magazine. The article refers to the work of Oleg Deripaska on Michael Cherney and Leo Black as head of the companies owned by them, that Mikhail Chernoy created the company "Siberian Aluminium", headed by Oleg Deripaska, the involvement of Michael Cherney to the creation of the company "RUSAL", about sale of Michael Cherney to Oleg Deripaska share vkompanii "RUSAL", the payment of that portion of Oleg Deripaska and Iskander Makhmudov in 2001-2002.
We believe it is necessary to note, that Oleg Deripaska has never been partner Michael Cherney. Oleg Deripaska has never worked as head of the companies owned by Michael and Leo Black. Cherney is not related to the creation of companies "Siberian Aluminum" and "Rusal".

Michael Cherney could not sell its stake in the company "Rusal" Oleg Deripaska, as never owned the asset. Correspondinglyenno specified proportion could not be paid by Oleg Deripaska. The documents allegedly signed on 10 March 2001, examined in the framework of the dispute in the English court, and their real nature and authenticity have not been established by a court or otherwise confirmed. "